Friday, September 20, 2024

Red pill perspective, sounds Ayn Randian - not overly surprised.

 The man who had studied, and had worked as, if i am not mistaken  a financial analyst, was going on about the spending practices of 20 and 30-something liberal women.  Many of whom are still wrestling with college debt - the unpaid principles averaging some tens of thousand$.  

Having listened to his other podcasts, he owns property, has income streams, a goodly savings, and is living debt free.  In his late 40s or early 50s, he is basically semi-retired - and is  aware of other men's jealousy.  In all fairness, here's the deal: he didn't have much fun, while in his 20s; at times, swam in his jeans and slept in his car.  With no one either able, or willing, to give him a hand, he was on his own.  So he worked his butt off, steered clear of dives, saved his money.

His economic podcasts are well worth a listen.  However, his anti-marriage stance is best thrown in the circular file.  Silly me, had to learn, through having resorted to a secular study or two (instead of just believing what Paul the Apostle had spoken on the matter) that it's not just women, whose minds and bodies end up (permanently) corrupted from fornication.

Here and there, the podcaster will make a statement about wanting to "bang" so-n-so. (Oh, such an endearing description of intimacy between a man and a woman :/)  Likely, just idle chatter - he has a live-in girlfriend.  Hopefully, she has a fat savings, because...let's face it:  as women age, we tend to chunk somewhat.  Is what it is.  He has stated, on more than a few occasions, he considers fat women as quite unattractive.  In all fairness, he also tells men to get off their wide duffs, and "hit the gym."

That all said, what he's observed is: these women - many of whom are in debt - include within their budgets, a significant portion of their income to charities.  Per the pocaster, these gals view this budgety category as about as necessary as their hair/nails/net subscriptions/christmas-club apportions. Had him scratching his head, in somewhat bewilderment.

Had me scratching mine.  But in more like  amazement, and respect, toward these Camel-voting democrats.  These women want all the social programs (which will send everyone's tax rates all the way to mars) but, evidently, are putting up their own money - tens and tens of monthly dollars, which would better serve their own needs to pay off that abominable loan, buy a house, and pay that the heck off.  

Hmm, sort of a secular tithe??   Waay more important than money, evidence of soft hearts; some of these "leftists" might eventually come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - and spend eternity with Him, in heaven.

"Flee fornication.  Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body." 1 Corinthians 6:18

"And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul." Acts 16:14

Why do they keep changing this techno stuff, when the older

version working better, more manageable?  Yet, with each new upgrade, users' instructions become a shorter, a sicker joke - like the designers never heard of doing a few captioned screen-shots?  (Why shoot, even i can manage that.) As for the "Help" Line?  The absolute worst music is aired, along with repeated lies that "your call is very important..."  All the while, being baited to hit #, or whatever, to get put on the call-back list... yeah, get put on alright!  

It's part of the program.  Keep people, who have real WORK!!!! to get done, scrambling to keep up, confused, and dern frustrated. Regular (real) people know it's nothing but fluff -  parading itself as "innovation", "new and improved," and whatever other horse-patty laden slogans, principalities choose to orally shat forth. Agenda?  Doesn't take a math genius to factor that one.  The agenda is simply one to keep people's minds in a constant state of confusion, and far, FAR away from even considering - oh, let alone focusing upon, for even two uninterrupted minutes, a certain, and vastly more important, matter.  Where shall one spend eternity?

By the way, if there be any scoffers about, kindly sit on a dart, and spin.  Have a nice day 😀

A secondary thought - though related to the first.  Could these needless, confounding, and exceedingly time WASTING changes also be a "make work" matter?  Ya know, the same broad-brush red-pills use to paint women's career positions - that our desk jobs are mostly fluff.  Thing is, the field of software design remains male dominated.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wickeds wicked, and cap alot.

