Monday, August 30, 2021

Oh here we go ... again, with the chidey-heidi drama. Staying inside,

because the winds are so high, metal trash can lids are airborne - and there just went part of a 2x4.  A block over, part of the street has almost a foot of water ... (on facebook) someone's car is floating - oh yikes, it just crunched up against a tree.   To evac or not, that is becoming the question.  But right now, the governor is urging people to stay in.  

Well duh! 

i know exactly in what direction heidi's post is going.  That place has nothing to do with dangerous weather - the sort of weather, where police, fire and medical personal actually risk limb and life by simply being outside - while most the city's people remain (somewhat safely) inside, hoping the roof holds.  

Storms are known to trash entire communities.  But staying reasonably safe during a storm doesn't require you to needlessly alter your dna - ya just stay the heck inside for a few hours (and hope your car doesn't float away).

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Cold weather wear: why is everything so doggone short? What's the point

of advertising a hooded cotton flannel denim coat, when the thing isn't long enough to keep your upper legs from the wind?  And we all know that a single tissuey-thin (of course) pant layer doesn't get it - even with a pair of silk or cotton long-johns underneath (if available,  that is :/  Sure, that will work just fine, south of the mason-dixon...most times.  But north of that border, january is known to howl out a chill. 

Of course, i know the answer to those questions.  The sodos - and their suck-ups - who run the clothing industry, absolutely detest their (female, especially) customers.  It's all about not-so covert hatred of the majority of people - that is, people who must actually go out into the cold, in order to get to work ... at regular jobs, in order to put food on the table, and shoes on their kids' feet.  Yep, rage against normal people, who have normal desires ... ya know, raising children.  

So, will continue to look for winter wear.  What i presently have, and worn for the past 20-some years, is nice quality - but back then, a regular working person could find real clothing, made of real fabric; clothing that had buttons - not those chinsey snaps and plastic zippers that come apart, after a few winters.  Yep, that's right, stuff should last; if it don't, there's only ONE reason: that is, reprobates ... making lots of money, while the (oriental) people making the crap, don't even get a chance to drink a cup of tepid water - after slaving away for the last four hours or so.

Anyway, unless i can find real clothing that actually protects against winter's chill, will continue to make do with the wearing-out (uhm, yeah...after 20-some years?) stuff i have.  Absolutely REFUSE to buy the shortie crap, the pervs call winter clothing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Recent blogging trend: bloggers switching OFF the comments section. Have noticed that on a few blogs. Could the reasons be...?

Apart from the obvious...of dealing with the usual spam - and if the blog is fundie/conservative, you know dern well, that's bound to attract some really nasty jezebel's and their groupies.  But for the most part, is the silencing of comments ... oh comeon, most bloggers check their stats, and really like it when people visit.   

One blogger, who has her comment section open, was really upset, because someone posted something negative ... she's very into the new-agey positivism (there is a so-called christian kind, but it's "another gospel" - can ya spell f.a.k.e., fake)!  Negative comment.  Does she mean, the person used rude, foul language?  Well duh, who wouldn't be upset?  Or was it simply someone who disagreed with her socio-politics? If it be the later, welcome to blogging.

i don't know, didn't read the comment.  Nor will i go looking for it.  And anyway, it could have been cancelled - alot of that going on.  And i wonder, do younger bloggers play the silencing game?  Come to think of it, back in the early 80s - when, for a short while, had joined up with - what was considered back then, a radical organization.  One of the women had whispered that she didn't like censorship - but she didn't want the leaders to that.  Oh no no, and no!  That would have seriously spelled curtains for her eventually getting into a leadership position.  She was one of the popular people, and no, she didn't want to lose that - so, she, evidently kept some political feelings to herself.  This group talked alot about personal freedom ... uhm -hmm.

