Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Two Indian schoolgirls discover an asteroid...oh i don't know. Can't really trust

the news media for anything approaching accurate.  But did see the photo of both students, and have a question.  The student on the right looks like a young man - wearing a suit and tie. Seriously, these days when someone says he or she is a him or her...confusing.  And rather awkward to express in writing, or in speaking.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Oh yaay, Senior Forums had an interesting topic - and people had very diverse opinions.

No, i don't want to be that certain "grandma" portrayed in the first post.  Not because she's behind on the "newfangled" times, but because she is a skin-flint.  Then again, maybe the (not so) fictional character is protesting gimmee-fests.  Oh, if that be the case, Grams, you go grrl ;).  A few, but certainly not many, of the forum members prefer to remain separate from the hub-bub.

That makes alot of sense.  The more ya tell, the more people have on you.   Such as a recent post there - won't elaborate because don't more than enough people already know the fortuanate woman's business.  She told it, i guess thinking that everyone on there is a senior and friend.  Uhm, common logic tells me that if big strong 35 year old men are well advised to use caution when inquiring or transacting business over the internet...

Yep, times we live in.  Where the Lord Jesus is not welcome on social media...uh yeah, it's no big surprise that a young man, a few years back, was murdered by the man who responded to his advertisement.  Don't even know what the man was selling - probably a car, or a lawn-tractor. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

TRRUMMP!!! Make America Great Again

sorry - so NOT! - just couldn't resist ;)

Lovely! The wrinkled sno-flakes want our President to shut down the nation.

Yeah, no skin off the ever growing noses of boomers - who already have theirs (retIrement, stocks, cds, real-estate).  Yet, if you take the US population, which is about 330 million and divide that by 4 million, you get like 1.5 percent of people who've (supposedly) have come down with covid.  Out of that 1.5 percent who have it, about 4 percent of that tiny group (of mostly oollldd people - who already have their$) will (supposedly) die from covid. 

Well, i'm no great shakes with math, but the chances of getting really sick from covid is less than 1 percent.  That ball-park estimation hasn't changed over the past few months.

And ya wonder why young people - burdened with college debt - trying to get by on restaurant jobs (which pay crappy anyway) are fed up.  Young people are not stupid; young people know what age group's getting really sick from covid, and what age group just gets a few miserable days from it - then gets over it.

Meanwhile young people are very concerned about groceries, housing and car payments (ya know, to get back and forth to their JOBS...that is, if still employed).  While the boomer$ chat away about their zoom sessions, and missing the garden parties, cruises, and (are you kidding me!) pics of last wednesday's sushi-n-organic noodles.

Living large, while young people can barely earn a living.  Close the businesses down???  That's insane!   Any wonder there are young people out there who are very angry.  And bitter - bitter, because they are being economically persecuted, for really no earthly reason. 

No great wonder why there's certain  memes making the rounds - which basically tell the old to kindly get the f-bomb off the planet.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

On another boomer blog... and no, when us old people rock, we just make horse's petitutes of ourselves. Anyway, shoulda known yoga

would be mentioned in the article about us old folks extending our lives (yeah, lost people are smart enough to not want to die - ever!!!) though getting proper exercise.  So, my question is:  what's with boomers and yoga?  Frankly, i believe it's not just a mere money-making scheme - ya know, the classes, and oh my, you can't show up for class in the same yoga pants ya wore two-week ago.   Nope, i believe this yoga lock-step goes way beyond getting people to shell out for (overpriced) cds, books, those horrendous pants (always pants - uglier the better, i guess) and whatever el$e.  There's an agenda creeping about - and it smells like sulfur.

i'd rather exercise, and not have to spend money doing it.  Oh, wait a sec, i bought a piece of exercise equipment to use in my own personal gym.  Paid like $60 for a hedge trimmer and a small curved tool to cut weeds - weed-whackers and chain-saws (especially) frighten me.  Anyway, have plenty of exercise to do.  Worked out all day today, but have more than enough for every Saturday - and maybe a bit during the week, to last well into the cooler season.

