Saturday, July 25, 2020

Trolls are vicious little creatures who leave vicious little comments - a far cry from someone who merely,

who adamantly disagrees with the liEberal-lockstep.  Trolls generally use inappropriate language to rip down the person's character.  And, unless the Holy Spirit is looking over your shoulder as you type your post/comment, oh, it's just waay to easy to stumble into busting onto a person's character.   Somewhere in the New Testament, Christians are called to reprove sin - and that includes promoting new-agey rubbish - but nowhere are we called to rail...ya know, call the person a dirty little whatever.  Name calling isn't productive.

Anyway, Kathi (and cronies), have to break the news to you.  Part of managing an open-to-the-browing-public blog, which accepts comments is:  you're going to receive comments that you don't like - and some spam too.  In order to prevent this, you can go private - that is, once you have a desirable following.  And that isn't difficult at all - that is, provided you make the so popular political-top-40 noises...ya know, rail at Trump (if that's not number one on the charts, that way overplayed tune is either number 2 or 3).

Another popular (siren) song is posting anything, even a short phrase relating to your yoga experience - a class, the green potatoe-chip scented candle you burn while you assume the yoga positions (of worshipping devils - that's what yoga is - sorry, not really, but that's what yoga is all about).  Uhm, when you empty your mind, something's bound to creep in there - ya know, nature abhors a vacuum.

Oh, btw, ever notice how for-real worship of the Lord Jesus fills, not empties, the mind.  Yeah, in for-real Christian churches, for-real preachers expound on Scripture after Scripture - oh, and these Men will go on for the Better part of an hour, if not longer.  And tthhhhennn, there's times, when the sermon is over, and yer thinking, "aw drats, over already?"  But ya know, the Man has other things to do, he has a family.  Uh, it's Sunday, maybe he and his wife (a woman - have to specify that, these days...hhmmm) are all geared up to go for a nice drive, maybe to a family picnic.  Or maybe the married couple just want to spend the rest of the afternoon drinking sweet-tea and relaxing upon their screened-in porch.

But anyway, Kathi, point of this post is:  when you post an article calling people to basically wake up and take a stand, there's bound to be one or two old-tyme conservatives out there.

Funny thing is: decades ago, i disagreed very much with what my granddaddy said - and, oh especially the men whom he voted for.  Maybe it's an age thing, but (think it's way more like "a sound mind") anyway, i'm becoming more like (a she-version of) him.


  1. What do most conservative Christian stand for but 'death" and destruction in America? if you believe that bible so much, to be honest, you all are of the Antichrist. I used to warn about that stuff on my Christian blog. You all became what I used to warn about. I think about that even though I no longer am part of the religion anymore.

    1. Dear Peeps, yet it's the conservative Christians who are very much against the murder of unborn babies.

  2. So the Holy Spirit led you to vote for a sociopathic strip club owner?
