Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Quiver-full. A preacher had described a warrior's supply of arrows; he needs, not only top notch ones, but

a good supply, in order to get the job done.  However, not too many, because wally-warrior must climb rocky hills - and be ready, on a dime, to veer this or that way/dive behind a rock.  In addition, our mighty man, also must carry other supplies - like food, water, tools, medical...  

But when the quiver cultists go if wives should, more like be baby factories, produce like a baker's dozen...isn't it odd, how these pulpiteers forget a certain Biblical fact.  Go through the Bible, and count the number of children the moms had.  You'll see, mom over here in this chapter had three; mom over there in that chapter had two.  One lady holds the record: Samuel's mom had six.  Yep, going through the Bible, moms had about the same number of kids, as the typical mom of the 1960s - about three, maybe four, many less, and some had more.  But NO mom, in the Scriptures, had ten or twelve.  Uhm, the Lord knows us humans are real dummies.  If 10+ kids was the fem-factory quota, wouldn't the Lord have spelled that out?  In one-syllabled words - just to make sure us clay morons got it?  Come on, the Lord is specific about plenty of other things - don't sleep with anyone other than your spouse, pay your taxes, be upfront with your customers...

Sure, in (quik) passing, the pulpiteers will throw that "prayer n fasting" crumb - the one which allows couples to abstain for a limited time.  But oh, they NEGLECT to mention that a struggling couple, who separates for ... uhm, three days, may be both praying, fervently, that the car repair won't cost ... eh, too much.  Yikes, and of course, the rent is due on Friday; the next pay week doesn't come until the week after.  Oh, and the two kids they already have, both need winter coats.

Doesn't the Bible say to pray always?  And doesn't the Bible also say, to leave an inheritance for your grandbabies?  Certainly something better than a broken down old trailer, dented from the daily, nagging struggles of a family of eight.  Well, building up savings takes alot of years, and very careful (prayerful) planning.  

Godda get back to work.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Per a video i saw last night, a man was talking about ancient canaan.

He showed photos of archaeological sites, where skeletons of little children had been scattered here and there - because...well, when you pray to demons...  Anyway, he was saying the caananites were considered as dogs by the hebrews for ... evidently valid reasons.  Evidently, the Lord had reason to want them wiped out, because they ... did a whole lot more wicked stuff, than merely getting drunk, starting fistfights, chasing hotties...

The man said, canaanites were the sort of people who'd sooner throw slimey mud at you, than simply say "Good Morning."  Will have to visit the library; want to check on this.  And better yet - by a few light years, pay closer attention to the Scriptures.  For one thing, Bible says they had 400 years to repent.  But evidently, they had gone from just bad to way worse.  Per an OT Law, the hebrew dads were forbidden to sleep with their daughters, nephews were forbidden to sleep with their aunts.  Ew! that's gross.  But evidently, that wasn't even the half of it. Another OT law forbade the Lord's people from boinking animals.  Well, shoot!  Who'd even think of doing such a thing?  Triple  bluuck!  We know the old saying: if there is a Law against it, it's being done.

Don't think it's too much a stretch to conclude, that we western moderns - even the well educated among us - see the ancient world through rosey specks.  All of us, grew up in a christian-influenced culture.  Even people who HATE!!! the Bible, are known to help strangers in need.  It's called "common grace," the Law written in men's hearts.  Bible also says that after Jesus comes in the clouds, and takes His church out of here, things are going to wax real ugly.  

Conditions will revert back to the old time ra-lid-jun of might-makes-right - Nietzsche, check yer inbox.  Oh yeah, the anti-christ will don some pretty hat and pontificate on and on about "peace and safety," but he, and his inner circle (and fringe toadies) won't give a royal rip about poor folks and mistreated animals - and neither will overwhelmingly $tressed, most everyone else.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Red-pill shrills, are going on about older women and poverty. Got to pondering, why? Why are older women, supposedly, poorer than men? Could this have something to do with,

30-something junior, who continually farts up yet another "reason" why he didn't get the job, or lost the (yet another) job.  Meanwhile, he continues to eat the food, use the shampoo - and wads of bathroom tissue - she buys with her paycheck.  Mom isn't getting any younger, and her job doesn't pay that great - and, at 62, has been drawing on her back for some time.

