The diner had been closed for awhile, and it's going to take both the owner and staff awhile to recoup their losses. Frankly, telling a business owner and his employees they can't do (legit) business is nothing but economic oppression. For what? A so called pandemic that most people who catch it, experience a few miserable days, then get over it. Is covid any worse than any other flu? Yes, the elderly are at risk of dying from covid - in years past, the elderly died from the regular flu.
In years past, when the flu was going around, i recall - in this area - nobody was ordering us to eat inside, or take out from, the diner; a place we knew darn well half the customers and staff had, or were carrying, the flu. Never was mailed a citation for choosing to instead cook supper at home.
This whole covid scam has, and still is, taken away our choice. If the bus is a flu hotbed, then drive. If barroom people won't practice social distancing, then don't go to bars. If the gym equipment seems scary, then exercise at home. If the guy in the pew behind you is singing too vigorously, then move to another pew - and if you're in a real church, where the preacher actually preaches from the real Bible, finding a seat, with plenty of breathing space, will not be difficult.
Are you kidding me? It's not just a flu. I know people who almost died of it. I know people personally who had loved ones die. What is wrong with conservative Christians now, the lack of empathy with illness is disgusting. You know the evangelical Christian reaction to Covid tells me I am right for getting out of that religious Dodge. So almost dying of not being able to breathe is not big deal to you?
ReplyDeleteDear Peeps, it's the people who are out of work, have no money, have a (pig) landlord screaming for their in$and rent...people with so many late bills and no way to pay them, and are contemplating suicide. i understand suicide numbers are up.
ReplyDeleteBut why have people die for money reasons? Do you realize if they opened everything up, that's millions getting it and dying. The Orange idiot allowed this to happen in the first place. The rent should be frozen especially for those with no income coming in or unemployment. It's a problem but spreading pandemic for people to die is not an answer. How suicidal will people be when people they love die all around them?
Deleteinsane rent
ReplyDelete"By the numbers, according to the paper:
ReplyDeleteThere were 15,455 COVID-19 deaths reported in the US during the week ending April 21, 2020.
There were 14,478 COVID-19 deaths reported in the US during the week prior.
There were 351 flu deaths during the peak week (week 11 of 2016) of the flu season in 2015-16.
There were 1626 flu deaths during the peak week (week 3 of 2018) of the flu season in 2018-19.
“These statistics on counted deaths suggest that the number of COVID-19 deaths for the week ending April 21 was 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold greater than the peak week of counted influenza deaths during the past 7 influenza seasons in the US, with a 20.5-fold mean increase,” the authors wrote."
Dear Tabor, i had also been watching the figures. And all along, we Americans stood about a 1% chance of getting really sick or dying from covid. But the shutting down the economy for 1%? What about the some 20% that are so stuck in poverty for want of gainful employment? That nasty chicken will come home to roost.
ReplyDeleteIt won't stay at 1 percent though if all the precautions are dropped. That said 1 percent is 1 out of every hundred people. You go to a church with 400 maybe? That's 4 or 5 people dying in that 2 week period? Then maybe 4 or 5 more for the next incubation period and so forth and so on? Your Orange Zero mucked up the economy and our lives now probably for years. He is a traitor who should be in prison.
DeletePeeps, i could end up in that one percent - i'm in my early 60s. Then again, i could get run over by a truck. Life is risky.