Friday, December 18, 2020

So how does that "be fruitful and multiply" decree work? For sure, no way around it - law of first mention, and it's right there on like page two.

But what about overpopulation, and under provisioning?  Thought about this for awhile.  Let's say that America has always been largely a for-real Christian nation.  Would not our population be, like, 500 million by this time - with so many one-paycheck patriarchal families with like four kids?  How on earth would that pan out, space-wise?   i don't have the answers, but i know that if you fell in a slushy mud puddle - while hailing a taxi - and ruined your good coat, you'd get the thing dry-cleaned, and it would now be your winter yard-work coat.  You'd then head over to Macy's and look for another coat.  

Macy's would be a very different store; they'd have quality classic coats for everybody - fat, skinny, young and old.  No weirdoid stuff.  Yeah, an adult's coat would cost twice as much - because they'd be made here in the US, by textile workers, making a livable wage, and provided health and retirement benefits, and be able to accrue paid personal/sick days.  So yeah, that coat - with real buttons, and enough of 'em, instead of cheezoid zippers/snaps (that just won't after two seasons) - anyway, that coat would run about $600.  But here's the deal - unless you had another mishap - the thing would still look good decades down the road.

Same thing with anything else you needed to buy.  While the shopping malls would be crowded - in a nation of some 1/2 a billion souls - landfills would take up minimal space.  We wouldn't be throwing away stuff - things like furniture, curtains, kitchenware would be quality, and would last, and be passed onto the next generation.  

In a for-real Christian nation, there would be some wealthy people who would want new stuff every two or three years; what wouldn't get passed on, would go to a second-hand store.  While poverty would be minimal, poor people would be able to have decent clothing and furniture - yeah, a dent here and a fray there, but nothing like today's threadbare tinny crap that poor people have no other option but to put up with.

Break's soon over.


  1. The Bible's not working anymore, the planet is dying from overpopulation. if your God is real he had the choice to make it so a woman could only get pregnant once every 5 years. Imagine if we had no birth control how bad things would be.

  2. Dear Peeps, from what i understand, back in ancient days - and maybe still today in some parts of the world - women breast-fed their babies up until early childhood - at around age three. Am no doctor, but from what i heard, when you've got one at your breast, you're way less likely to become pregnant with another. How long it takes for mom's body to be ready for another, once the baby is weaned, i don't know. Being no Bible scholar either, i don't recall any "thou shalt put the kid on nestle-formula (yikes) once he or she reaches six-months old." Oh, wait a sec, that one coulda been preached the sunday i was out with the flu (not covid).

    1. You do realize your evangelical cohorts want birth control taken away too? I noticed on the evangelical website Christian Post, they have Catholics writing anti-birth control screeds.

      Her article reeks of privilege:
      "We didn’t even own a house yet! (Imagine!)"

      Yeah I can imagine....Sheesh

      Not everyone can afford babies. I was told I would die if I got pregnant. We live in a country now where people can barely take care of themselves. These Christians who ignore how life is for most people, are going to see their churches emptying out. Breastfeeding only works in some women, otherwise you get a Duggar like situation.

      The forced birthers want all women to be nothing but brood cows, but as they vote Republican, they aren't allowing people stable enough money to even support families or homes to put them in.

      Seriously Sue, they just want women to be broodcows and nothing more. The only worth of women in these churches is how many babies they had and nothing more. The pee-wees want the women barefoot and pregnant.

  3. I thought that people "millenials' were having fewer and fewer children if any at all.

    1. The millennials can't afford children. If you don't even have your own apartment or have to work 70 hours a week to keep the rent paid, how are you going to pump out babies? Sadly the Christian Republican set, doesn't realize how they are destroying the ability even of people who want families of having them.

    2. Dear Tabor, from what i understand, there are quiverfull groups here and there, who are having 6+ kids. Fine if these large families have enough living (and studying) space, warm clean clothing and such. But sadly, the opposite is true in many cases - and woe to the eight year-old who innocently asks his or her dad or mom a question about something preached...never mind if either parent actually troubles themselves to actually read the Word.

      All's i know is, for-real born again believers (from 8 to 98) in Jesus Christ are going to have questions and struggles.