And the thing i really like is: whether snipping and hauling brambles, or pouring (a small bit of) concrete - or like last spring, when i moved a few tons of dirt, with a shovel, pik-axe and a wherl-barrow - this (honest, for-real) exercise can be done in a DRESS!  i hate wearing pants, just hate 'em.

Trolls are vicious little creatures who leave vicious little comments - a far cry from someone who merely,

who adamantly disagrees with the liEberal-lockstep.  Trolls generally use inappropriate language to rip down the person's character.  And, unless the Holy Spirit is looking over your shoulder as you type your post/comment, oh, it's just waay to easy to stumble into busting onto a person's character.   Somewhere in the New Testament, Christians are called to reprove sin - and that includes promoting new-agey rubbish - but nowhere are we called to rail...ya know, call the person a dirty little whatever.  Name calling isn't productive.

Anyway, Kathi (and cronies), have to break the news to you.  Part of managing an open-to-the-browing-public blog, which accepts comments is:  you're going to receive comments that you don't like - and some spam too.  In order to prevent this, you can go private - that is, once you have a desirable following.  And that isn't difficult at all - that is, provided you make the so popular political-top-40 noises...ya know, rail at Trump (if that's not number one on the charts, that way overplayed tune is either number 2 or 3).

Another popular (siren) song is posting anything, even a short phrase relating to your yoga experience - a class, the green potatoe-chip scented candle you burn while you assume the yoga positions (of worshipping devils - that's what yoga is - sorry, not really, but that's what yoga is all about).  Uhm, when you empty your mind, something's bound to creep in there - ya know, nature abhors a vacuum.

Oh, btw, ever notice how for-real worship of the Lord Jesus fills, not empties, the mind.  Yeah, in for-real Christian churches, for-real preachers expound on Scripture after Scripture - oh, and these Men will go on for the Better part of an hour, if not longer.  And tthhhhennn, there's times, when the sermon is over, and yer thinking, "aw drats, over already?"  But ya know, the Man has other things to do, he has a family.  Uh, it's Sunday, maybe he and his wife (a woman - have to specify that, these days...hhmmm) are all geared up to go for a nice drive, maybe to a family picnic.  Or maybe the married couple just want to spend the rest of the afternoon drinking sweet-tea and relaxing upon their screened-in porch.

But anyway, Kathi, point of this post is:  when you post an article calling people to basically wake up and take a stand, there's bound to be one or two old-tyme conservatives out there.

Funny thing is: decades ago, i disagreed very much with what my granddaddy said - and, oh especially the men whom he voted for.  Maybe it's an age thing, but (think it's way more like "a sound mind") anyway, i'm becoming more like (a she-version of) him.

Friday, July 24, 2020

i don't know, wasn't there, but neither trust news reporters for one second.

Have noticed, newspapers have quite a liEberal, no, not wasting my money.  Last paper i bought was a few months back, and some dippy-chick (of course, what else is new ;/ ) columnist wrote an article claiming Jesus Christ was married.  Uh, i don't recall seeing that Scripture - maybe i need to borrow an NIV, ESV or other "significantly different" (to score that copy-write, ya know...cha-ching). Anyway, am not buying another - for that exact reason.  And if the local paper tries to push typically liEberal nonsense...buh-bye. 

Concerning the drama that supposedly unfolded a few days ago between Ocasio-Cortez and Yoho  (uhm, what is up with women and hyphenated sir names? - men use one sir name).  Okay, while Yoho's language was inappropriate, looking at the photos (which speak a 1000 words :) uhm, that woman looks like trouble.   She had the very same expression on her face as someone i know, who lives not far from here - and that individual ...oh, that's so another post, down the road.

Just can't help but to seriously wonder if there is (typically liEberal) mindgaming going on, and Yoho - being a typical red-blooded for-real Man reacted.  Why, i heard, back in the day - before nosey-biddies pushed their beaks into the political arena (and about everyplace else) - that congressMen would get into fist-fights over issues.  Then, a few hours later, they're drinking beer over at the club, talking about something else.

