No, i don't want to be that certain "grandma" portrayed in the first post. Not because she's behind on the "newfangled" times, but because she is a skin-flint. Then again, maybe the (not so) fictional character is protesting gimmee-fests. Oh, if that be the case, Grams, you go grrl ;). A few, but certainly not many, of the forum members prefer to remain separate from the hub-bub.
That makes alot of sense. The more ya tell, the more people have on you. Such as a recent post there - won't elaborate because don't more than enough people already know the fortuanate woman's business. She told it, i guess thinking that everyone on there is a senior and friend. Uhm, common logic tells me that if big strong 35 year old men are well advised to use caution when inquiring or transacting business over the internet...
Yep, times we live in. Where the Lord Jesus is not welcome on social media...uh yeah, it's no big surprise that a young man, a few years back, was murdered by the man who responded to his advertisement. Don't even know what the man was selling - probably a car, or a lawn-tractor.
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