i'll just have to figure out something...in the case of... Namely, will just have to trust in the Lord. And unlike the ever-chasing-coat-tails worldlings, the Lord isn't chIding me to butch my (ever thinning) hair - or color over and perm up the gray. By the way, having those chemical$ put in is like $200 - that is, for the (supposedly) less harsh ones. It's no great mystery, that three months later, it'$ time to hit the chem-trail - again.
The world...ugh. All's they want is yer wallet. Yikes, worldlings are worse than (their fellow-worlding) tithe-preaching pulpiteers. Digressing again, a co-worker was telling me about how her church leaders send out a how-much-r-u-gonna-fork-over form. She told me she pitches it in the can, because she doesn't like to make commitments that she might not be able to keep. Ya know, she might need tires this spring to pass inspection - uh, so she can get back and forth to work. Anyway, one of the preachers - who, like the others, gives a we(a)kly 15- minute sermonette - is headed for a two-week tropical va-ca. Woah! Wasn't that th' same dude who, just last September, went to that pagan playground, called Di$neyWorld?
Anyway, growing old isn't fun. And, of course, it's no great exercise in conspiracy theorizing to suspect, there are hellish forces who are very busy to make the aging-experience even more depressing. In short, those stupid looking yoga-pants are ugly enough on a slender 20-year old woman. Think about that same woman 30 or 40 years later...yeah, not a pretty sight. She may not be attractive, but she isn't totally clueless either.
But she is likely in despair. How do i dare know this? Uh, check the stats concerning the use of mind-bending drugs. It's not just Scotty's parents who have been (in various Christless forms) bullied into giving their normal red-blooded boy drugs - which 'el turn him into a metro-droid. Older women are popping anti-depressants - and then, on the way back from DoctorPusha's office - stop over at th' bigbox for another ugly arse'd pair of .... despair.
Yeah, just connect the dots.
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