All's i know is, things are weirder every day (oh, so much more about that come August ;) .   And shouldn't be surprised, because some 2,700 years ago, here's what the Lord prompted Isaiah to say.  

"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
Oh my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err,  and destroy the way of thy paths."  Isaiah 3:12

Managing that cooler in this heat. Earlier this week, temperatures have been in the high 90s.

Having put a few room-temperature water bottles - think that was a mistake.  Should have put frozen bottles in, then tossed a few chilled ones on top.  With this heat, ended up having to buy a bag of ice on Tuesday - which is what i want to get away from.  In this heat, buying ice comes to about $5 weekly.  i'm a tight-wad, and don't care for the extra running, and the lugging - not an age-thing, was always guarded about resources.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Boomer blogs. Sorta like high-school again...but back then, i really wanted the kids to like me - can ya spell,

young, and really, really dumb ;)  Nowadays?  Eeeyep, you got it, don't give a rip.  As a matter of fact, have to make a concerted effort to not come off too direct, both here and visiting other people's blogs - have a contentious nature, have to starve that beast.  Holy Spirit reads this blog, ya know.

Oh by the way, to get the hits, yes you can mention at the very top of your blog, that you are a Christian - that you even pray.  But, oh, don't post more than two or three Scriptures for every twenty-some posts, and - eeyikes - steer clear of the KJB. 

Know how that just-under-the-surface rage feels.  Yep, haven't forgotten crossing that bridge, and seeing that Christian family get into a boat...they weren't bothering me, but i hated them, for their be-ye-separate clothing and mannerisms.  To repeat:  they weren't hassling me, and probably didn't even notice anyone up on that bridge.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Men holding their lady's hand as they walk down the street, and even exchange s kiss on the lips?? Uh, that's normal.

Groping and suckey-face, that's just rude.  There's men out there on that street who'd like to find a nice woman, and vice-versa.  If i was 20 years younger, i'd probably want to find a good man - oh, i am so glad to be over 60, because ... "in the[se] last days, does lovers of themselves...without natural affection" ring any bells?   For normal people, it's not exactly rainbows out there - yeah that's a pun.

All's i know is, the really needless, and very nasty hissy-drama erupted a second time ... as if the first wasn't enough.  Happened in Gibeah.

Taking the knee... to what really matters. i take the knee to King Jesus Christ,

and only, per the Lord's grace, to King Jesus Christ.

So, stick around for the entertainment part - that's where ya get to see me grab for something and stand up.  Yep, happens when 40-something is past-tense ;/

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Here's why working from home is a pain. Number one: the office computers obtain the data faster, and are

more secure; their systems are better than what you and i pay out the wazoo for.  Sometimes stuff needs to be printed.  The office printers are faster - and waay more expensive than i can afford.  Btw, i'd love to have an office-quality printer, but that's not happening anytime soon.  Some systems are in NO WAY available from home, so you have to drive in (because the bus doesn't stop every hour).  Oh, and when you get to the office, guess what!  Yep, while rushing out, you forgot that folder.   In short:  it's all a shilly-shally run.

The advantages of working from home?   And NO!  It's not sitting in front of the 'puter in my jammies - nope, don't even own a pair of those abominable things.   While long flowey cotton nightgowns are nice and comfy, they are not work clothing.  The advantages are...oh wait, popping into the kitchen for a muffin is not a good thing.  At the office - since the cafeteria is closed, and there's not so much as a stale package of crackers in the vending machines, the temptation to snack is not there.  Btw, not that i have any reason to watch my waistline - since Honey has been gone for going on two years.  But still, don't need to add weight to age.

In short, the very idea working from home, for any length of time, just gives me the I-wants.  I want to buy a new 'puter, and I want to have it loaded with the latest software, and I want a deluxe printer.  Just like that nice one at the office - that doesn't take for flipping ever to print a few pages.

