Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Is that guy in the zoom room swishy? First off - and maybe i

missed out that Sunday - but i cannot recall ANYWHERE in Scripture where i am commanded to horn in / make assumptions about some guy's personal business.  Yeah, the guy does seem to come off swishy, but that's between him and his Lord (Who IS the boss...His way, or the highway).  

Anyway, i really don't want to know if the man sleeps with another man or (more likely) men.  If that's what he's into, then he has to eventually account to the Lord - just like i do, just like every one of us - saved or lost.  Yep, even saved people are called to account - even though saved people don't get thrown into the lake of fire.  Even Paul - PAUL! of all people, talked about fearing the Lord.  And Paul didn't smoke cigarettes or use the f-word - when the copier attempted to munch on that page.

In addition, somewhere in the New Testament, is the term, "evil surmising."  That's basically, either overtly or covertly, making assumptions about people, and having, at most, scant evidence.  Needless to say, can lead fo gossip, real quick.  That's a real easy sin to fall into, and best to get out and away from that drama, and stay away.

So much for both the accusation - launched by atheists - and the rallying phrase - spouted by various rank haters (who wrest Scripture, bigtime) - that Gawwd hates faqs. Uhm, not only is this particular man's (and every other adult's) private business protected by Scripture, but in addition...

Nowhere in the New Testament are we permitted to take law into our own hands and bring either physical or material harm to homosexuals.  Yeah, things were different in Old Testament days, but that didn't keep the vileness out; neither the northern or southern kingdom would bother themselves to separate from skank; even the pagans round about them were shocked at the stuff God's people had fallen into.  Jeremiah was HATED by his OWN kinsmen, for telling it like it is.

Bible is very liberating.  Ya see, while we have no right to horn in on anyone's business, and are, in fact, commanded to treat all people with kindness, we (here at the office) are not commanded, by the Lord, to invite people, who just come off as weird (or skanky) over to our (pre-covid) lunch table.  

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