But we were 20 and 30-somethings.  Now, some 40 years latef, i thought that wisdom and tolerance came with age.   Guess not quite ;/

Sunday, August 22, 2021

But kids need social interaction, else they'll turn into smug covertly-vIciou$ boomers, before they hit 40.

Kids like doing things, like playing volley ball.  The game gets going, and the last thing on kids' minds, is coating the ball with hand-sanitizer every three minutes.  Kids get close to one another; classmates show other classmates, pictures on their phones.  Kids sit with their friends and whisper secrets, high-five one another ... that's what kids do.

Non-sexual touch is very important, very healthy for young people.  Seems like too many boomers (who - supposedly - had school-friends) either don't understand or (are too flaming self-centered to) care about young people's social needs.

We boomers are old, we had our years.  How dare us even dream of taking that away from our grandchildren - uhm, haven't we robbed them enough as it is?

Friday, August 20, 2021

Never met the man, but last winter, he came down with covid, came down with it bad.

Still remember, knowing that his on-line sermons may be past-tense.  Still remember thinking, if he passes, will really miss this man i never met, and likely never will, in this life.  Had to come to grips with the very possible reality of dealing with the hole that his absence would leave.  Yeah, really enjoy his KJB on-line sermons.  If that sounds weird, then why is it okay for people to make a big scene when some typically worthless celeb croaks (from an od or gangsta hit)?  But anyway...

The preacher - who pastors a brick-and-mortar church, somewhere in the midwest - isn't 35 anymore.  Before covid got him, he was dealing with other health issues.  He had said that having covid was miserable;  several weeks following, he felt tired and had trouble remembering routine things.  As a preacher, this was very annoying for him - he had Scriptures to read, sermons to write, places to be at, people to meet, and things at home to get done.

Did he get the shot?  i don't know.  But i know this, he completely empathizes with people who don't trust the shot.  Uhm, when he was young, he evidently paid attention to his teachers; he enjoyed science class, and had borrowed science books to enjoy during whatever spare time he had - his parents didn't have alot of money, he probably had to help out.  Btw, my dad and my late husband took after-school and weekend jobs for the same reason...oh wait, so did mom.

Godda get ready for work...bye :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

That was creepy enough - a street video, of nearly a half hour, in a major city,

revealed life on the mean streets.  The video was posted yesterday, on Senior Forums. People milling about, many living on the streets.  Saw people approaching other people - looked like business being transacted.  But what surprised me, was more than a few standing humped over - like the video description read, like zombies.  Apparently booze, drugs or both.

One of the commentors had posted: where do they get the money?  Not hard to figure.  If you're on some kind of allotment - even if it's a few hundred a month, you don't pay rent (when it's not winter) or car insurance, ConEd, and you're not buying a new sofa or throw pillows to match.  You may also qualify for food stamps. Plus, there is probably a foodbank or mission in the area, so that when hunger does manage to get your drug-fogged attention, supper is a few blocks away.

Not an easy way to live.  Lots of reprobates nearby, who'd lose no sleep, after bashing your head in, for your last $7.59.  The winters can get frigid, fall and spring wet and chilly, and summers get dog gone hot.  You can stay at the mission - maybe, but only for a limited time (about two weeks); they have rules ... can't stumble in at 3am and sleep until 11:30 am. Back out on the street, what do you do if you're not feeling well, and ... godda go right now?  What about clean clothing?  Where do you charge your phone?

There were also several tent villages ...probably inhabited by people who once had reasonably decent jobs and homes, but lost those jobs - though no fault of their own.  And by the way, good luck finding another place to live on that $9.50 an hour new job - and keeping that dingy room, after being told your hours are getting cut.

Wow, the fangs are coming out ... and we're like two months away from Halloween.