And yeah, if she'd lose thirty pounds...but she'd be alot better off, if she skipped the thirty, and instead offloaded the 165 pounds of punk she's been carrying, for too long.  Once that weight is gone, she then will begin noticing how electric bills and gas aren't so stressful...hmm, strange, how the thirty excess pounds would begin to disappear - she probably wouldn't notice at first.  Then would come one particular morning, while getting ready for work, those carmal pants are fitting somewhat loose.

Boomerang-boys...meh, they're everywhere.

His girlfriend had kicked him out, back in august (2020)...maybe if he hadn't made the dui, he had gotten, out to be her problem...anyway gf didn't appreciate his backhand.  Nevermind, he isn't one bit thankful that she didn't bother herself to call the police - nope, she got an icepak, then simply told him to be gone when she returned from WORK.  Yep, she's an uppidity bi*ch.

Needful to say, boomerang's father had been about the same...some 165 pounds of similar excuses/drama.  A real drain on her spirit - and upon her finances.

Why are older single women statistically poorer than men of similar age?  Rocket science, anyone?

Saturday, November 26, 2022

"Nothing cheap about him." That was mom's description of her uncle gordon. Her aunt bernice, of course, was a full-time housewife.

Aunt bernice was fully dependent upon uncle gordon's provisioning.  i don't know if my great aunt had ever held a job.  But i know, she cooked, cleaned, and took care of she and her husband's two children - and then a grandchild, who had come to live with them...long story.  Anyway, still recall another sentence, mom had used, concerning her very manly uncle - he was big, handsome, and tough.

"What do you need?"  

My great uncle would ask my great aunt.  By the way, she didn't have a driver's license either - that was not uncommon for wives  back then; and besides, they lived in the city - so, if she needed something during the day, she either walked a few blocks, or took the bus.  That is, if she had time, to go anywhere.  

So, uncle took her shopping.  "What do you need?"  In short, if her sweater was starting to look ragged...oh no, THAT was a need.  He not only took her to a clothing shop, but to one that sold nice sweaters.  And if she needed something else, uncle saw to it.  Uncle was not a rich man, just careful with his money,

and considerate of his wife and children.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Forty-some years ago, reputable landlords were hesitant to rent their properties to unmarried couples.

This, of course, was back in the day, when even a half-blind person could tell which one of the two was male, and which one was female, but anyway...   This was a time when rents were reasonable - when a young married couple - both starting out, still in rather low paying jobs - could afford the rent, the car payment, groceries, and some walking-around/rainy day money.  Because the rents were reasonable, landlords had to think, before renting to just any old body; landlords have maintenance expenses to consider.  

Tenant turnover only adds to the overhead - even when neat-as-a-pin aunt martha moves out, her former landlord still has to hire people to come in and shampoo the carpet, clean (the already clean) countertops, wash the walls, inspect the electric and vents; this is why most landlords want tenants to sign a year's contract.  Not versed in the laws, but even back then, there were things which had to be done before re/renting out a unit.  

Anyway, been thinking about the ridiculous rents these days.  Four years ago, when my husband passed, had briefly considered moving, and getting a nice apartment.  Briefly.  When having browsed two or three communities, even the one-bedroom units were going for $900.  That was four years ago.  And a one-bedroom, is too small - need a room for sewing.  Needless to say, am staying put.  By the way, there was a place that really looked good - oh, the amenities - but they wanted $1,500 for that lovely hardwood floored unit.  But i digress.

One probable reason for the ridiculous rents, is likely that time-tested rule of landlords, back in the day.  When you sign a contract, you commit - well, the holder of the asset hopes the monthly payments will be made on time, and won't go buh-booiiinggg.  What i am getting at is: commitment.

