well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
As if parents aren't hassled enough! Just read a post on Senior Forums ... basically, just shaming parents (no surprise:/)
Guess i'm last century. Called to have some outside work done, and figured they'd
(a longtime reputable contractor - won't deal with anyone less) would do the some 1/2 hour job, then send me the bill. Nope. i have to use my leave to be there to make the payment. They knew my late husband, but they don't know me, and i wouldn't be surprised if they'd been burnt a few times before. You'd think homeowners would pay on time, but evidently that sort of mindset is last century. Anyway, the work is needed, and i'll be there, so they are paid. Not happy to have to use leave - that's like a savings account ... oopps, there i go waxing last-century again :/
"The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again : but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth." Psalm 37:21
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Looks like another ticky-tack-town is fixing to rear itself up.
About a week ago, i drove down the street and around the corner to a flower and produce stand, that sits near the edge of a mennonite family's property. You select what you want, write it on the pad, and put the money in a slot. Well, anyway, on the way there, noticed the beautiful old woods was g.o.n.e., gone! Yeah kiddies, it's ticky-tack-time.
Yesterday, was treated to yet another surprise. The deforest team is cutting down the beautiful old trees, across the street from the edge of my property. i don't know if the corn-field alongside has been sold - but haven't seen anything done to the field, so i don't know. But figure, it's only a matter of time. Patricians (owners of land) get old too, and often need to downsize into geriatric cubes - where there are no stairs to lose your breath upon, nor chuck-holes, patiently lurking between you and your mailbox.
So i get it, he's a few years older than I, Maybe he had to sell; and maybe that divorce settlement (from about 20 years ago) still casts an ugly shadow upon his financial papers. Yeah, a person can scrimp and save all he wants, but in the real world, most people lose significantly after going through a divorce; that accursed gift will likely keep on giving later in life. Later in life, when driving to work before dawn and driving home after dusk becomes more harrowing and less routine.
So, have a feeling, that within a year, maybe two, will witness more loss of wood and farmland. For the last 30 years, have enjoyed the open spaces, the privacy - well, looks like - along this sparsely populated :) road (where there's more LAND :) and less houses) that's fixing to change for the neighbors and i. As for "embracing change," that's about on par with hugging a random dog turd you found laying upon a freshly lain sidewalk.
Well that put a damper on my laundromat experience.
While waiting for the stuff to dry. There was a couple who had mountains of wash. Raised the question in my head - and don't know the situation, nor need to, but the situation does exist: the one where wifey has to work full-time, and doesn't even have a washer and dryer in the dwelling, and so is not able to properly keep after things. Taking laundry to the mat takes time, and unless you live just a few blocks away, might as well sit and wait. Meanwhile, back at home, there's stuff needing done.
Fortunately, the neighborhood is still townie - hasn't yet been overrun by scunge-buckets - and the laundromat is always clean. So far, you don't have to worry that your lilly-white sheets and blouses will come out a gritty shade of bluuck. (Meanwhile, some 20 miles south, a certain small town used to be nice and quiet, but there have been reports of theft and vandalism - yep, scunge-bucket invasion.)
Anyway, if no washer at home be the woman's situation - and probably is - uh, why not! No wonder she - likely, with too many tasks, and too little time - waxed harpy to the man. Yeah, they were both rather slovenly, but that's sort of beside the point. Sort of, because the clothing available to (overly tasked) women is just plain impracticable, and bbuuuck ugly. Yes, the woman was seriously overweight, and that stupid shortie (recycled-coke-bottle) sweater made her look even more so.
Per that horrible sweater, see alot of those stupid things, but anyway, why is everything have to be so derned ssshort? Because the pervs' (and most definitely their handlers) who rule the women's (especially) clothing industry hate. our. guts!
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Is that guy in the zoom room swishy? First off - and maybe i
In the real world, most people don't have a million bucks stashed away.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Well that would have been an interesting read, but per google,
there was no article. Yeah i get it, google is part of the kancel-kulture, but also coming to understand that text is going out of fashion. Like the skimpoid cuts of fabric, same with news - everything is tweets, and way more (byte-hogging) video, and way less in the form of sentences forming paragraphs.
