Sunday, July 26, 2020

Lovely! The wrinkled sno-flakes want our President to shut down the nation.

Yeah, no skin off the ever growing noses of boomers - who already have theirs (retIrement, stocks, cds, real-estate).  Yet, if you take the US population, which is about 330 million and divide that by 4 million, you get like 1.5 percent of people who've (supposedly) have come down with covid.  Out of that 1.5 percent who have it, about 4 percent of that tiny group (of mostly oollldd people - who already have their$) will (supposedly) die from covid. 

Well, i'm no great shakes with math, but the chances of getting really sick from covid is less than 1 percent.  That ball-park estimation hasn't changed over the past few months.

And ya wonder why young people - burdened with college debt - trying to get by on restaurant jobs (which pay crappy anyway) are fed up.  Young people are not stupid; young people know what age group's getting really sick from covid, and what age group just gets a few miserable days from it - then gets over it.

Meanwhile young people are very concerned about groceries, housing and car payments (ya know, to get back and forth to their JOBS...that is, if still employed).  While the boomer$ chat away about their zoom sessions, and missing the garden parties, cruises, and (are you kidding me!) pics of last wednesday's sushi-n-organic noodles.

Living large, while young people can barely earn a living.  Close the businesses down???  That's insane!   Any wonder there are young people out there who are very angry.  And bitter - bitter, because they are being economically persecuted, for really no earthly reason. 

No great wonder why there's certain  memes making the rounds - which basically tell the old to kindly get the f-bomb off the planet.


  1. I always kind of knew the world's most selfish generation would destroy us. I always thought it would be via nuclear war. I guess destroying us through a literal plague, does not surprise me. The selfishness of wanting people to die to 'save the economy" is disgusting.

  2. The death count now adds up to more deaths then soldiers who died in Vietnam.

  3. Dear Peeps, Oopps, i made a big math error. The US population is 230 million, not 330. Anyway, per the last CDC stats, we run almost a 2% chance of getting covid and about 1 in 1,550 chances of dying from it.
    Granted, we don't know a whole lot about covid, but the numbers don't justify keeping our young people in economic fetters, by keeping them away from their jobs.

    Personally, i avoid malls, restaurants, and gadding about in general - even before covid became a word. Would like to shop and enjoy a meal here and there at the diner, but that's not happening right now (not a covid thing).