About half of adults are not married.  When you live single, you have expenses, which marrieds can share.  Heating, is a big one.  Oh wait, sis and her husband are paying some serious ac bills - they live where it's hot for about half the year.  But, thank You, Lord, they're doing just fine - no stressing on mere electric statements.  Another expense singles have, more so than marrieds is gas.  Marrieds generally take one car when they go out for the evening; marrieds are more likely to bring a covered dish when visiting family and friends, while singles tend toward night$pots.  Marrieds generally spend less on repair costs - two can diy better than one.  Food is another item, marrieds generally eat healthier, while singles stop more often for takeout.

May not seem alot, but things add up before you know it.  And the next month is, but a week away.  Wow.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Ew, that was disgusting. Just had listened to a video, where a "passport bro" came out and spewed their real agenda.

Basically, with their info-age wealth (yeah, that can fly away, on a dime...but anyway) they board a plane, land in a foreign country, love-bomb one or more of the young lovely locals, set her up (yeah...) in an apartment, stay awhile, then fly back.  In a few months, make a return trip.  Maybe, to visit her again.  Maybe.  Then again, maybe not. He said right out, why marry!

So, what happens if the girl, now 23-something, goes the natural way of the proverbial broken typewriter...ya know, misses periods?   And then - on top of having not heard from lover-boy for awhile - gets a notice from her landlord, that last month's rent payment hadn't been wired over. Brother bob, she's in a pickle now!  Here in America, a gal gets pregnant out of wedlock, nobody cares; over there, that brings shame upon the girl AND her family.

Tell me, this doesn't happen.  Fly-punk just said marriage wasn't his thing.  He, and others of his scaley ilk, are exporting their venom.  In ten or fifteen years, could have seriouse repercussions upon Americans in general.  Ya know a few diseased apples... veneral disease, that's yet another critical  issue (vd; that stuff's bad news, and getting worse).  Seriously, don't other countries dislike Americans enough as it is?

i cannot help but to suspect, it's the girls from poorer families who are being poisioned by these flying serpents.  

Disgusting, but not at all surprising.

Passport peewees. Some questions. First off: how does someone, from a different culture, just waltz on in,

to a very different culture, expecting to score with one or more daughters from respectable families?  Over there, middle and upper-class parents are choosy with whom their daughters spend time.  In many cultures, daughter-dear may have a good education, and a job which enables her to live in a nice apartment - with money left over for savings, and clothes shopping.  But still, what her parents think, matters to her.

Over there, are independent, successful women, who haven't found husbands; these early-thirties women are getting guff from their moms and dads.  In other words, right or wrong, over there, parents matter; right or wrong, over there, sons and daughters still respect their parents - even if they are difficult.

There is a british man who decided to go live in china.  He does videos about the culture.  Eventually, he had met and married a chinese lady.  He said, his courtship with her didn't happen right away, nor was it brief.  He said chinese people are very family oriented - if the girl's (especially) Dad doesn't like whom his daughter is dating, that relationship will likely end.  Chinese parents want their kids to marry Chinese (from respectable families).  

Which only stands to reason, that cHad/Tyrone-wannabee are going to be in for a rude awakening (in a strange land) where the father of the latest pretty young girl, they're wanting to ...poke, is gonna say NO - simply because Dad knows nothing about the guy's family...oh, wait, cHad/tyrone grew up fatherless.  That's not a good sign - google Daniel Amneus, he did alot of research, back in the 1980s and 90s.

i realize that China isn't the only target peewees set their short-sights upon, there's Korea, the Ukraine, Central and South America - which i understand are more popular ... which is understandable.  Chinese is among the most difficult language to understand; Spanish is easier, since many of our own words are latin-based.  But even so, you can speak another language fluently, but learning the cultural ropes takes time, and careful attention...have to get outside of oneself ... that's a really tall order for passport peewees.