One of the red-pillers, who calls himself "Shanon" ... Shamon would be a more appropriate screenname, but anyway.  His latest rag-on was about old women.  Namely, women who've lost their looks, their ability to attract a "bad boy."  Just another way of saying, without saying, he's been rejected by one or more young hotties.  Neither, would it be much a surprise, he'd been ignored by more than two or three single 35ish, somewhat overweight cat ladies.

As for the biker bobs, these men don't invite just any jasper to their parties - let alone, to prospect for membership into their club.  Some of these organizations, have a history going back to the late 1940s - started by men who had returned from war.  About 20 years ago, a gentleman had mentioned a reality: men who've wartime experience, generally have dating options - and these guys can be 50-something, and have their choice of dating women half their age.

In short, women have preferences too.  Evidently that bit of reality has shamon in raging mean-girl mode.  Dear 11th grade cheerleaders, you're falling down on the job; please visit his channel, and be sure to bring along a pen and notebook.   Older (fatter) women are also using the internet, communicating with other women - and are finally realizing: it's way, way better to remain alone and to keep at home (with cats) than to settle for some brain-damaged jasper  (with a half mushy eggplant?) through years of p0rn/drugs/sloth.

Creeps are creeping, and in the process, draggingvthe Bible through the muck.

Anybody can get a YouTube channel, walk into a church supply house, buy a pulpit, a bible - (even a King James) and preeech - even a woman can garner a following.  And it's easy enough to accuse 501c3 church pastors of being corporate toadies.  Trouble yet remains, (after the cap :) in order to get a preaching job at one of those brick-and-mortar buildings, one needs to write a resume, and document proof of qualifications for the position.  

But aside of building, or no building, one sure way to determine if the preacher is a shepherd, or just a hiring is:  does he expound Scripture?  Or does he merely constrain one or two (often repeated) bible quotes, within his ever running yap.  Yep, the habitual spouting off the holy top-40 - sign for sure, preeecher isn't much for Bible study.

Some scaley named, Jesse was sure tickling serpent ears.  Yep, ya know 'em - both preacher and congregation - by their fruits.  These men's (for lack of a better term) seething mean-girlish misogyny...borderline astounding. Per the comments, would about make any taliban leader want to sit in, and take notes.  Needful to say, ol' jess didn't include much, if any, Scripture in his 30-ish minute bash-fest.  Of course not, he was having waay too much fun baiting a non-feminist feminist woman.  A real man of God, would have told her, flat out, of her need to shut up and get saved - just like any other lost man or woman.

Of course the gal argued.  This happens to people who've been, for decades, messed around by wicked people - starting out from parents, who evidently couldn't be bothered, to actually raise their kids.  Fruits again, too many parents are just flipping worthless, or next to it.  One for-real preacher (who pastors a church in the midwest) said, if that's your parents, thank the Lord - because it's waay easier to separate, and remain separate, from scoffers like that.  

By the way, there was another you tube preacher, who said the Bible proves, that Jesus doesn't keep his word - that a born again Christian can become unborn, and broadroad, straight for eternal hellfire.  

Anyway, more later.

"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 1:4

Those cheap-skates, per last post, must be using...yeah,

they do that.  Maybe, using one of those newFANGled bibles.  So many of them out there, these days - new revisions every few years.  Heard the NIV, and others are condensed, that's not good.  Then again, it's easy enough to skip over King James passages which don't fit your agenda.  

Meanwhile, some red-pill (who'd "crept in unawares??") had recommended fathers to not sign their newborn's birth certificate.  Two questions: does his unwillingness to acknowledge his son or daughter, render the child as being...fatherless?  If something happens to the kid's father, will the man's life insurance be available to help provide for his dependant youngster?  Oh, and what about inheritance - land, bonds, cds..?  (Or am i simply wandering about in patrician la-la land?) 

As for daDUH not signing, sounds like just another red-pill strategy to weasel out of child support / or to make the process more difficult - when jasper decides to ditch his trad wife.  It's guys like this, who are the reason, (smart) women hang onto their jobs.  Sadly, the kid ends up parked in daykare; later subjected to public school anti-education programs - and the nasty influence of reprobate's kids.