Monday, July 20, 2020

The best cooler ever. A neighbor had ordered a bunch of steaks, and set the some two inch thick styrofoam box out along the street.

Drove by and noticed it.  Needing a cooler, thought about it, but kept on going.  But still thought about it.  Saturday morning, got in the car, drove up the street.  Still there, i snatched that bad boy up.  Got it home, of course it was clean inside.  Took two half gallon orange juice cartons of ice, tore off the waxed paper, threw in a few frozen water bottles and a few that were in the frig. 

That was saturday morning.  By late afternoon, the frozen water was partially melted, but the two ice blocks hardly a bit melted.  Yesterday evening (sunday) the ice blocks were only partially melted, sitting in like an inch of cold water.  i then poured the excess water away, added another block, and a few more water bottles.  In this heat, bet the water will still be cool by thursday. 

So much better than lugging ice every time ya turn around.  The styrofoam ones at the store are like 1-inch thick, and designed to break if you sneeze too loud - so cough up another $5 or 6 bucks...idiot.   And yeah, i realize if a  greenoid was to happen by, they'd leave a new-agey sermonette.  Thing is: styrofoam keeps stuff cool, and i'll have that cooler for a long time, Lord willing.

i had a cooler, one of those plastic ones, but gave it to someone who likes to go fishing, and needed something portable; something that would keep water and soda cool for but a few hours. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

There's been a couple of books that have come out over the past decade or so, talking about how young people

are leaving Bible churches (yeah, big difference) in droves.  Of course many for-real believers are gearing toward panic mode - as if faith in Christ (on Christ's terms) is going to disappear off the planet long before this century is out.   Uhm, wait a sec!  Doesn't the Bible, throughout both Old and the New Testament refer to for-real believers as "few" and as a "remnant?" 

Anyway, i wonder if the authors have lately checked out more than a few boomer blogs.  So much new-agey rubbish.  And no!  Tao ain't smart, it's just the same-old salvation-by-one's-own-works...good for one thing, and one thing only:  a one-way ticket to eternal hell.  No thanks!

If ya try Tao - or whatever other flavor of newage sewage - and ya mess up, well yer a luzer, you didn't have on the right color of sneakers, you missed a mantra syllable (dummy) don't have enough faith (in some naked dough-dude) or, most likely, didn't have enough money...luzer. 

Meanwhile, as for born again believers in Jesus Christ, if you really mess up, bigtime, (ask the son who spent all his money and ended up in a pig pen) all's ya godda do is for-real repent, and Jesus not only forgives you, Jesus does not go around blabbing to everybody in town how you seriously messed up - more than once - and are a luzer.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Well-to-do people...what's with the numerous bathrooms? Per a lady's comment on another blog,

her post got me to thinking.  People who design and buy upscale houses, perhaps had also grown up in one of those "little pink houses,"  (John Melloncamp, i think sang that song) where 6 or 7 people shared one bathroom.   And in some families, kids shared bathwater - that's just gross!   Bet i'm not the only person who adamantly believes that what's good about the old days is:  they're gone ;)   Some things ya don't forget. 

Dad had a thing about having steak two or three times a week.  Had asked Mom what was up with that, she told me Dad detested casseroles, because as a boy, there were times when real food for a real boy was ... eh, rather scarce. 

But anyway, concerning the 1960s suburban houses, Dad was telling me, some years back - and i didn't know this - that in the development we lived in (after 7th street) that several neighbors would (evidently quietly) stretch out hoses, on wash day, to let out the used laundry-water, because those tiny 3-bedroom ranchers were connected to tiny septic-tanks.   Think Dad said 1,000 gallons was the standard - think of 20 barrels. 

