Saturday, August 14, 2021

That kovid-shot poster gave me the willies ... especially knowing what's coming down the pike.

Just learned today that covid shots mess with your dna - in other words, gene therapy.  Uhm, have to have a waay better reason, than covid - which, even if i was to come down with, would probably, like a bad flu, keep me a few days, maybe a whole week, (which would honk me off - missing work) in the house, drinking orange juice (which i drink anyway ... uhm, maybe that's why seldom get even a sniffle).  If there's an outbreak of scarlet fever, bubonic plague and the like, oh yeah, better believe this broad would get in line for the vax.  

Anyway, about the poster.  Right now, it's voluntary where i work.  How long until they goose-step on in with a "no vax-no job?"  (Neh, neh, neh, and a mmwa-ha-ha) Think it's only a matter of time; think around the time the snow flies, if not before...  So yeah, may have to leave earlier than had planned.

Okay, here's the creepy part.  It's like all around, getting the shot is like some sort of - oh-I'm-all-that deal, like a status thing.    The creepy part is: down the road some ... maybe  in 5 years, maybe in 500 years, people are going to be all ga-ga over thrills and miracles.  Per the middle portion of Revelations 13, people will be deceived, and that's when they'll start to queue up for the Mark of the Beast.   Most will fall in.  The few who don't  - even after they lose their jobs, and get evicted - will be like public enemy no 1.

No, covid shots are NOT the mark of the beast.  Covid shots go into the arm; the mark of the beast goes either into the right hand, or the forehead.  But the covid shot seems to be a doggone good rehearsal for the mark.  


  1. Look at the greek translations on the Revelation 13 verse, remember on that old blog of mine how I would do that, check the actual Greek or Hebrew. Right hand can mean "right side", and forehead is not so literal either. I can't get into things too much here. I believe a "number of a man" could very well be DNA.

  2. Dear Peeps, all's i know is, i do NOT want that shot. Don't know if my employer will soon require it. If so, i'm oudda there, and will have to look for another job. Oh well, life goes on.

    1. I don't want it either. Don't get it. I am alarmed for all who have. Yeah don't give in for a job. The employer won't pick up the pieces if you get severe physical affects too beyond any spiritual.

  3. It's all the misinformation that sends up a red flag. And no, no job is worth it, somehow, i'll make do - as a person, not a droid.