"For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are  God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues : tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." Romans 13:6-7

"Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates,  to be ready to every good work,"  Titus 3:1

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Oh my goodness, how many hours - and atleast a $100 per -

was the poor woman hornswaggled out of!  With what's going on in her life, it's no wonder, this or that spreadsheet formula didn't add up - one cell over, or missed entirely, is bound to happen, from lack of peaceful space in which to concentrate.  Good news is: (after all this time - how many years? too dern many) she came to a safe place (waay too few of them) and spilled facts; namely, jasper needs to get a job, because she (isn't getting any younger and) can no longer finance his "soft" era excuses.  (Yeah i'll bet that's soft too :(

Boyfriend or son?  Well that depends on which office one is referring to...down the hall, another woman is about fed up with jasper - at late thirty-something, one would think he'd have his life together, maintain his own credit card - and not be so covetously cheap-skate.  The disappointment in the woman's voice, spoke volumes, as she spoke into her phone.  The episode concerned something along the lines of a mere hoagy or boli.  She's not getting any younger, either.

Talking out of school here?  Ah, the advantage of keeping an blog address - one located along a cyber sidestreet, of a sidestreet :)  Anyway, needs to be said.  Per the second half of the needless drama.  One especially - maybe two or three of the other women; in short, judgy attitudes.  The sheer lack of empathy.  Sickening.

i'm nobody's dietician, but you cannot tell me, for one second, the woman's pouchy, extended middle is all about carbs, and neglecting to hit the gym. (Like there's time - and gas - for that?  Maybe in some judgy's la-la land :/)  Meanwhile, in the REAL world, bodies are known to react to stress in ways that aren't attractive. I.e., years of working full time, while the ongoing (and fruitless) effort of keeping a postage-stamp place, in atleast some semblance of order ... while livingroom-lizard sits on his tail... Bruh...

Friday, September 13, 2024

I said, I said, I said ... just rattles my cage.

Who hasn't been there, having your ear jabbed off, and about every other sentence, it's "I said..."  Just gives me the willies.  Used to know someone who wasn't much for listening, but boyhowdy, always had something to say.  Needless to say, i don't miss the ear clutter one iddy bit :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bible bashers love to point out,

that men in the Old Testament had multiple wives and concubines.  Perhaps a mercy because back then, if a Hebrew man slept with a woman who was not his wife, that was bad sin. Bad enough, that God might take away the Holy Spirit from a man who stepped out.  King David was greatly worried about that.  In short, eternal consequences, for an indiscretion - one  which more men than women are prone.  

These days, if you cheat on your spouse (of the opposite sex) the Lord will forgive the adultery, if the adulterer/ess is for-real, in asking for pardon, and wants to turn away from repeating the sin.  Of course, if the wife finds out, files for divorce, and takes half the house, the 401k, too bad so sad.  While the sin is under the blood, the lawyer fees, the years of alimony, and child support payments are on you, bud.  (Oh, and have a happy retIrement ;/ )

Back then, if you sinned, and had enough sense to be worried about your soul, you took your best lamb to the priest, and had it sacrificed.  But the sin of adultery?  People ended up getting stoned for that - with stones, not weed.  David, being King, was able to keep the scandal under wraps, but that year had been a tough one.  But it surfaced, and became the song of drunkards.

"Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me."  Psalm 51:11

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adultery and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."  Leviticus 20:10

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A drawing of a group of pilgrims.

From the early 1600s.  First impression, these men, women and children left magnificent Europe - with it's grand cathedrals, it's comfortable inns, and convenient roads and  shops, for what?  A harsh land of nothing but massive trees, savage winters,  and neighbors who lived in the stone age.  The pilgrims left behind their rich European heritage, to permanently live in a land with no history.  Bet they felt disconnected. Couldn't help but feel sorry for them.