Thursday, December 31, 2020

Preecher-creechers everywhere. And then, here and there, are a few for-real pastors. Just read a post that so resonated.

A pastor, who's ministry is basically focused on abuse-victims - he had been a police-officer back in the day - knows from personal experience...well, evidently, alot of things.  In his early years as a preacher, he had been the victim of financial abuse.  That's hard to fathom...ya know, a guy that had been a cop, cops have heard about every lie told under the sun.  "But officer, I didn't see the sign, I didn't do it..." bla-bla-bla.  Anyway, he had been messed over, not by antifa, but in the church.  The board at the time, basically didn't want to pay him a wage that allowed him and his family to afford decent hamburger.  "Don't muzzle the ox that treads out the corn."  That's in the Bible somewhere.

We could say, "gedda job."  Thing is, being a pastor IS  a full-time job, and then some.  By the way, you won't hear him telling people - who are about to have their electric shut off - to tithe up.  Okay, that said.  Anyway, being a Pastor means visiting/helping people (the leg-work in rounding up a few guys/materials to put a roof on Carl's house, because there's no way the old guy can afford to call RufersAreUs) studying Scripture, writing sermons.  Some preachers preach/teach Sunday nights and wednesday - not so much nowadays...and today's society is a train-wreck???

Evidently, my pastor knows another pastor who had been kept poor by muzzlers.  A few years ago, Pastor had gotten in contact with this old pastor...wanna talk about retirement-hell??  The man and his wife are living in some rickety little 5-wheel trailer.  i wasn't there, and don't know the man, but i know that Pastor was upset.

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