well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Still miss the comments on Lori Anderson's blog - but i guess she is either too busy, or just fed up with sifting thorough trolls.
Monday, June 28, 2021
To borrow today's post from Pastor Crippen's "Unholy Charade" blog - the difference between "Fred" and Dirk.
Tarrot, yoga, chakras...ssso witchiepoo, so boomer. Not surprised, concerning the blog-post, and especially
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Another trend - and yeah, there are exceptions, but we know what exceptions prove ;)
The best retirement advice i had read on one of the boomer-blogs was: get a push-mower. While retirement remains
a few years away (oh well, could be worse - what's the point of bragging bucks, while rejecting Scripture...oh, don't wanna go there). Anyway, while i have too much lawn. to mow with a push - and very prefer to keep the lawn service; it's expensive, but the team has it all done within 45 minutes - the push will enable me to deal with scrubby areas, which will remain at this time. Using a chainsaw would solve much of that, but chainsaws scare me. Yes, i would love to have a perfect lawn ... that and other project$ done...
The blogger who recommended the push, did so for exercise sake. Right now, am loping brush, but by winter, most of that will be loped, raked up and turned to ash - per the handy-dandy burn barrel. Look forward to when that is done - dirty, sweatie, gritty job. So, there remains plenty of exercise equipment in my own personal gym :)
Anyway, sort of related to retIrement planning and LIfE$tyle, was a recent comment, concerning the probability of older people saying what just isn't so, concerning (gaag) dating. Well, the thought occurred to me, yesterday while working in the yard. If one area of life is showcased as something, which it's usually so not, it's very probable that the money-show - yeah, eat-yer-heart-out (plebe) at MY 1/2 mil I have in the bank ... is more like monopoly money than the real thing. In short, if there's one (boomer) lie, there's bound to be others.
my beef about the moneyshow is, how it raises the unclean spirit of envy and covetousness. Yep, even Asaph - ASAPH - came down a really toxic dose of it. Almost killed him. Ya know, it's not like Asaph was just some clerk doing mail-runs. (Psalm 73)
And you thought covid was contagious.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Well, that was a pleasant surprise - the contractors-bucket did not contain
used motor-oil; it was full of ice-melt. While i prefer rock-salt, because it works better. Still, that's one less heavy bag to deal with, come November. Anyway, the bucket was dirty on the outside - so yeah, i cleaned it. Yep, don't like dirty ... anything - even in the shed.
Also wanting the shed to be reasonably tidy, wanting the hedge-trimmers to be clean, as well as other things? Is that neurotic? No. That's a girl thing. That's even in the Bible, women being keepers at home. In short, it's a gal's God-beatowed nature to want to keep things clean - or at least reasonably grunge free.
So, point of this post is: yesterday at work, was treated to an interesting conversation. Though, wasn't at all surprised with its proceedings. Two men co-workers were delightfully filling each other in, about their wives terrific incomes. The wives make alot more than their husbands. Nope, no surprise there. The two husbands have gainful jobs, but with wifey working a power-job, there's plenty left over for hobbies (gag :/).
Being widowed, and living alone (and keeping it that way), i happily have the time to keep things tidy. When you share a home with someone, of course, your time is not your own. There's less time to keep things neat, and work involved in that process. Now, add a full-time job, plus the commute...
It's said that more divorces are initiated by wives. Maybe so... after all, there you are, (stressfully) working both shifts - and very grateful to the gubment diversity/inclusion legislations (which generally, exclude the most qualified for that tertific-paying job). Well anyway, wifey might get to thinking, after awhile, hey, what do i need him (and his cluttery hobbies) for?
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Think i know what the hold-up is about. Only so much mail can get processed, and sent out the door.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Well, that was an interesting article - what little was available for the non-sub$cribed. Anyway, was able to catch enough of it, and it went a long enough way to answer
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Seen it play out a few too many times ... am talking about the elephant in the room,
Monday, June 21, 2021
Lori Anderson, in a recent post on her "Transformed Wife" blog posted a resonating article - about older women giving crappy advice
Another trend i've noticed, over the past year: google's news feed is not only shorter, but the articles
Basically, what the recorded minority female voice said was ... "uh, we don't talk to (mere) customers over the phone." Surprised yet?
