Monday, August 16, 2021

On one of the boomer-blogs, some high-sounding scoffer was going on about

some evangelist, who evidently didn't (quite) lock-step into the (very secular) theology of global warming ... apparently, the evang-dude was getting his current events from the Bible.  So, of course, there was some mocking activity going on.  No surprise.  

Nor is it any surprise, this same genre of blogs, are also very pro covid-shot.  Hhmmm, have to ask the same question Kevin Swanson - a preacher, who shepards a church in Colorado - had quipped on one of his recent broadcasts.  "What ever happened to, my body my right."  Yep, caused me to LOL.

Anyway, the entire covid shot drama, on these blogs (and about everywhere else) is all about old boomers who are so afraid of dying...if everybody else has to go back on lock-down, lose their jobs, end up homeless...oh. freaking. well.  Because all that matters is the life and comfort - keep those curbsIde meal$ promptly a commin, and keep that central a/c (set at 65??  probably :/ a runnin...which, by the way, contributes to global warming.

Anyway, all that seems to matter is the boomer's (exaulted) life/style ... oh tell that to the millions of babies thrown into the bio-waste dumpster, out behind the womyn-kare clinic - the ones, which boomers loudly proclaimed with signs, and letters to legislators ... and just plain alot of mocking, belittling people who (oh horrors) thought abortion is murder.

So, today, the pro-shot boomers are really afraid.  Uhm, since many of them either outright mock, or just ignore, the Lord Jesus...yeah, they have every reason to be exceedingly afraid.

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