well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Red-pills and their she-toadies are at it again, spewing half-truths. The latest,
Saturday, March 25, 2023
She may have been a 304 back in the day; well, that's what someone had alluded to.
Don't know, but it's possible. The rather socially prominent lady was in upper management and married a man, a step or two above her. Oh how's the second part of that saying go? ..."beta" bucks. Yep, redpills, must be a bitter one to swallow :) You should see their house...oh. my. stars. i believe they both attained financial success through delayed gratification...ya know, work and planning - something red-pills "talk" about. Why i think this? Because of an old tv and some livingroom furniture, though still in good condition; something about these items evidenced their careful climb upward during years past.
Anyway, someone had made a statement, about her looking like someone he had seen in a certain bar (long closed) where grunge bands, drugs and fist fights were the norm. Well, mr.gossip-monger didn't get far with these set of ears. Didn't want to hear it, even if she indeed was the fishnet dressed woman partying in that smokey place.
That was like 20 years ago. Bet they're quite comfortably retired. Probably traveling alot and having various social gatherings with family and friends. Wouldn't be surprised if she goes all the way to NYC for her clothing, and not flinching at a 12 or 1,500 sweater.
Monday, March 20, 2023
That was an interesting sermon, heard at church yesterday. Pastor was talking
about, people don't decide to go to church Sunday morning, but on Saturday. He was saying, if you don't schedule something, something else will horn in on the time. Here's the interesting part: we all know that the devil wants to keep us from doing Godly things. But we generally assume, the devil wants us, instead of going to church, to do things like smoke weed, read dirty ditties on the social media, or Dawkins' latest rant. But the devil is way smarter than that; he knows, that even plenty of rank unbelievers can't stand the smell of pot, nor have any interest, whatsoever, in grungy posts. Nope, the devil can, and does, keep people from the Lord's will, through getting people involved in wholesome things - like getting stuff ready for a family outing, slotting sunday morning to visit aunt becky over at the nursing home. (Uhm, she's there on saturdays.)
Pastor's busy. He went on to say, concerning a family thing, that "free" Tuesdays, somehow end up captive by something. So, what he did? He scheduled a certain Tuesday afternoon.
And by the way, but not really btw, people generally assume that for-real preachers are all geared up for Sunday morning - that they never, ever, entertain the notion of calling off and taking a pretend sick-day, or even scheduling ahead of time, yet another vaca day.
Had to google these;/
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another : and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. " Hebrews 10:25
"Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain : and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months." James 5:17
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Women are more prone to emotional issues than are men. Yet i question
Friday, March 17, 2023
Oh, here we go again...i filled out the order blank for the two dresses, and enclosed a check.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Now THAT was a hymn. "The Son of God Goes Forth to War."
What is up with office supply cabinets, with a pitch black interior?
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Per a recent post, yep things can change, even if there is no significant weight gain.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Per a video about 55+ communities - no, am not fixing to move into one
All aboard the red-pill toady train! Oh the gushing, a co-toady was going on how "tiny"
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Anyone under 40 probably wouldn't know who Cher is: she used to be married to Sonny Bono.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Well i shoulda known, the sermon about guarding one's heart, would be restricted to not giving into things like
listening to rock n roll and smoking cigarettes, while completely ignoring far worse dangers. And yeah, trashy music and smoking are things a child of God doesn't need cluttering up his or her life/space. As with like 99% of preachers, he did touch upon unsavory friends and relatives. Oh, but not a word concerning the very real and treacherous people of ones own household.
An incident yesterday. Don't know the particulars, and don't want to know. All's i know is, the woman just wants to do her job, and do it well, so she can continue doing what needs to be done in her household. Btw, she has some health issues, and evidently, no wonder. Some sort of family drama; someone, evidently, refuses to cowboy up; so, right in the middle of an important e-meeting, she had to take an "emergency" phone call. Oh yea, she was very upset, and could barely keep her temper in check.
Well i guess so!
Have seen this sort of shiola play out before. When i worked on 7...the woman - you could just tell - was trying to do her job. But of course, her mental space was cluttered with other people's drama; ya know, the same INGRATE types who'd really pitch a freak fit, if the woman (i.e., work mule) lost her job.
So, how's this all relate with guarding one's heart? Well, if preachers would step up to the plate, and do their job... Number One: they'd actually study the Word. They love to go on and on, preaching about Jesus telling us to "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" (Matthew 5:44). But where does Jesus, or any of his apostles - or Old Testament prophets - tell us to keep on allowing our enemies access into our personal business? Where does Scripture tell us to keep on inviting cousin drunk-drama to our cookouts? WHERE??? Where does Scripture tell mom to keep on looking the other way, while her won't-leave-the-nest son, or daughter, keeps a crack inventory in a bottom drawer or cupboard - along with other annoying clutter.
Uhm, what about Scripture that tells us to "rebuke" things like dealing drugs? Know i read somewhere in the Bible, that we're supposed to call people on their foolishness (sins). Oh no, too often, mom, sitting under the preaching, will more or less be told, over and over again, to "deny self." Uhm, what the heck has she been denying herself all these years? A clutter-free apartment? A pocketbook free from thieving grimey fingers?