That 'el fill up fast, from a household of half a dozen people, if not more, taking baths or showers.   Oh wait a sec, back then, people generally didn't bathe every day..."splish-splash, I was takin' a bath, all along a Saturday night..."  Imagine, a crowded commute bus on a july thursday afternoon, and no air-conditioning.  Lovely :/

Almost got into it, offline, with someone starting in with the Americans-are-spoiled hogwash.  Uh NO!  Americans worked to acquire the nice stuff - and not only that, Americans have donated alot of money (they could have kept for themselves) to help other people.   Americans enjoy the longest, healthiest, most prosperous lifestyles.  And this American, isn't about to apologize for that.

I AM ...bla, bla, bla, grrl and old-hasbeen empowerment. Tell ya what i am: Frankly, i am wanting to run

and scream.  Not only is the I AM meme blasphemous - because, I AM is the Lord's description of Himself.  Then, for some little girl, or old hag - or even our manly man President Donald Trump to put in caps...a bit presumptuous, ya think?    The great I AM is / has been (that's down the road some ;) the girl scout cookie sales slogan (lemon ones are yummy).  Deluding little girls into to being and doing things which the Lord had not created girls and women to ... go around spouting about all over town (real or virtual).

Uh yeah, a woman can and is most certainly  a risk taker - all's a gal has to do is be stay-at-home wife and mom.  That's a waay big risk ... only to end up, at 50-something, being served dIvorce papers.  Okay, now what?  It's one thing to be a chest-pounding risk-taker, starting over at 25, but so another at 55.  Btw, the reason behind this (down the street) neighbor's situation?  Oh, what flipping else is new!  Peewee is a wastral, and never did, evidently, want to (cowboy up) and provide. .. f-bomb b*tard...really.

An innovator?   That's anybody striving to make do on a (somewhat too) limiting budget.  Looking back some years, have to chuckle a bit, about how everyone was gushing about Marta Stewart.  Mom said, (along the lines of) "horse-hockey, i made alot of that kind of stuff when we lived on 7th street."  Mom stayed home with us kids, and tried to make do on Dad's (too small for too many kids) income.  Too common back then.

Biggest challenge i have with Scripture is the rules against the pill - how is many kids and few dollars - uhm, to buy basic food and clothing, a blessing?  Of course i don't get it; Scripture is right, and i'm an idiot - i get that. 

Anyway, cannot help but to wonder, if a significant proportion of the bra-burning 1970s feminists, grew up seeing their mothers go without necessary stuff - like having 2 spare bras (that weren't ratty) while daDuh treated himself to new toys.  That shiola happened ALOT back then, and happens ALOT now-a-days.

The other (screemie) memes, for girls are:  GUTSY (a spin on obnoxious ;), STRONG (oh, take a bath ;/ ) LEADER (uhm, doesn't Scripture assign that job to men???) and GO GETTER (yeah we know how Jezebel got the vineyard, don't we ;/).

Anyway, godda get back to work.

Monday, July 13, 2020

That's it! This coming November - or whenever election day will be scheduled - i'm gonna get out there and vote for President Trump.

i like that man, because he tells it like it is.  Frankly, i was pleasantly shocked in 2016... had assumed - with the polls being so  crowded, couldn't even find a place to park - that Hillary would get elected, and figured, oh well...drats!  Come the next day, hooray!   This coming election day, i'll plan better, get there in the morning, even if it's sleeting, will just drive slow - and pray to the Lord for His travel mercies.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

And then on the blog, a dying woman is keeping - for as long as she is able - there, of course, were alot of new-agey fluff comments...gaag!

One made some idiotic fluff-ball comment about the point of death being like being let out of school for ... guess like summer vaca, or whatever.   Oh really?  (Can argue/comment this here, at this blog, the dying woman's blog is not the place to stir up snoflakes.)  Anyway, doesn't quite square with Scripture,  for most souls.  Throughout both the Old and the New Testament, people who go to heaven are very few - sadly, most go to the other place.  The only common thing about either of the (and there's only) two places is, both are consciously forever and ever. 

Prayed a quick prayer before commenting there - after all, if at any time, "it's all about you," it's when you're dying.  So, didn't want to spout off.  Just expressed hope that she considers very carefully that pdf document  (that i didn't read, and didn't want to read) from the smiley-team, then left the rhetorical question.  What if the Bible is true?   So, haven't been back, just gave it to the Lord.

