Sunday, August 2, 2020

Of course a certain, almost celeb, preacher doesn't use a King James - if he did, he'd lose followers real quick. Anyway, he gave a recent sermon,

that really was disturbing.  That was last week, and am still a bit out of sorts over it.  Yeah, i'll still listen to his preaching, here and there, because he is smart, and he is conservative. But won't forget, for one second, he's using one of those new-FANGled bibles.  Being not up on current events, godda get the news somewhere.

Anyway, about the sermon, he goes on to explain a bit of Roman military history.  When the Roman army scored a significant victory - that is, they killed over 5,000 of the enemy - they'd have a big-time procession when they marched into town.  At the front, the leading military men, and politicians (some things don't change - but at least they were men).  Then came the officers.  Behind them, (i think) came the regular soldiers who were recognized for acts of bravery (like pulling out four injured guys in the line of sniper fire).  After that came the stuff they took from the conquered.

After the stuff came the poor hapless prisoners.  Ragged (if not buck naked - because Roman's took social darwinism to the hilt...and they were mean-arse), and thirsty, hungry, tired, bloody, and plain cowering skeered (who wouldn't be!).  Oh, and if that wretched condition of the conquered wasn't enough for the Roman's never flinging enough with social darwinists.  As those poor prisoners trudged along, they were beaten with rods - and, of course, laughed and mocked at, by the social darwinists gathered along the street.

Btw, just give Christless societies another few generations, and the same scene will be on the news.  Oh, wait a sec... remember that footage of one of our veterans - who was part of a food-distribution team (to help feed starving locals) - dragged through the streets?  Some war-lord thing.  And btw, my daddy was telling me, after the war, we had German prisoners - who were set free, a few years after the war ended.  They didn't want to go home.

Just one, out of numerous BIG differences, between nations that are Bible based, and nations that are not.  Hitler may have made some christian noises, but he was into paganism - thor, and the other what it is!

Anyway, anyone who listens to for-real Bible preaching, knows where this Roman procession scenario is going.  What got me going, about the celeb-preacher was:  not. A. single. word of compassion, concerning those poor beat-up-bigtime prisoners.  Not a single word.  And no, don't think he's a calvinist - think he's more the other camp...arminian...something like that.  The belief that if ya don't toe the line, you can lose your salvation.

So, what?  Jesus endured the cross, but his suffering and death (and resurrection, three days later) isn't enough?  We have to save ourselves???  Well, nuts to that.  If i godda depend on me to save myself (from the eternal penalty of sin against the Lord - uh yeah, He's the King of  Forget it, me saving myself???  Hah, not happening, might as well go drinking.

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