sodo marriage. Betcha, atleast for some, yikes, they're hesitant to say otherwise - people can lose their career status, if not their very jobs, for no better reason than politely stating that homosexual activity has no redeeming value, for either the individuals nor for society. Yep, you don't even have to believe the Scriptures to know that certain things are just plain twisted. Meanwhile, there are many, and probably a significant majority, have no beef whatsoever about two guys or two gals getting (uh-hem) "married."
After all, why not? ALOT of hetero-marriages aren't for-real either - uhm, no breaking news there. The new fishing rod and bass-boat for him, the yoga classes, the nail salon and the girl's night out (to watch some half-queer dude do a striptease... barf!) for her...while the kids get shuffled to and from daycare. The wife sees no other viable choice but to take out a divorce-insurance policy - in the form of full-time employment (and then doing the full-time domestic second-shift). Whadda mess, but anyway...
Sorry, (so not at all sorry) but any couple that goes before a lawyer to have the in-case-we-dIvorce papers drawn up, prior to seeing the preacher or jp (or ship captain) ... and you can betcher boots most, if not all, "gay marriages" are prenup't. Taking after hetero-marriages, obviously:/ In short, these papers are, in reality, more about "when" one or both pppaartners wants a(n easy) dIvorce, and less about "if."
Shift fixing to start.
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