Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Here's why working from home is a pain. Number one: the office computers obtain the data faster, and are

more secure; their systems are better than what you and i pay out the wazoo for.  Sometimes stuff needs to be printed.  The office printers are faster - and waay more expensive than i can afford.  Btw, i'd love to have an office-quality printer, but that's not happening anytime soon.  Some systems are in NO WAY available from home, so you have to drive in (because the bus doesn't stop every hour).  Oh, and when you get to the office, guess what!  Yep, while rushing out, you forgot that folder.   In short:  it's all a shilly-shally run.

The advantages of working from home?   And NO!  It's not sitting in front of the 'puter in my jammies - nope, don't even own a pair of those abominable things.   While long flowey cotton nightgowns are nice and comfy, they are not work clothing.  The advantages are...oh wait, popping into the kitchen for a muffin is not a good thing.  At the office - since the cafeteria is closed, and there's not so much as a stale package of crackers in the vending machines, the temptation to snack is not there.  Btw, not that i have any reason to watch my waistline - since Honey has been gone for going on two years.  But still, don't need to add weight to age.

In short, the very idea working from home, for any length of time, just gives me the I-wants.  I want to buy a new 'puter, and I want to have it loaded with the latest software, and I want a deluxe printer.  Just like that nice one at the office - that doesn't take for flipping ever to print a few pages.

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