Saturday, August 14, 2021

Was going to listen to a sermon about, what if you missed the rapture? What stopped me frim clicking?

First off, the preacher did not have a church listed.  So, that's a big red flag, right off the bat.  Yes, yes and yes, it is a good, and Godly, use of (internet) time to listen to on-line sermons.  But the internet doesn't replace going to a Bible church - that is, if you can find one within a reasonable distance & and have a way to get there.  

Anyway, if the man giving the sermon does not preach at a real-time church, where real people go to listen to him preach from the Bible on Sunday morning, you have to ask, why doesn't he pastor a flock?  

Thirdly, have some serious questions concerning the pre-trib rapture.   There are at least a few saved people who go through the tribulation.  And yeah, need to study this out - a mere two or three times through Revelations isn't studying it out.  There's the 2nd half of the Book of Daniel, later Matthew, parts of Ezekiel - here and there in other books in Scripture.  Evidently, the Lord didn't just do an info dump in on or two places - have to read the whole Bible, numerous times.  And, still have more questions than answers; if not, then that's stark evidence that homey is playing solitaire or whatever on his or her phone.

So yeah, i'm a 60-something second-grader.  Why lie!

Anyway, have heard it preached that the trib saints are Jews who have come to Christ ; and that the Church is up in Heaven, getting ready to become Christ's bride.  i don't know.  But i do know that Christ came to the earth first as a servant, but He's coming back as a conqueror.    Being that conquerors are tough, does it not make sense that the ultimate, the perfect, conqueror would want a bride who is able to tough it out for i said, need to study this out.


  1. I wasn't pretrib during my fundamentalist days, too much was going to happen, saw it as "easy escapism". I'm not sure what to think about bible prophecy but I know I am not taking any funny snake juice that alters my DNA, and I feel freaked out everyday just about all that stuff I used to write about is COMING TRUE. I even wrote in a comment in 2014 on that old blog, that the powers that be could use a plague to take control of the entire world. :0 This was in the context of ebola at the time. Religiously I have no interest in going back to evangelical/fundamentalist world, not sure what UUs are going to make of someone who wonders if some bible prophecy is true, but I believe the bible definitely could have true warnings in it. I remember my weird writings about the birds of the air in the tree, the vultures and men walking as trees, I had a lot of weird stuff in that blog. I don't think Jesus meant for a Christian empire.

  2. Dear Peeps, yeah, i wonder, how weird can things get. Per what the Bible says, alot weirder - as in Noah's day ... don't think we're there yet. Yikes.

    1. When I was a fundamentalist, I got deep on some of the transhumanism stuff. It's happening now. I think the Bible has some deeper warnings in it that are true.