This is not to say that an american man living abroad, won't find a wife in the nation in which he is residing.  One of the deacons, over at the church, was in Korea, where he married a young Korean lady.  Thing is: you have to have your stuff together to, successfully, make it happen.  In short, if you're a self-centered flop here in the US, 12k miles isn't going to change that, anytime soon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Two-step - that's what our vietnam combat veterans called a certain small snake; if it bit were a goner in about two seconds. Anyway,

two-step is about that ahead of the domestic relations, as he boards a plane to play his usual in a foreign land.  Give it about ten years, folks - this isn't going to play out well.  As if foreign nations don't already despise Americans enough, and now - instead of us dealing with our own trash, we're exporting even more of it.  Other cultures are different than ours.  Here in the states, if you're born out of wedlock, to a dad of one ethnicity (who rarely bothers to come around) and a (super stressed out) mom of another, people will basically shrug their shoulders, but that's about it.  Not necessarily so, in other countries.   In other countries, if a woman is divorced/abandoned, it's her fault - here in America, it's more like yeah-whatever, it-happens, and we go about our business. Other countries don't have the resources to help single moms and their children; they have enough of their own infrastructure issues, and certainly don't need plane loads of ours.  

Here's the time-tested reality:  if passport-peewee, cHad/tyrone-wannabee ran through and (as a predictable matter of course) and out on the women of his own country, why should he treat the women of another nation any different?

Oh, but foriegn women are more submissive (bingo!) and feminine.  That's probably very true.  Btw, wolves - with bad head colds, still - can smell that 30 miles away.  Anyway, for the unsuspecting quiet little lady, there's a catch - that rusty trap will eventually spring.  Goes like this:  Even submissive, feminine, thin women become 30...or, yikes 35.  And then what?  Children/early teens waking up one morning to find out that daDuh boarded a plane, leaving them in the dust - in nations where the culture is ... well, prejudice.  That's what!

Here, in - especially the fly-over areas of - our own nation, you know dern well, good ole boys are (carefully) talking amongst themselves...that whole January 6th scene was just a reminder of their existence, their numbers.  And yeah, most of them don't even so much as browse - let alone study -  the Bible, so getting carried away, looking for an excuse - one or more, which have been brewing over the last 50, 60 years or so...uh, could happen.  Not good.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Well, once again, was heading toward a bad place, and then Scripture called, and turned me around. Yaay!

Had listened to a video, and read the comments.  Basically, the video was about people who've had enough of mind games - and they're very upset, and not too shy to vent some rather terse phrases.  Well duh.  Oh wait, there's another Scripture - somewhere in Proverbs, i think.  Goes something like, "Don't go with an angry man, lest you be like him."  Sounds like the Lord telling people to, as much as possible, stay AWAY!!! from narcs.  Why don't we hear this from the pulpit?  Yeah i know, another silly question from this blogger :)

Anyway, listening to the post, and thumb-upping the comments...whew, some of the people were really pist - including me.  Can't blame 'em, considering...  But i don't want to remain pist, just don't want to stay there, any longer than two minutes - if that.  i know, somewhere in the Scriptures, the Lord tells us, "be angry, but sin not."  Well, my anger was sinful - crossing into hate.  Yikes.

There's a Scripture that gives, even SAVED people alot of trouble abiding.  We often hear preached - and, of course, glossed over...ya know, preacherman is so okay with things, never EVER is tempted to just up and tell ol'toxic-ted (or tina) to go eff himself.  (Hhmm, maybe that's why ted, or tina, are so annoying - nobody stands up, for fear of being called low class, or whatever.) But anyway...

The Scripture is Matthew 5:44, where Jesus Christ is preaching, to alot of people; this was early in his three-year ministry.  "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you;"

In other Scriptures, we're told, that if our enemy is hungry, we are to feed him - in short, help him if he's in a bad way.  What gets glossed over (r u surprised:/ )  is:  where does Jesus say to just keep on allowing our enemy access to our checkbook, our personal space?   Now granted, have only read the Bible two or three times through, but i didn't see any verses telling us to remain as door mats/punching bags and such.

