well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Red-pills claim to be winning? Something's not adding up - namely, stats claiming that between 20 and 33% of
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Men get screwed in divorce? Wait a minute, the house gets split - that means, each gets half the fair-market value of the house - whatever the amount still owed on it. If the place was paid in full,
Monday, October 24, 2022
Heidi (ex)hottie turned 34 a few days ago; her son is in kindergarten. The boy's dad is nowhere in the picture; word is, he's living somewhere a few states over. Not that it matters,
chasing chad-wannabee is more trouble than the child-support is worth. Heidi has a decent job, a halfways decent apartment, and is able to provide a reasonably secure life for her and her child. And yay for the child tax-credits - which we taxpayers fund ... but that's how civilized societies work ... helping to provide for abandoned mothers and children. Granted, having a baby out of wedlock isn't exactly a smart move - but what was heidi supposed to do? Have the tiny human growing inside her, sucked out with a sort of vacuum cleaner - basically, tearing the live person, limb from limb??
Anyway, on one, or more of the mgtow sites, one of the dweebs found a video of heidi, going on about the scarcity of guys who are interested in dating. Yeah, she was teary-eyed. Needless to say, the dweebs are having a very gleeful scoff-fest about single moms and all. Calling her a 304, when they know absolutely nothing about this, and many other single mothers. Newsflash: normal red-blooded women want to raise a child, maybe two - or even three.
In reality, these guys are just miffed, because they haven't been getting much, if any - and it's sure not their dna attending kindergarten, in one - or even more - several states away.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Speaking of baking, a recipe calling for two cups of good old king arthur unbleached flour, and 1/2 of cane sugar,
will yield about two dozen cookies. Thing is, many recipes call for twice the sugar. Anyway, did some figuring: 24 cookies with a 1/2 cup of sugar; 12 cookies would contain 1/4 cup; 6 cookies 1/8 cup; 3 cookies 1/16th of a cup of sugar. Looking at a 1/2 cup stick of butter, there are 8 tablespoons in that stick; that means 3 cookies contain 1 tablespoon of sugar. One cookie contains one teaspoon of sugar.
Oh to think, with regular recipes, that ONE cookie (oh comeon, normal people want two, maybe even three) would contain two teaspoons of sugar - two! Uhm, one is more more than enough.
Going to experiment with cutting the half to a third. Oh, and any fako sweeteners?...so out of the question - stuff is poison.
But even sticking with 1/2 cup, here's the deal. People have told me, they really like the cookies i make. That tells me, people are just FINE without the insane amounts of sugar that go into things. And yeah, a few think my stuff needs sugar; but most people like the cookies.
Just peevish dudes, mad because they're not among the so-called "high value" chads or tyrones.
Friday, October 21, 2022
The late 20s, or early 30s, single mom, who had been sleeping with a frienemy...well, she has a boyfriend - they had recently gotten back from a tropical vaca. Anyway, she is also a homeowner, AND
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Was listening to a sermon (on sermonaudio.com) given by a pastor, who pastors a church,
Oh my stars, actually heard a certain phrase - along with some other rubbish - repeated among respectable company. Frankly, still can't believe my ears.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Think i lost, maybe, two pounds. That's not much, but it's a start. Don't know, scalewise, but i feel better. Here's what i've been doing:
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Several of the mgtow whiners were going on about women not producing as much as the men with whom they work.
Thing is, the gubment can legislate all kinds of quota systems, but business owners can find ways around atleast some of the restrictions. All's i know is: the big boss, who happens to be a burly war veteran, was talking to a colleague of his. He said that he's been disappointed, more than once, when hiring a (young) man for this or that mid-managerial position. He has found that, these guys don't want to work - they'll do what's assigned, and that's it! "Quiet quitting," and new to the job - which, by the way, with the job, you can't ask for better benefits. Sure, one can make better pay elsewhere, but things like good health insurance and earning leave - that you can roll unused over - those are like a savings account...yep, so 20th century ;/ Meanwhile, clerical me, doing menial stuff - like delivering mail, filing, getting workspaces ready (cleaning), reviewing time sheets... well, doing the job, ya see things.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Where a church actually follows Scripture, it will manifest - unsaved people will know
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
If a person (especially a woman) coming out of a toxic...yeah, toxic relationship had of read that email...
Monday, October 10, 2022
Oh, some smart-alek was crowing how he (and his partner...wife, live-in? don't know...or care) had put their three kids through college. He said,
Friday, October 7, 2022
The growing numbers of homeless are older women, and the dweebs are glad.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
It was a child-support paying dad who told me, it's cheaper to just mail the check. He worked a few cubes over - some kind of
A blogger's post, about her determination to lose the five extra pounds, that crept upon her,
No "wall" for men? Theoretically, a man's sexual market value...talk about "making merchandise..." can extend into his 50s. Of course, the mgtows are victory dancing. But, have they considered
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Also in Deuteronomy 23, talks about escaped slaves. Okay, imagine you've somehow crossed the wilderness and come to the hebrew nation.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Once again, lesson learned. Why it's important to actually read Scripture, outside of church. Just heard a sermon
from a different preacher on sermonaudio.com (and so far, he is evidently KJB - so, i'll stick around and listen to more). Anyway, he was preaching from the beginning of Deuteronomy 23 - that's the part where, if you or your great, great, great ... grandparent was born out of wedlock, you can't sit in the assembly. Thing is, this particular preacher came off harsh, at the very idea as to why someone would question. Uhm, it's a human thing. But what he didn't address, and should have, were other parts of the Old Testament, where the people who were excluded from the assembly, did hear preaching.
Excluded from the assembly? Happens today. In about two weeks, an assembly, who meets monthly, will be getting together. If i was to show up, i would, point blank, be asked to leave. Oh wait, there's another assembly that meets...bi-monthly? Not sure. All's i know is, i am EXCLUDED from even just entering the room, and sitting quietly. You see, the one assembly is the men's prayer breakfast; the other, is the deacons' meeting. And no, at the church i go to, they follow the Scripture. Women cannot be deacons.
So, in another sermon, the preacher said, that in the hebrew, there are different words for different assemblies. Evidently, in Deuteronomy 23, the Lord is referring to the assembly of the church leaders - deacons and such men in leadership positions. There's also this one function, thrice yearly, that only men attend - i think they had to travel.
Glad i read, glad i listened, because got to thinking about some half breed whatever who came to live amongst the hebrews. Was thinking...wah, wait a minute, how does that guy or gal get the opportunity to hear preaching, and come to salvation?
Was a bit upset. And to hear the first preacher, basically invalidate ANY questions, and THEN basically accuse anyone who dares to question, is smartmouthing the Lord.
And ya wonder why people want no parts of church?
No, not mad at the first preacher. Though would most likely cop an attitude - at the perhaps, "stumble passage" - if i hadn't read other parts of Scripture. Am by means NO Bible scholar; most times, do not have chap-n-verse, but have seen it written - where EVERYBODY, including the stable boy and the scullery maid, assemble to hear the preaching.
Have to get it together, and get a notebook.