One of the witchiepoos was going on, blaming folks, who (for whatever reason) have chosen not to get vaxxed, for limiting her weetIrement.  She, (and her groupies) of course, expressed various other covert vicious comments. Hey Jezey, how does your ego-inflated germophobism become another person's problem?  if yer such a scardey-cat, then stay home!  Yikes  would sure hate to have to do any repair work in her home ... she comes off as a smug hitler.  Anyway, no surprise:  her posts are full of I, me, my this and I, me, my that.  And of course, her  naval-gazing new-agey blog has a pic (selfie? probably :/ of her.  Her facial expression very telling - I got mine, neh, neh, neh.

As far as blaming people - who are not vaxxed - for the spread and mutations of covid ... honey, it's pushback time:  where's your medical degree?  Come to think of it, recall some years back when Doctors were warning the general public about super-bugs - which had been mutating and strengthening themselves against their hosts' over-medication.  The advice to people who had come down with whatever cold/flu making the rounds, was to: rest in bed, drink plenty of fluids, and take two aspirins to relieve body aches.  In other words, (cowboy up a bit) let your immune system do its job. 

Granted, those reports hit the papers 40-50 years ago ... a time when old people weren't so dern whiney.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A recent boomer post was almost funny - first off, it starts off

going on about the younger employees wanted the older ones gone, and how back in the day, that wasn't the business norm.  The head guy was old, and so was his staff - you worked alot of years, hoping to one day get there.  i remember the change starting to take place in the 70s - funny, how some other changes were taking place also - namely, the church was going CONtemporary, and basically shelving, for the most part, the Bible.  The 70s, was when the newFANGled bibles starting being copywritten and sent out (to confuse people).  

So, as the decades progressed, (more like regressed, but anyway) older employees were finding themselves, passed over - if not dismissed ... over really nothing.  And this disregard for older people's experience is surprising?   As a nation, we called the Lord on the carpet; told Him, he was not a good fit, and so gave him an hour to clear out his desk, then called security to escort him off the premises.

Okay, the almost funny part: Ms.Boomer was going on about her cannabis-wisdom.   Wait a sec!  Wasn't it our generation who either ignored, if not flat out scoffed at, the time-tested experience of our elders? And we expect today's young generation to listen to us ... blather on about two miles and three feet of snow ... okay hasbeen.

As for cannabis, that's not mere dope (the opposite of wisdom); blowing weed is sorcery-lite ... still sorcery, no thanks.

Monday, August 16, 2021

On one of the boomer-blogs, some high-sounding scoffer was going on about

some evangelist, who evidently didn't (quite) lock-step into the (very secular) theology of global warming ... apparently, the evang-dude was getting his current events from the Bible.  So, of course, there was some mocking activity going on.  No surprise.  

Nor is it any surprise, this same genre of blogs, are also very pro covid-shot.  Hhmmm, have to ask the same question Kevin Swanson - a preacher, who shepards a church in Colorado - had quipped on one of his recent broadcasts.  "What ever happened to, my body my right."  Yep, caused me to LOL.

Anyway, the entire covid shot drama, on these blogs (and about everywhere else) is all about old boomers who are so afraid of dying...if everybody else has to go back on lock-down, lose their jobs, end up homeless...oh. freaking. well.  Because all that matters is the life and comfort - keep those curbsIde meal$ promptly a commin, and keep that central a/c (set at 65??  probably :/ a runnin...which, by the way, contributes to global warming.

Anyway, all that seems to matter is the boomer's (exaulted) life/style ... oh tell that to the millions of babies thrown into the bio-waste dumpster, out behind the womyn-kare clinic - the ones, which boomers loudly proclaimed with signs, and letters to legislators ... and just plain alot of mocking, belittling people who (oh horrors) thought abortion is murder.

So, today, the pro-shot boomers are really afraid.  Uhm, since many of them either outright mock, or just ignore, the Lord Jesus...yeah, they have every reason to be exceedingly afraid.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Was going to listen to a sermon about, what if you missed the rapture? What stopped me frim clicking?