Oh, and by the way - this is REALLY important - a for real preacher (yeah, there are a few real ones out there ... can ya spell, voices in the wilderness?).  A real preacher will tell ya, point blank, have read such n such chapter n verse dozens of times, over the years, but the other day, i noticed, for the first time, such n such word in the passage... 

Wolves love to quote that wives are to obey their husbands, but they sure leave out the "as in the Lord" part - yeah, how "bout that - eh?   If a husband is constantly railing on his wife, and she constantly taking it - and (cravenly) acknowledging, that he's right...that she is, and always will be, ugly, stupid, worthless, bla, bla, bla... Uhh, that's not obedience.  That is supporting someone in their sin (false accusations).  Since we're clearly not to high five the drunk, fornicator or gambler, see Roman's 1 (which. by the way, goes waay beyond reading the riot act to ... three-dollar-bills) why should giving quarter to liars and cheats be any different?  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Someone on a video was recounting an incident while waiting at the grocery checkout. A single mom(?) was getting her groceries rang up, and had pulled out

her food-assistance card.  Meanwhile, two or three people behind her, someone launched into a hissy fit.  The woman-on-assistance had put upon the conveyer, a luxury food item - likely one, which the irate customer, standing one or two people behind, could not afford with his or her salary.  El-judgy had, of course, become quite loud; meh, don't they all ;/

Anyway, the speaker in the video, had grown up in a poor family and had briefly described a typical incident which had incited the (cough, cough) "adult/s" to explode into needless drama.  An incident which non-poor don't even think twice about - a child's legitimate use of about 3 to 5 gallons of water...hello, this is america - not some ... ugh place (with creepy statues every bleeping where ... funny, how that correlates with gpn ;/  but i digress...)  Very needful to say, the person doing the video had expressed compassion - yaay!

What the judges don't get (or flat out, lack common kindness) is: poverty NAGS ... all the flipping time.  And here's the deal, when a poor mom, or elderly person, somehow manages to stash a few $20, you can about bet your raggedy boots, some nocount is watching, and will just up and TAKE it...ya know, for booze or drugs.  When you're poor, you're stuck with living around two-legged turds.

So, yeah...after about the 17th time you get ripped off by dung-druggie, it only makes sense to go out and buy a fancy steak, or go have your nails done.

Oh, it's the same old story. Peepull could blame her for her husband's "monkey branching" because...

well, for one thing, she could stand to lose a good 40 pounds.  The other thing?  The woman's house is cluttery - ya know, can barely see table/counter surfaces.   People are so judgy.

First off, she has kids, and works full-time at a job - thankfully, decent paying, but there are physical aspects to the job; in short, she doesn't merely park her butt in front of a 'puter from 8 to 4, m thru f, only to get up for coffee - and to get rid of the coffee.   

As for hitting the gym?  Uh, when?  And with what?  In the REAL world, where growing children need things ... like a roof that doesn't leak, funds will also be needed for college.  In the real world, where children's needs trump adults'(? whiney) list of wants, moms come home tired from work. 

Oh, and here we go with the judgy peepull, chiding about the twice weekly door-da$h.  There's still (and always) laundry...that is, after whatever sport practice - by that time, it will be after seven.   And those (expletive) school fund-raisers...yep, more chuck-holes for parents to stumble into.  

A bit after 8pm, she turns on the dryer.  The dinner dishes are in the dishwasher - she had to run it a 2nd time, since last night she didn't get the chance to turn it on ... long story, something came up, and she didn't get to bed until well after 11.  Six am comes real quick.  Yep, the usual minimal - at best - amount of sleep; that will mess up a person's ability to properly plan ahead/avoid at least some hassles. 

Oh, but now she is "wasting time" watching a tv program; she should, instead, be doing ...  Uhm, yeah, she's been running all day.  So, stow it with the judgyness already.  Ugh!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Until recently, i never quite understood how fornication is much different from any other bad sin ... like snorting coke.