Nope. From what she's been hearing, simply wanting a tantrum-free home-life is selfish. It's like she's supposed to just shut the %#÷& up, and fork over the tithe - when she can barely make the rent. And there's $40 missing from her ... wherever she keeps her money, in her apartment. Happened before - surprised?
She hasn't been to church lately, just doesn't feel like going.
Well, i wonder why :/
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Marriage is a covenant. Thing is, there are some exceedingly wicked people, who won't let their wife, or husband, keep that covenant.
If i am not mistaken, adultery breaks that bond. This is not a post advocating ez-divorce, it just points out the REALITY that dangerous people exist: yep, there are some soul-crushers out there, who come on real nice like, and years later, leave you completely drained - if not seriously contemplating suicide. Just read a post from someone, who seems to get off on taking a large print King James Bible, and whacking the stuffing out of wives, especially. WHAM, BAM, THONK...
Oh yeah, that will lead a lost soul to Christ...shure :/
Bible thumper claims, that an abused spouse can leave - the 500 square foot dented tin can, with a leaky roof, and a slow drain in the crampy kitchen sink - but, oh, she shouldn't divorce her nabal-on-devil-dust husband. She's supposed to remain married, while he gambles/drinks/charges her deeper and deeper into debt - at 1.75% per month on the ever growing unpaid balance. Yeah, if wifey can't get a half sustainable job, she's supposed to live off church charity. Shure, while she's sitting, well dressed, blogging away in a paid for, just ever so, 4,500 square foot, six bedroom farmhouse - sitting on some beautifully landscaped ten acres.
Uhm, excuse me, but there's for-real missionaries out there, in some very toxic places, who need funds. Missionaries see things like starvation and sickness everyday, and do what they can to help. And mrs.just-ever-so expects tess-from-the-trailer-court to remain bound to a ... demon incarnate. IS WHAT IT bleeping IS! Just saying...
While i was never beaten by some drunken piece of drek, or outright cheated on, or even poor, i still remember being lost. And so NOT willing to heed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because Bible things always reminded me of self-righteous broads, just lounging in their spacious kitchens - as a pie (from a recipe posted in some swanky mag) bakes in a state of the art oven - habitually one-upping their poor neighbors. Nope, for decades, wanted about nothing to do with church, hymns, Scripture.
Still remember how that feels.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Back in the early portion of Chapter 6 of Genesis,
people got so nasty, that getting over on other people was all they thought about. Well, have heard it said, among creationists, and others, that the population was probably like in the billions back then. But was it? After all, when a society becomes so debased, things like working a job - without causing drams - being straight up with customers, saving money, getting for-real married and raising children...such pursuits get tossed out the window in favor of partying and grunge bling. In such a society, where blatant wickedness is the much celebrated norm, babies are an inconvenience; and women who have them, are regarded as being weak and stupid. In a primate-eat-primate world, it's every man (and woman) for himself.
Meh, sort of sounds like today: bet in Noah's time, people were way more selfish. Wouldn't be at all surprised, if the music back then, made the grunting that sh*ts out of our radios today, sound like lawrence welk and slim whitman melodies; after all, Genesis 6:5 says "...only evil continually..."
Elsewhere in Scripture, in the New Testament, have read that the Lord will return, when things get really nasty "...as in the days of Noe..." (Luke 17:26) Didn't have to Google - yee haw :)
Anyway, taking a look around, it's like men and women are increasingly becoming hostile towards one another - men started that red-pill shiola, and women, being, by the Lord's design, are followers. Well, guess what! More women are following mgtow principles; women are choosing to NOT marry, and when they do marry, some are getting a prenup - which, by the way, average 3k, per individual; it's recommended that you get your own lawyer. Some women, choosing to remain single, aren't even inviting their lovers to their house, and are withholding where they work, what they do. It's like, any information that's even remotely personal, no go - sadly, smart move. As for kids, it's like most the planet is near or below replacement levels - women are choosing to not risk their financial/mental/emotional AND physical wellbeing on that most thankless, and very despised, job - motherhood. Can't blame these gals...they have moms, grandmoms, aunts, sisters, co'workers, friends ... Heard it, and hear it, way too much; men are ... untrustworthy. So not worth the risk.
Yep, all this empowerment/education signaling, i think the underlying reason is: women just plain old don't feel safe being around men - let alone financially dependent upon a man, especially with children in tow. Yeah dudes, we gals may be flaky and all, but we ain't completely brainless.
Oh, and speaking of red-pills' relentless scoffing and railing at women...well, for no better reason for us gals being gals. These red-pillers gleefOOly gaslight us into believing women's risk-aversion is weakness. When in reality, women's NEED for security is because our bodies were designed to take care of children. It's hard for mom to patiently teach her three year old basic reading comprehension skills, when mom's not sure if there will be food, or a roof, come the day after tomorrow or next month.
Well, taka good guess who designed people? Yeppers, red-pillers, go tell the Lord himself what a sorry-arse job He did, at creating women. Yep, just step on up there, and write Him up...as if the Lord is the dumbest data-entry clerk in the office. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, think i'll just skedaddle...in case one of those rp bozos happens to live nearby, and decides to march right up, shake His fist at the Lord and tell Him off.
"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5
"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:26