Thursday, June 1, 2023

Was recently at (another) conservative churchanity website. Not to confuse churchanity with Christianity. Waay big difference...ya know, light and darkness.

A woke-ish feminist had some things to say, concerning right-winged women - she was calling them out for their smugness, and sadly, the (financially) bleak future which awaited them, when these white-gloved ladies turned 45-something...ya know, post wall - when their husbands divorce them, and move on to a younger model.  This happens, by the way, and this reality shapes divorce and alimony laws - red-pills hate accountability.

They despise TRUTH too.  The reality is, rad feminists became such after witnessing things, very wrong - very evil.  Being around rank evil...well that can mess anyone up - rightwing or woke.  There are so many - too many - people who insist narcissists don't exist.  Why? Because alot of people simply can not wrap their heads around the reality, that there's people out there who will stomp on others, because they enjoy - bigtime - making other people miserable, if not suicidal.  Oh yea, never steal a car, or get in a fist-fight, just murder souls...for fun.

Needful to say, the Church keeps dropping the ball, time and time again.  Yeah, sheparding the flock, too much like Bible study.

Anyway, how these so-called "Christian" conservatives responded, in the comment section...oh my, was lightyears away from anything the Lord Jesus would say or do.  The comments were nothing but scoffing - pharisees of new testament time, call your office.  The phrase,"who hurt you?" was bandied repeatedly.  And of course, a few  boxed wine and cat calls.  To sum it up, most, if not nearly all the comments, were just dog gone mean-spirited.

So disgusted, but not overly surprised :/ Have half a mind to change my political affiliation to democrat... nah, let those red-pill rotters change their voter card :(

"For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile:" 
1 Thessalonians 2:3

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