After all druggies and drunkards do alot of damage to their own bodies - and to the bodies of others (like the child, who doesn't know from one day to the next if there will be food, or a halfways safe place to sleep).  So, how is a casual fling any worse than substance-hogging (addiction)?  Pondered this, here and there, for awhile.

But then it began to dawn on me.  Paul the Apostle, per the Holy Spirit, says point blank: "Flee fornication."  Doesn't sound like he was just chit-chatting with his pals in the break-room.  That's the first sentence of I Corinthians 6:18.  The Scripture continues:  "Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."  

In short, okay, the Bible says it, THAT settles it!

But yeah, still's doing the sleaze any worse to the body than drinking half a bottle of jack?   Uhm, by the way, Christians are supposed to THINK about the Scriptures they read - this isn't some algebra test to cram (then forgetabout).  Well, for starters, when people are doing the sleeze, they think nobody else is in the room - unless they're both into ... ick.  Har-de-har...there's an audience all around the ... wherever they're doing it ... ew!  Devils love the show, waay more than mere humans live, breathe and eat the latest installment of ... whatever mindless sit-com/drama.  See Proverbs 7 - where young men are warned to not even go near she-players.  "For she hath cast down many wounded:  yea, many strong men have been slain by her.  Her house is the way to hell going down to the chambers of death."  (Last two verses of Proverbs 7).  Oh, and by the way, the word "hell" is mentioned several times throughout the Old Testament - once, if not twice, in the Book of Job.  

Still pondered.  Have, however, recently learned that forni/p0rni etches mental maps, more jagged and deep than booze or drugs - which are damaging enough.  Male players will pump and dump, and not think twice; female players think they're playing along, but are far more prone to fall for the guy (who's just there for a pit-stop).  For the gal, has something to do with brain-chemistry - some physiological things we can control ... up to a point, that is.

Needless to say, i don't have a medical degree.  Yet, it's common enough knowledge that syphilis can seem to go away on it's  own.  But it doesn't.  It comes back, years later - viciously.  Okay?  What other VDs hide out, for ten twenty years...and do they manifest themselves into something vicious, but so seemingly unrelated?  Are there medical things that even doctors haven't yet connected the dots?  Don't know.  Am not a doctor.

But yikes, the cigarettes are unhealthy enough, don't want to add to the what-el-make-ya-sick list, thankyouverykindly!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The average man has two to three times the upper body strength of the average woman. The math makes sense.

Thinking about food costs, i spend about $80 weekly at the grocery store - for food; this figure doesn't include non-food items.  While i buy a dinner portion from the hotbar, i seldom eat at restaurants - don't need the extra costs...or the heartburn.

Anyway, got to thinking...two to three times...manly muscles need something of more substance than noodles, salads, lettuce wraps (with just one slice of lunchmeat).  Men like real sandwiches in their lunch bucket - ones containing more than rabbit-fare.

So, last night, i pretended that i was a 60-something bachelor - clean living, money careful.  What would bachelor-bob put in his cart, each saturday?  Certainly more than 2/3rds a pound of turkey breast for his weekly lunches.  As for dinner, a man wants a real hamburg... no wait, probably two.  Same goes with pork chops - one little skimpy one?? Nuh-uh!  And he wants lima beans AND a nice healthy serving of apple sauce.  And a tall glass of milk, with a snack cake for dessert.  Oh, forgot...he eats breakfast too.  A real breakfast: a big bowl of cereal with toast - and lots of jelly on it - with a big glass of milk.  He then grabs his lunch bucket (not some skimpy girlie thing) and heads off to work.

Anyway, he buys good food - am not talking prime rib and caviar.  What he would need for the week to cover three daily meals and some snacks - bachelor-bob doesn't want to morph into bachelor-blimp.  His bill came to $180.  This amount includes one jar of whatever condiment he may be running low on and whatever two or three cans of soup or green beans.  The snack item may be chips or nuts.  Oh yeah, a 12-pack of soft drink (bob isn't into beer ... or it's blimp-factor).