The comment was maybe four sentences.  Long enough!  But i'll bet the last sentence didn't go over so well with the new-agey clique - don't know, and really don't care.  Well, what was i supposed to do?  Not atleast, as heartful, as gently as possible,  give her warning?  To not do so... that's not "love ya," "hugs"...or whatever sappy-ars'd sentiment typed from healthy fingers.

Nuff said.

Some Bible experts believe that in Old Testament times, believers had to do works to remain saved.

i don't know, but i do believe that Jews are gifted with a higher average iq than the other ethnic groups.  Oh, just look around.  Jews make up like 2.5% of the population, yet the percentage of Jews who make it in this world far exceeds the success rate of other groups - including germans.  Maybe hitler knew this, and so the basis of his tyranny was nothing but raging jealousy.

Jews had to know the Lord's law, they'd assemble, and stand outside all day, and listen to the prophets.  Well, that's what they were supposed to do.  They didn't have google back then, so they had to pay attention, and commit to memory - which is high iq's main ingredient. 

i am glad Jews have the gift of smarts.  Yikes, if i had to know and keep the laws to remain saved...forget it, might as well call early 60s the new late 30s - and go out into the singles' (can ya spell "s-k-a-n-k") scene and make a horse's petitute of myself.  Unfortunately, so many widow-blogs are geared toward...bluuck!  Guess boomers gonna be boomers.

i've heard that Jews don't care much for the New Testament, but betcha those nice truck tires, Jews know the New Testament better than alot of for-real Christian's.  And even i know that Peter did not save one single soul.  When Peter preached, the Lord's Word, it was the Holy Spirit - not Peter - who did the convicting-of-sin and leading the listener to salvation-from-sin.

Just glad that many, if not most, professing atheists can locate many Scriptures without google.  That the Word is readily available in their top-shelf memories. 

Haven't bought any ice cream since my husband's passing (late 2018), until yesterday.

Can blame someone from church for talking about it haha;).  So, later on, went over to the store and was not really surprised that there wasn't much in stock, but there was some.  Found the brand i had always bought for us.  A brand that's sold ice cream since the early 1960s - can still remember their sing-songie "chocolate, vanilla and strawberry too" ad coming from a radio, sometime around 1962.  Still remember where i was when hearing it - 2nd floor of the house on 7th street. 

Anyway, i had always bought the one that was half chocolate, and the other half vanilla.   Honey liked chocolate, i like vanilla.  Reaching into that grocery store freezer, just another reminder...don't even know if there was any of the chocolate vanilla twin packages in stock, and really didn't need that trigger right there in the store.  Saw a box of French vanilla and headed for the checkout.

Friday, July 10, 2020

She claims to lean more toward atheism than agnosticism. And i can only hope she knows more about Scripture than most Christians. Certainly hope so.

The lady is dying.  She lives in a state where it's legal to end one's life if the medicines aren't working any more.  (Hhmmm, think where that's going to go within the next few years.)   But this short post is about her.  Can only pray to the Lord, that she knows where Scriptures (so pertaining to her situation) are located.  i don't have any medical problems, healthy as a horse, so who am i to go busting onto her blog, quoting Scriptures - and causing unsaved people (many of her dear friends) yet another excuse to flip off our Lord.

Lunch is over.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

How comes the Bible-bashers, with their bible-college degrees haven't seemed to notice the still rather long life-span centuries after the flood?

