Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Uh, boomers at it again - ya know, the new-agey be-filled-be-warm mantra - and be-th-eff-oudda-my-face.

Sitting back, smugly collecting a sizable geriatric-welfare check, while preeeching at young/er people - whose workplace door has been coldly, rudely, slammed in their face - to just, oh, put on their big-girl pants (gag me with a spoon) and seek open/ing doors.  Good luck with that, because - thanks to the current psy-op (covid-19) - there's significantly more closing doors than doors opening.  The old bag went on, that draftees had their careers put on hold, or destroyed.

And she's right.  Except for one iddy-biddy detail.  Men who were drafted, were barely old enough to have worked five years - the minimum needed to qualify for the company's retirement plan.  Btw, back then, one shure-fire, but face-saving, way to get out of the draft/get a mile-long deferment  was to get your girlfriend pregnant and marry her.  

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!  There you are, barely 19 or 20, and barely able to provide for yourself - much less, a wife and a baby on the way.   Things were different fifty-some years ago.  It wasn't like a man could just farm his pregnant wife off to work somewhere.  Back then, gubment wasn't so big - an employer was free to not hire a pregnant woman, if he (or she) didn't want to.  Applications had - and i remember this - right at the top, marital status boxes.  During the mid 70s, at a particular flower shop, were five of such boxes - Single, Engaged, Married, Widowed, Divorced.

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