Anyway, his annual food costs come to around 5k extra, than that of 60-something spinster-sarah.   While her extra 5k goes to the guys who cut her grass and maintain her car (bob does most of that himself) sarah is careful to put aside even more because she doesn't have the upper body strength to be toting roof rolls up ladders.  As for another 2nd storey project, that one will be contracted come spring - it's just another sort of job that most men could do - for the most part - themselves.

Is what it is, in the world of grownups.  Men and women have different abilities and needs.  Lord created us that way.  

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Timing's everything. Now that each state can choose whether or not to allow abortion, have noticed a rather sudden upsurge of

single-mom shaming.  Needful to say, red-pills and their she-toadies at it again.  It's like, okay, another terrific opportunity to scowl down women - and USE other women (the toadies) to do some of the wolf work.  By the way, have recently - on more than one vid - have seen the word, "grifter" attached to one or more of the star toadies.  In short, these red-pill, a.k.a, misogynists, are no friends of these deluded she-reds.  But i digress.

Seriously, it was barely a week or two, right after roeVwade got axed, i started seeing alot more of "don't date single moms," "single moms r 304s," and such (mean rubbish).  Excuse me, but if you are a single father, chances are, most women who don't have children, won't be interested in pursuing a relationship - atleast anything that could become more than (the very cringy) "friends with benefits."  Single dads, worth datable, are the same men who, every other weekend. want their space when they get to be with their kids.  Oh, and every wednesday night as well.  Wednesday is mid-week date night...well, that was 30 years ago, maybe that's changed.  Anyway, most single parents are not shy about their children being number one - their children are more important to them, than ... hmmph, some date.  Childless/childfree people don't get this fact of adulthood; parents do.

If 304s can't change...that's what the worldlings are saying. But, of course, the same people

who say the Lord is mean, because He imposes His rules on us ... ya know, don't sleep around.  By the way, He doesn't give men a free pass on that one.  The very hard and fast rule against divorce and remarriage applies to both genders.  And if that isn't rough going enough, any sex - ANY - outside of marriage is either fornication or adultery, or both.  Any wonder, most red-pills are not christians.  

YES!  keeping to the narrow road is tough...things ya can't rock music, no movies, no letting your kids don costumes and collect candy from the neighbors (while all the other kids come home with a bag of all kinds of yummies).  

Red pills have their "thou shalt nots" as well.  At the top of their list is:  don't forgive past sins.  Evidently, these red-pills never heard of the woman at the well - recorded in the 1st half of Mark 4.   She had been "run through" by five husbands, and when she met Jesus on that particular afternoon, she was currently shacking up with some guy.  She had likely "hit the wall" (another sin :/...let's see, she was probably first married at 15 or 16; each of the five marriages probably averaged 2 to 3 years in duration.  That would put her in her early to mid 30s.  Anyway, Jesus told her to go and sin no more.  Jesus FORGAVE her past sins.  In short, she was so done with 304ing, (a.k.a., repented) got saved, and is without spot or wrinkle - and has been for going some 2k years.  By the way, a preacher did point out, that she had gone for water in the afternoon - while the other women (smug marrieds/red-pill toadies?) went for theirs in the morning; ya know, before the post noon heat.

Meanwhile, in the unregenerate red-pill world, these dudes - and especially, their female toadies - their doctrine of devils (oh, are we surprised kiddies? ;/  is summed up as:  once a 304, always a 304.  Of course, the same "logic"(??)  doesn't apply to CHaD (and his wannabees).  

Thing is, ("silly") women become 304s out of ... well, just plain being stupid (oh he'll set me up nice/marry me...yeah right).  Men become wannabee/ChADS out of ... well, bold-faced selfishness (using the body of a vulnerable person).   Uhm, stupid is bad enough, but selfish goes way beyond merely having a lack of social iq.  By the way, the devil is never called stupid: he is real smart, and very, VERY selfish.