Wash-lines are against the (many) rules in apartment complexes - washer and dryer on the ground floor will run about $4, but the $5 and change you have is for bus-fare (monthly pass ran out), to get to your minimum-wage job. A drying rack put in the shower might work...oh wait, your roommate needs to get ready for his minimum-wage job - and anyway, wally-world has metal drying-racks for only $35 dollars, but where's that going to come from; rent's coming due, your half is $503 and you're some $70-ish short.
Kings, even the 3rd rate ones, had reliable transportation; kings didn't stand in the cold - in not-that-warm clothing - waiting for a bus. Kings had the option to simply stay inside when the weather got nasty. Oh, and their rooms had enough heat - sure, palaces were drafty, but they also had fireplaces, and people to bring in wood, take out ash.
Kings ate steak, even for breakfast, kings didn't have to scrounge around almost bare cupboards, looking for something other than ramen noodles - or whatever dented foodbank castoff.
So, please stop with the guilt-games already. Struggling americans have more than enough crap on their plates.
Well remember all those Republican church goers, look down on everyone who is poor according to the teachings of Supply-Side Jesus and think one should be in rags begging to their "betters" trying to get a bowl of soup like in the Victorian era. I am glad you see through that nonsense. Life for poor Americans is getting worse and worse. 12 million are due to be homeless as soon as the rent moratoriums are lifted and Moscow Mitch and pals doesn't care.