Saturday, June 19, 2021
"Talkin' bout my generation," (The Who) The song goes on, "hope i die b'for i get old." Well, we're here, and we're old. So, what about it. Saw a post on a boomer blog, which started out
with some good sense stuff. The article focused on 50 and 60-some women - during and after the change-of-life. First thing mentioned concerned diet - eating salads instead of pizza, that sort of thing. Then about the second sentence in ... so boomer ;/ The article goes right into - with a hot-linked advertisement - ways to keep a certain area of the female reproductive system from (it's inevitable) shriveling down. And yeah, i know the name of it, and can even spell it, without spell-check, but, eh, too racey; don't want the skank-bots even near this blog.
Uhm, so what's the point in keeping something beyond it's (fallen) natural time horizon? Think it's related to gray divorce, and singles over 50, in general. It's all about non-repro (feministic) fun and games. Barely a thought concerning alot of men over 50...excuse me, but those blue pills, which the media deceives men into taking, can bring on heart issues. What? Older men's lives don't quite matter?
But anyway, this is real life - not yet another "Golden Girls" teevee fantasy, where each week, one or more of the 50-something women are getting ready to go on a date (with a man - the show ran prior to the lgbt..abc nonsense). Come on already, at 50-something, isn't time to give up the fornicating already? The reality is: the only reason (for the very most part) that guys are even remotely interested in dating older women is: yep, she's buying...that is, shelling out good money, for what? Fornicating. What a waste, and on top of that, if you were a fly on the wall, what the guys are telling their friends...
Btw, the female preservation products are wonderful for older Married women. Yaay, that such products are available.
It's a tragedy, not a transition. An article on google about gray dIvorce, came up yesterday. While, dIvorce is down among younger people, for boomers (are we surprised:/...
Thursday, June 17, 2021
What's up with the butch hair-cuts? And yeah, i get it, when you're 80 or 90-something,
normal everyday things, like brushing long gray tresses, is not only a hassle, but a pain in the shoulders, wrist and fingers - that won't bend, or unbend. But taka-looka-round...the butch-cuts are on alot of middle-aged (and) young heads. Whatever happened to a woman's long hair being her glory? Well, the answer to that is a no-brainer.
Womanly beauty, in general, has been - over the last 50-some years - systematically scoffed at, and crushed. Don'cha know, us women - if we want even some respect - must adapt to (supposedly) masculine chatacteristics ... ya know, like the stone-busting ms.ceo, who, of course, can (supposedly :/) outswat anyone on the racquetball court. Never mind, we all know - but dare not say - whadda bragging-ars'd biche she is. Worse than that, our grossly un Godly society expects regular women to envy that Jezebel - there's Psalms speaking about people being envious of the wicked; yep it's a gender-blind waste of time and energy. Anyway...
if i live long enough, there could come a time, when these silver tresses will have to go. But until then, and somehow after - Lord Himself willing - am determined to hang onto feminine characteristics ... ya know, like long poofy skirts - instead of pants (which make women look fatter ... i am fat enough as it is, thankyouverymuch :)
So yeah, wanted to call "the baby ugly," but doing so, on someone else's blog...that's not polite. But at this blog, i'm a callin' it for what it is: that haircut is bbbuuuuuck ugly.
Lunch is soon over. Bye :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Seventeen year locusts - yeah, i know they're not really locusts, and are called by some fancy science name ... but anyway, just by listening...
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Seventy percent - almost three out of four people (supposedly) say they approve of
sodo marriage. Betcha, atleast for some, yikes, they're hesitant to say otherwise - people can lose their career status, if not their very jobs, for no better reason than politely stating that homosexual activity has no redeeming value, for either the individuals nor for society. Yep, you don't even have to believe the Scriptures to know that certain things are just plain twisted. Meanwhile, there are many, and probably a significant majority, have no beef whatsoever about two guys or two gals getting (uh-hem) "married."
After all, why not? ALOT of hetero-marriages aren't for-real either - uhm, no breaking news there. The new fishing rod and bass-boat for him, the yoga classes, the nail salon and the girl's night out (to watch some half-queer dude do a striptease... barf!) for her...while the kids get shuffled to and from daycare. The wife sees no other viable choice but to take out a divorce-insurance policy - in the form of full-time employment (and then doing the full-time domestic second-shift). Whadda mess, but anyway...
Sorry, (so not at all sorry) but any couple that goes before a lawyer to have the in-case-we-dIvorce papers drawn up, prior to seeing the preacher or jp (or ship captain) ... and you can betcher boots most, if not all, "gay marriages" are prenup't. Taking after hetero-marriages, obviously:/ In short, these papers are, in reality, more about "when" one or both pppaartners wants a(n easy) dIvorce, and less about "if."