Anyway, am rather curious as to what brought on the "white supremacist" railing, but not curious enough to go on instascam - or whatever video-byte-site - to find out. Can guess through - namely, the woman (who, if i'm not mistaken, is bi-racial) is right-winged in her world view. Don't know who she voted for - if she even voted - and don't really care.
Then again, to be accused of such doesn't even require scanty evidence. Who knows, maybe, somewhere along the way, she blurted out, "what kind of name is that? whatever happened to names like Bill and Sarah?" All's i know is: the lady thinks feminism has sold women down the river. Was hoping she had a blog. Maybe she does...somewhere.
Speaking of right-wing blogs, a few weeks back, went searching. Did find a list - many were more like news-sites; was looking for regular blogs, written by regular people. Found one or two; but they were private...ya know, another screen-name / password to forget. Uh, no thanks.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Lunchbreak, and there's time to post about a very disturbing test we all have to take. Right off the bat, knew something "wicked
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Read a very disturbing article over at "Smart Living 365," the blog mistress, Cathy Goldberg gushed about a book. One that frankly teaches nothing but
how to grow young women into old harpies. Yes, it is a sad undeniable fact that men look down their noses at us women - that's always been, and always will be. And sadly enough, smart women do better only to trust ANY man within firm limits - i.e., a discrete ace or two up a sleeve. Throughout the last 6,000 some years, husbands have abused/abandoned their wives, and plain not gave a hoot about the children they have left behind. Uhm, that's why big gubment had to bring in the bureau of domestic relations. Anyway, about the book, it teaches young women to be...oh, marginally thankful, but to make it all known far and wide, I demand, I deserve. In other words, the author, Abby Wambluuck, is basically siding with the baser sort of men (alot of them around) - oh, but that's fembotz for ya - She, basically, preeeches at women to be more like men - because don't cha know, men are inherently better human beings than us women. And of course, there's a whole lot of gushing going on over there. Ya'd think old women would have acquired even some wisdom, over the past 50 or 60 years - that some things won't change, namely, that men are bigger (and even a few IQs smarter) than us women.
Didn't buy the book, and have no intentions on wasting even one thin dime to acquire this latest volume of toxic waste (of paper and ink).
And ya may wonder why, when it comes to non-fiction books, uh, i'm just a bit leery about female authors - yeah, there's a few good ones out there, but with the natural (i.e., Lord ordained) order of things, it's usually (not always, but exceptions prove...) male authors are more fact orientated and less inclined toward spouting the latest socio-political rubbish.
Oh wait a sec, that was 50-some years ago, when the teachings from the Bible remnant preacherMEN still had some influence, even among lost people. For example: 50 years ago, there was no way you wanted to get caught cheating on an exam - so ya didn, or falsifying science research. Per a recent article (see sidebar) happens all the time, and even seasoned peer reviewers get hornswaggled. Scary thing is, if jittery pokey is played between a geology journal's pages, what's going on down the hall, where a medical journal is being peer reviewed - oh, and the feature article focuses upon the human coronary system.
Loving drywall? We derned hedonistic Americans...here we go again ;/
If you need to replace a refrigerator, or have had it with that saggy couch - they're made overly bulky these days, but won't hold up very long if you or a family member is over (oh my goodness) 200 pounds...oh, comeon, the average guy is nearly that. Anyway, if you're an older person, living alone - read somewhere where almost half of adults live alone - good luck finding major appliances and furniture that isn't short on lifespan and long on square footage.
You'd think an apartment-sized washer and dryer would cost less than the standard 3-loaders. Nope, and that's if you can find one. Same goes with refrigerators. In the real world, most people have a limited budget, and buy what's available - and on sale, if possible. And many people don't have rooms the size of baseball diamonds. So, there you are, living alone, with limited floor-space - with waay more frig, waay more washer than you need. By the way, old people generally eat significantly less than young people - so the electricity cools a constant 1/2 empty frig - and that cooled air exits upon opening the door.