Moses, following that incident (he slew a harsh taskmaster) and ended up taking off.  Account in the middle portion of Acts 7.  He was 40; he met Zipporah, one of Jethro's seven daughters.  Dad liked Moses and gave him Zipporah to wife.  She was probably the oldest of the girls,  but let's say she was 15 at the time of her becoming Mrs. Moses.  Moses remained there for 40 years - that made him 80.  Well that means when he put his wife and their two boys "upon an ass", (Exodus 4:20), and headed for Egypt, those kids were obviously very young.  That means Zipporah was nearly in her mid 50s, when the eldest was born.  Per the verse, looks like her 80 year-old husband walked beside his family; he had the rod in his hand.  No mention of Moses on a donkey.  And if he was, uh crossing the hot dry wilderness at 80?  Not to mention, a bit later on, Moses walking up a mountain, carrying about 80 pounds of stone.  That would be tough enough for a 40 year-old.  Who knows?  Maybe Moses had a back-pack, but still, 80 is 80. 

Meanwhile, back at the palace, the new Pharoah (guess the old one died) is living large.  The bashers blame God for hardening Pharoah's heart.  For awhile, yeah, i was thinking, that's not fair (are we even gonna have one in September?  Stupid covid...)   So, alot of web space, and drama, from both camps has erupted.  Well, was just a short time ago...think i must of grown a few brain cells (yeah, fancy that) because it hit me that Pharoah had eyes, and he had brains - royals went to school, alot of school.  He knew what was going on in his kingdom.  And Pharoah had alot of power - if he wanted captain-crispies for breakfast, there had better be a fresh unopened box in the pantry. 

Pharoah saw the building in process, the teams of slaves; he heard the cracking of whips upon their sunburnt shoulders, the cries for just a sip of water.  Uhm, sounds like Pharoah's heart was plenty, plenty hard two days before Moses and family arrived in town.  Oh, and at that time, the slaves didn't yet have to gather their own straw AND meet quota. 

It doesn't matter what "church" that was - pretty hats or no pretty hats, apostate churches are diverse, and they're everywhere, outnumbering the real ones.

The members either brag about how strict they are, or they gush tolerance (gaag) ..except for people who actually believe Creation took place about 6,000 years ago, and happened  within six twenty-four hour days.  Imagine that ;)   Oh, where did i see that Scripture that said...oh, here it is: "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."  (Mark 10:6)  Guess that about puts the skids to the gap theory - the one where the earth was set to cool and cure for few million years.  Uh, btw, that verse is in red lettering.  Not that the black lettered verses are any less true.  If any of Scripture is not true, then what's the point?  Might as well go gambling, and play last-minute games with the power company, and anyone else who provides goods and services.

Yeah, i get it, there's people all over the internet who claim to have proof that the Bible contains errors.  In other words, i'm supposed to believe some clay potty-pot over the Lord's Word.  But what's really laughable about these net-nutjobs is, over the centuries, there have been Bible-believing men, who already had atleast a solid working knowledge of several ancient and modern languages, when they were were like 12 year-olds.  So, dixie-dude, ya went to Bible college?  Well hats off to you...but i can't help but to seriously doubt that, today, you're any more educated than one of those late 1500s twelve year-olds. 

Is what it is ;)

Glad that salvation-by-works Sunday-morning country-club wouldn't have me as a member...but at the time,

my husband and i were there attending a funeral service.  One of his buddies, mistah-big-spendah has lost his wife.  Oh yeah, he was grieving, you could tell, as he carried that little bread-box.  But frankly, was a wtf moment...what???  He had $$$ for frequent trips, four-wheelers and other various toys...but no money for a modest coffin?  But i thought cremation didn't fly in that congregation, but i guess they changed their policy on that - and a bunch of other things, here of late.  Figures.

Anyway, near the conclusion of the service, the pretty-hatted men up front called the chosen up front to each partake a pretty cookie and a cup of wine; a song played, it's lyrics calling the sheep - of which i wasn't one, and my husband seriously out of fellowship.  Btw, their policy is, number one: the pretty-hatted men understand the Scriptures, and members really have no business even thinking they could understand Scripture.  Number two, salvation is an on-again-off-again thing. Surprised?

But that was years ago, i was new to the faith, so i didn't know any better.

Was really sad, felt like a six-year old whose daddy didn't want any parts of.  The funeral over, we left the building.  Turned to my husband with a request.  "Honey, can we go over to the bar?  i could use a drink."