First off, the preacher did not have a church listed.  So, that's a big red flag, right off the bat.  Yes, yes and yes, it is a good, and Godly, use of (internet) time to listen to on-line sermons.  But the internet doesn't replace going to a Bible church - that is, if you can find one within a reasonable distance & and have a way to get there.  

Anyway, if the man giving the sermon does not preach at a real-time church, where real people go to listen to him preach from the Bible on Sunday morning, you have to ask, why doesn't he pastor a flock?  

Thirdly, have some serious questions concerning the pre-trib rapture.   There are at least a few saved people who go through the tribulation.  And yeah, need to study this out - a mere two or three times through Revelations isn't studying it out.  There's the 2nd half of the Book of Daniel, later Matthew, parts of Ezekiel - here and there in other books in Scripture.  Evidently, the Lord didn't just do an info dump in on or two places - have to read the whole Bible, numerous times.  And, still have more questions than answers; if not, then that's stark evidence that homey is playing solitaire or whatever on his or her phone.

So yeah, i'm a 60-something second-grader.  Why lie!

Anyway, have heard it preached that the trib saints are Jews who have come to Christ ; and that the Church is up in Heaven, getting ready to become Christ's bride.  i don't know.  But i do know that Christ came to the earth first as a servant, but He's coming back as a conqueror.    Being that conquerors are tough, does it not make sense that the ultimate, the perfect, conqueror would want a bride who is able to tough it out for i said, need to study this out.

That kovid-shot poster gave me the willies ... especially knowing what's coming down the pike.

Just learned today that covid shots mess with your dna - in other words, gene therapy.  Uhm, have to have a waay better reason, than covid - which, even if i was to come down with, would probably, like a bad flu, keep me a few days, maybe a whole week, (which would honk me off - missing work) in the house, drinking orange juice (which i drink anyway ... uhm, maybe that's why seldom get even a sniffle).  If there's an outbreak of scarlet fever, bubonic plague and the like, oh yeah, better believe this broad would get in line for the vax.  

Anyway, about the poster.  Right now, it's voluntary where i work.  How long until they goose-step on in with a "no vax-no job?"  (Neh, neh, neh, and a mmwa-ha-ha) Think it's only a matter of time; think around the time the snow flies, if not before...  So yeah, may have to leave earlier than had planned.

Okay, here's the creepy part.  It's like all around, getting the shot is like some sort of - oh-I'm-all-that deal, like a status thing.    The creepy part is: down the road some ... maybe  in 5 years, maybe in 500 years, people are going to be all ga-ga over thrills and miracles.  Per the middle portion of Revelations 13, people will be deceived, and that's when they'll start to queue up for the Mark of the Beast.   Most will fall in.  The few who don't  - even after they lose their jobs, and get evicted - will be like public enemy no 1.

No, covid shots are NOT the mark of the beast.  Covid shots go into the arm; the mark of the beast goes either into the right hand, or the forehead.  But the covid shot seems to be a doggone good rehearsal for the mark.  

Sad to say, am glad my late Husband didn't live to see this kovid prop - it would have

broke that old jar head's spirit.  If honey was alive ... well, he wouldn't be, he'd of ranted and raved about the masks, the shutdown's, (no stopping up at the vfw, for a half hour - which, was about all he could handle, in '16...coronary issues) the MILLIONS of people economically, systematically - if not irreversibly - destroyed... he'd of gotten so fumed, his heart would've exploded - ka-BOOM!  Was his wife for 27 years, so i knew what sorta hot-head my husband was.  Oh, and yeah, he really, really liked Donald Trump :)

Don't think he'd of thought too kindly of people/organizations telling other people/organizations to lemming up for a shot ... one that has neither been time-tested, nor is able to keep up with the mutations.  Husband just plain didn't like nosey people.

Speaking of mutations, can still recall, about 50 years ago, being in school, and the teacher explaining to us kids why there were no shots for colds, and flus...mutations.  Of course, back then, there were shots against certain viruses that either killed/disfigured/crippled like a quarter of people infected.  Serious, dangerous stuff.

