They are at the non-mercy of PIG landlords - pun very intended; these landlords (who won't fix nothin') lay awake at night contriving to get more rent. In short, these preying (yeah, another pun) at precise times daily, satanic brownnosers are - not suprising - a bunch a nosey b*tards; far more invasive than any proverbial fat, middle-aged, divorced, embittered and out of her meds cat-lady could ever hope to be.
Preacher said we're to pray for oppressors. That's hard doing, to say the least. Needful to say, the preacher wasn't talking about praying imprecatory ones. Won't go there anyway. Yeah i know King David prayed God to completely stomp to powder his enemies...uh, i ain't King David.
Meanwhile, too many satanic brownnosing politicians, over here in the west, have opened the borders to let the (dole-trough) crowding pigs in. Oh, but won't let the Christian tenants - who would jump for joy at the educational and vocational opportunities - come over here and become productive citizens.
Politicans! Bluuck. Uh, i haven't forgotten, that same swine-herd left our boys to ROT in Hanoi, back in 74/75. And i seldom vote because???
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