Sunday, June 4, 2023

Atleast one of the red-pillers gets giddy, when he announces how single men fare financially better than,

do single women.  On the way home, was thinking about my leave balance.   Leave time is like a savings account - as for inflation's siphoning, still better to have resources put aside, for things ... uh, like the $400-ish plumbing bill.  Not complaining, and certainly grateful to be able to have paid it drama-free.   Question does arise, however, had i been born male, would life experience, so far, had provided me the skill to fix the problem?  Maybe so, or maybe partly.  And if either, would have also resulted in taking  less hours off work.  But of course, am old, grew up in a different time, bla, bla, bla...

Well, have just learned, will need to call the garage; the problem isn't a big deal - but it is to me, so will call tomorrow and schedule an appointment later in the week.  Betting, that if i was a man, would know how to fix that - for around $30 - and not end up having to take any leave from work. But then again, hey, i'm old... This car problem will probably cost around $150; oh well, life happens, and am thankful for drama-free solutions.  And am doubly grateful, for having saved leave, over the years, for stuff like this - and for winter weather drama.

Thing is:  while women spend extra on repairs - and cleaning stuff, because we're picky - men's 2-3X upper body strength comes with a grocery price; requires things like ham for breakfast and beef or pork for dinner.  Can only guesstimate what red meat costs nowadays; haven't bought any since John passed.  

Anyway, concerning the red-pill's little glee-fest; his claim that a single man is able to stockpile more money than a single woman, am not quite convinced.  While men, generally, can fix things, that women are ... well, clueless about, another staff meeting comes to mind.  Oh wait, just call the plumber, the roofer, and the guy who puts in windows...   Their older guys are retiring; uhm, yeah, thirty years in the trades, wears down even clean-living men (and women) - by the time these gentlemen hit 60-something, their bodies are hurting.

So yeah, those $400-ish bills he charges people are reasonable; he can retire, and not have to - on top of pinched nerves - pinch stupid pennies on stuff; praise the Lord!  

These contractors are concerned; they're having problems finding qualified men (and women) to hire on.  Frankly, this boomer has little time to go on with (raspy voice) " these young whipper-snappers..."  Gag me a with a spoon ...:/   Reality is, young men learn to fix stuff, mainly, from their Fathers - and that isn't likely to happen so much during those bi-monthly weekend "visitations."  And forget about wednesday evenings - especially when it gets dark at 5pm.  

Well fathers aren't around so much; grandfathers are out cruising somewhere - perhaps, on plastic, but regardless of payment plan... or no plan at all - my generation, and that of my parents (silents/greatest) were given the koolaid; while my parent's generation took sips, my generation took gulps.  Nowadays, it looks like people - even older people - are chugging that green ... uck. 

Btw, getting off work friday, saw another one of those six-color flags.  Not blaming gays here; they didn't start the mess.  Wouldn't be surprised if a similar trend happened 4,000 years ago; the men of Sodom were called wicked, before the Bible refers to their preferences.  And neither does Roman's 1 start out, preaching against homosexuality; that didn't come until late in the chapter.  Anyway, that flag, that all (re)started a century ago...with little pukes, like Belfort Bax; his writing so screemie-meemies.  Someone on the web, who was over the moon about that guy's very pouty rant against women, referred to him as an early red-pill.

Yep, starts with husbands dogging their (house)wives, and daughters (for no other reason than being born with an xx chromo). And the old, there's no money for a vacuum cleaner that sucks, but betcha, there's money for a widescreen and dates with some hottie.  Goes downhill from there.

"And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grevious;
I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know."  Genesis 18:20-21

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