Meanwhile, for overwhelmingly most people, catching covid means a few not-so-wonderful days - and losing your taste-buds for several weeks...hhmmm, maybe i need to get covid, could stand to lose a few pounds ;) - but then again, why bother;/  my Husband's gone.  

Useless financial advice - no surprise. If the advisor had any sense, he or she would have told the live-in girlfriend

to kick pee-wee to the curb, and move th heck out.  Not only did pee-wee say he was not interested in marrying the woman - in Reality, she's good enough for (quasi/sodo ... probably) sex (which is mere assisted playing with oneself) and she's good enough for the maid service, but not good enough for the honorable title of "Mrs."   

And that's about half the story.  Pee-wee also expects her to pay rent.  You see, he is not only a piece of drek, he is a work-shy piece of dung - doesn't want to get a (oh horrors) j.o.b.  Dirt-bag is doing just f.i.n.e. living for free in a house that daddy gave him.

Meanwhile, the woman's savings decreases monthly.  (Girl, get away from that trash!)  And that's not it, if pee-wee croaks, she's outdoors - because the house goes to his kids.  What?  They can't get out there and work for their own?

Yep, where there's fornication, there's a vicious agenda happening, or gonna happen.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Johnny Cash did a song, back in the day, about this guy, who wandered off.

He was going out for a newspaper ... and kept on going.  Think the song is called "I Went Out Walking."  Anyway, in the song is a line that goes something like this:

They say they want heaven, but they don't want God in it...

Hhmmm, sounds like Muslim heaven.  Did borrow a copy of the Koran, and from what i recall, their heaven resembled more like a hugh hefner deal - where getting lots of strange, and drinking lots of booze (and not puking your insides out).  The strange these men get - all 70-some - aren't even women - they're like some kind of heavenly creature, that each look like the most attractive of women.   

Now granted, i am by no means, knowledgeable of the Koran.  But i could not help but notice, just ONE line, concerning women in their paradise - this one guy was taking a walk with his wife.  And oh yeah, I did see the part where most women will burn in hell - didn't say people, didn't say men and women, or males and females; it said women!

So, the whole set up is so opposite Scripture.  In the Bible, yes, throughout, The Word warns that most people will reject the Lord's salvation - basically, because Christ's free gift of salvation (from self, from sin, from eternal hellfire) is completely on His terms; most men and women don't like that.  Anyway, in the Bible, both the redeemed-in-Christ (the ONLY way) and the lost (who reject the promptings of the Holy Spirit) are male as well as female.  

In other words, who makes it to heaven - and who doesn't - isn't about whether you have an xy or an xx (or the less than 1% born with like an xxy, or whatever).  

Unlike that snooty-ars'd allah, who wouldn't and WON'T bother himself to come down here, and help even his favored men (let alone the women), the real Triune God (The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit) regards both males and females - though different in nature - but are both equally capable, equally human.

Break is so over. Bye :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Global warming is real. And it's depressing ... day after day, clouds without water.

There's a Chick Tract (Jack Chick is the best artist, but anyway...) the particular comic booklet (there's over a 100 different ones) shows a really hot and dry land; so hot, the sun scorches people.  This one guy is slumped on the ground, and he has a fist in the air, and he's cursing God.  

Used to think that the weather would heat up like that, suddenly.  But, other places in the Scriptures show change-for-the-worse happening over time.  For instance, before the flood, people lived like 800 or 900 years; right after the flood, man's lifespan shrank down to like 400 or 500 years.  Soon after that, to like 300 or 400 years.  By the time you get to Moses, people lived to around 120-something.

