Friday, August 14, 2020

Not about to post this on a dying woman's blog, but can post my comment here - on my blog. She received M.A.I.D. pills, (Med Aid in Dying) her state allows

that choice.  My question is:  Where's this going?  As more states approve terminally ill individuals the choice of when and where to end their lives, when will taking the death pills become a requirement?  When will health insurance companies decide that hey You Fred, and You Freda, are old f**ks, and we're sicka paying fer yer old arses (never mind, you've been paying out th' ying-yang for health care for the last several decades) we wan'cha th'eff offa th'effin' planet,, effin' go already.

Here at this blog, this blogger is, at present, in good health - can still load logs on the back of a pickup ;) my age, still young enough to live long enough to, perhaps, not have the choice, when down the road (like five or ten years from now) there's a health issue.  So glad to have gotten certain things in order...don't want to leave a mess.

Break's over, back to work.


  1. I don't know the answer to your question. It might become more significant if we continue to overpopulate the planet.

  2. Dear Tabor, i've noticed in Scripture, the moms had like 3 to 5 (surviving) children on average...this sorta puts the skids on the various salvation-by-works cults who act like you'd better have a dozen (and stuff 'em in tiny quarters) to be saved. Meanwhile, people with work-ethics, and who mow their lawns, tend to only have 1 to 3 kiddos, while a planet-load of sluffs keep on having kids - kids they can't even take care of properly. i know abortion/birth control pills are sin, but putting a dime between one's knees, or taking a cold shower, is not a sin. And yeah, going off the pill was tough at times - my husband and i were not financially in shape for any surprises.
    Thing is about the cults, they conveniently forget the "be fruitful" part, and zone in on the "and multiply." Tabor, i didn't go to college, but the word "fruitful" sounds like somebody who goes to work, manages their resources and keeps their house and lawn looking decent.
    Thanks again for stopping by.

  3. So you are going to vote for the guy who wants to destroy Social Security instead? Yeah let the disabled die then in the streets. [I support Not Dead Yet, so my thoughts on euthansia are different, but conservatives want to destroy all safety nets for the disabled]