Shift fixing to start.
Monday, June 14, 2021
At the risk of being rude ... oh wait a sec, 'am allowed to type freely -
within reason. And yeah, strive to keep it courteous - like wheeling a barrow uphill. But anyway, have noticed smugness among my age-group - the I got mine sort of thing. About every third word being ... "I." I this, I that, and I about everywhere else in between. It's almost funny when the old hasbeens go harping about the 20-somethings' selfies. Wouldn't have anything to do with Size 8? Would it?
Well alrighty then...here's a brag story. Saturday, while running an errand, ahead of me in line, stood a beefy man (guess around 70) and his (guess early teenaged) grandson. The young man looked as if he'd look like his granddaddy in about 50 years or so. Just love this (Republican) area. And a resounding YYAAAYYYY to that old guy, YAY, that he has a grandSON who is fixing to one day resemble the patriarch :)
We live in a society where it's all about girls - as if boys don't matter. Well boys' lives DO matter.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Hospitality goes beyond the look-at-my-new ... and are-you-impressed mindgame - makes ya wonder
why you were invited over, in the first place. Hhmmm, can't you also help, but to wonder if the entire show has been sponsored by master-kard? But anyway, for those of us - on limited, or just plain prudent budgets - hospitality can be other-person centered.
Whether or not the plumber had noticed - and it doesn't really matter, because the Lord sure did notice - the clear and clean area under the sink, does indicate appreciation for the work he does. He's not getting any younger, and surely he's done work in some grimey places. Well, why not one less grimey place to work in? And then thanking the man, for real - knowing even that bill is gonna be a ... holy moley!
Hospitality also takes the form of a trash can that is reasonably clean, both inside and out. An unspoken, thankyou for the (hard) work you do. Maybe the chimney sweep doesn't notice the grit-free area around the wood stove - much less, the clean room - but by the time his workday is done, his clothing and person will be gritty enough, thankyou. He doesn't need any more from this customer. In the yard, after a wind, going around and picking up any dead branches, so the man who comes weekly to cut the grass doesn't have one more thing to mess with his mower/blades.
As an aside - but very not really - selfish lazy family-menbers are known, too often, to kill hospitality, period. This neat-freak blogger, has seen exactly this play out, a few too many times, among too many people.
There's a Scripture - and i don't recall where in the Bible - but it speaks about drunkards, whose tables are full of vomit. The preacher, who referenced that Scripture, had noted that (selfish/lazy) drunks/druggies are usually sloppy people. Hhmm, does it take a degree in quantum physics to understand how demoralizing it is to keep a place tidy, when sharing quarters with such a pathetic worthless? Btw, i adamantly refuse to use that white-washed tomb of a word that denotes an illness. UH-UH, covid is an illness - drunkenness is just plain, a seriou character flaw. This blog is a no-coddle zone.
Got some leisurely tidying up to do. (Being Sunday, can't get too much into work.) Bye :)
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Women's work undervalued? Yeah, tell that one to the man who empties your garbage -
in all kinds of weather; bet summer is especially fun, since not everyone is reasonably clean about their recycling and garbage/cans. Talk to the man who repairs garbage trucks - even ones that have been emptied and hosed out, still they leak smelly fluids; and what about the trucks that quit while loaded? There's a reason why soup cans and other food containers need atleast rinsed out before being tossed in the blue tub. Then there's the man who comes over in the truck to pump out the tank.
There's the man who comes over to replace nasty pipes. That's hard work, in oftentimes tight airless spaces - same with electrical repairs. There's a reason why the labor runs about $100 an hour - after about thirty years in the trade, a man faces things like knee surgery; and yeah, knees can be fixed, but they're never the same.
Roofing is yet another tough job - 105 degrees up there, and the men have to move it - without sacrificing quality - because that storm wasn't supposed to happen until around 3:30-ish; it's 2:45, and those clouds are getting black. So yeah, guess that's one reason why the back roof ran some 4k two years ago. (It was in bad shape, maybe two rainstorms from a leak.)
Wanna talk undervalued jobs? Our stupid politicians left our men to rot in Hanoi. Our craven leaders, evidently, did not have the stones to demand our soldiers' release (on pain of sending the bombs to blow that certain pee-pot of a nation off the map).
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but while the men sweat in grime as they repair our roads, or fixing the power line and clearing downed trees (while the wind refuses to go away) and traffic gets tied up - can't help but to notice, it's usually a MAN who will let you in to that turning lane.
Jus' sayin' :)