So, the flood happened about 4,500 years ago.  Moses lived about 3,400 years ago.  By the time King David headed the government, (around 2,900 years ago) man's lifespan was around 70 or 80 years.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Oh the continuing drama. What? These control-freaks can't deal with 5th grade math? Our nation's population

is around 330,000,000.  Back in January, the covid had peaked in the us - per "Senior Forum" - the rate of people catching it was 250,000 daily.   That means, on average, per day, a person stood 1 chance in 1,200 of catching covid.  

In a post, on this blog, around that time, was tracking the numbers who got it, and the figures who died from it - something like 5% ... at the most.  So, we can about conclude, that the overwhelming majority - like 80% who got it, basically spent a few bummer days, feeling run down, coughing, and not wanting to eat much.

Today's figures are at around 100,000 getting it per day.  The chances are like 1 in 3,000.  And most of the people getting it, will  likely be way more upset about missing work, and having to miss Bo's party.

In a recent post, on one of the boomer blogs, a woman (surprised?) was sieg heiling about the vax...predictably, it was all about her, and her immune system.  Well, you old [w]itch, two can play that game.  What about my immune system - frankly, it's working just fine - and i don't want to meddle with it.

What's almost funny, but it's not funny, is the "concern" for health and life...yeah, tell that to the MILLIONS of babies who had a planned-parenthood contract taken out on them, by ... yep, boomers, back in the day.

Friday, August 6, 2021

As if restaurant employees aren't abused enough, now some (comfortably retIred) boomer is proclaiming,

"get the shot, or get fired" ...  seig-freaking-heil :/    And to think, 50 years ago, these same control freaks, were the live-and-let-live flower children, who only wanted to be left alone to blow alittle weed and listen to music - and by the way, late 60s and early 70s music was good music (in a worldling sense).  

Bands like Steve Miller, Grateful Dead, Jethro Tull - and yeah, as pagan as the day is long - it's obvious, these guys practiced.  Their music didn't sound all the same ... like the junk advertised (that's precisely what top 40 is, and all it is) on the radio - time and time again, it was the music i had NEVER heard churned out on the radio, that was the best music on the vinyl.

But this post isn't about music.  This post asks, what happened?  Though i know the answer - while young people are prone towards staying out too late, old people (who can't do that anymore) are waay prone towards becoming selfish judgy sticks-in-the-mud.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

She's been playing house, for almost a year...but wwhhyyyy??? Guess gals do widowhood differently.

All's i know is: oh, no way.  And yeah, i get it, Bible says, on like Page 2, that it's not good for man to be alone ... guess that applies to women also - sometimes "man" is gender inclusive, but other times - like for preaching and such authority stuff - clearly male.  Anyway, i get a free pass, on being able to enjoy being alone, because in the New Testament, widows younger than 60 are encouraged to marry.  Being 60+, am in the clear on that one ;)   Yay.  Just this morning, while getting ready for work...early enough - like any other weekday morning - taking my sweet old time... :)

Granted, it's less than three years since my husband passed.  Still, the very idea of settling for shack-up-ville is more along the lines of giving up a mansion for some dingy apartment - that looks like one of 50 other ding-oid units.   Nuh-uh, way more serious than that:  The Lord draws a real hard line on that sort of thing - ya know, fornication.  Nope, don't wanna go there...have enough trouble with sin, don't need to add to that cruddy list.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

At the grocery store checkout, a young lady in front of me, was on her way to a friend's birthday party.

That was obvious enough.  She was buying a balloon, some sort of treat, and i guess a gift card.  Well, for one thing, yesterday was a perfect day for an outdoor get-together with 10 or 20 friends.  Would it be around someone's pool, or just somewhere out in the country - where a pig was being roasted while a keg sat in ice?  All i know is, young people want to be around other young people - to enjoy a few hours away from (old) worry warts.  Bet the conversations centered around jobs, sports, homes, upcoming parties to be enjoyed among 10 to 20 other friends.  Yaay young people :)  You go, guys and gals.  Enjoy that carefree time of life...only young once.

Me?  i had unloaded that small cart of weekly groceries, and was headed home.  And that's okay.