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Guess they pull one or more surprise visits to your home, to find out whether or not you are in possession

of - oh gasp - a (flat-screen) tv, any country cds, a deck of cards, a bottle of wine (left over from a dinner party), a few mystery/detective novels...if all clear, then guess you can join their exclusive Sunday-morning club, where you'll be told that Jesus Christ's offer of salvation from the eternal punishment of your sins, can be revoked.  Ya might wanna bring plenty of dough...after all, if it's about working to stay saved, showing Jesus th' moneh...what better works (to - eh, hopefully - stay saved) is there...right?

Funny how that goes - the nosey legalism, and the on-again-off-again salvation, more often than not, are preached by the same pulpiteer.

The comment on that blog was upsetting.  The harsh smugness just oozed, in buckets, off that page.  Like it's a holiness contest; we're holy, because we don't play baseball on sunday, and our women wear long heavy dresses (in July), complete with headgear - and the hell with the rest of you.

Yeah i get it:  most of what's on tv is vile.  Barrooms are a complete waste of resources.  Rock may sound good, but the rebel-spirits surrounding it, oughta go have a coffee with politicians...oh wait, off-stage, they probably are quite chummy.  Poker???  Ha! the average piggy-bank pays better dividends.  (Wanted one of those little red plastic ones, over at the bank, but they were for the children.)   And, as for women preachers?  Uh, unscriptural, bigtime! 

Still, that holier-than-thou attitude, runs people off.  People who might have entered through the narrow gate, but decided...nah, if ya have to be perfect like them, might as well hang it up, and go back to the bar.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Been a tad over a half century, but it was almost like yesterday. We were in Mr. (yes, Mr.) L's 5th grade class.

He had a science lesson to teach us kids, and i recall the careful preamble he used, guess he didn't want to have to deal with a room full of crying 10 year-olds - shortly following, calls from upset moms and dads.  He began.  "This is just a theory..."  He had explained to us, that a theory is an intelligent guess, one that is based on evidence.  He went on to tell us that, according to the theory of evolution, while drawing a chart on the blackboard.  He summarized that man came from the ape. At the bottom, he wrote "Hominids" and drew arrows, one of which led to us.  Another leading to modern day chimpanzees and gorillas.

Ape may sound too simple, but every 10 year-old knows what an ape looks like.  Apes have finger-like digits (no thumbs) and feet.  They can stand up, grasp a stick and use it to bore shallow holes in the moist forest soil, and carry some roots or grubs to their young, and have a free arm.  They pitch the stick.  Bears, deer and tigers can only pick up and carry things with their mouths.

Anyway, i distinctly remember being a bit shocked - never heard of such a thing, my parents weren't into science journals; they'd flip on the tv, because they were tired from working all day - but then looking at my hands and thought,"neat."

Over the following decades, i believed in evolution, because that's what the science books taught.  But evolution just didn't square with Scripture, so that always left a gap, one that supa-puddy wouldn't fill...even the good stuff would eventually crack and fall out.

Lunch is over...bummer!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

But it's hard to not become caught up in the affairs of this world. After all, we see it every morning, waking up.

Someone was driving around yesterday, with a flag waving from the back of his pickup - an older one - yay - one that actually is used to haul things, like building materials, firewood and such.  The man must have been driving around the area for several hours, at least.  Wasn't there a picnic or party going on, somewhere?  He rolled by, again, at dusk.  Oh that's right, this covid b.s. has put the skids on many parties.   Beer, soda, ice, charcoal, hotdogs, rolls, paper products...add up - and u.c. checks are temporary.  Yes, Virginia, not everyone under the age of 40 is a grasshopper.  Guess the social distancing agenda is working...because alot of people aren't.  And contrary to boomer-snark...heard a line of exactly that last week...going on like Nebuchadnezzar himself, I made this happen...gimme a break ;/

Oh well, getting late, godda get ready.