Saturday, August 14, 2021

Useless financial advice - no surprise. If the advisor had any sense, he or she would have told the live-in girlfriend

to kick pee-wee to the curb, and move th heck out.  Not only did pee-wee say he was not interested in marrying the woman - in Reality, she's good enough for (quasi/sodo ... probably) sex (which is mere assisted playing with oneself) and she's good enough for the maid service, but not good enough for the honorable title of "Mrs."   

And that's about half the story.  Pee-wee also expects her to pay rent.  You see, he is not only a piece of drek, he is a work-shy piece of dung - doesn't want to get a (oh horrors) j.o.b.  Dirt-bag is doing just f.i.n.e. living for free in a house that daddy gave him.

Meanwhile, the woman's savings decreases monthly.  (Girl, get away from that trash!)  And that's not it, if pee-wee croaks, she's outdoors - because the house goes to his kids.  What?  They can't get out there and work for their own?

Yep, where there's fornication, there's a vicious agenda happening, or gonna happen.


  1. It makes me sad when someone has so little self-respect that they don't see their true worth.

  2. Dear Kathy G, i wonder if the woman had been messed with in the past, by one or more individuals - abusers are everywhere, and they don't always get drunk and hit people.
