Monday, January 9, 2023

Will have to get Biblical documentation on this one, because it seems to make sense, that people who successfully

do things which the Lord approves, basically can't help but to do those things - like, for instance/s, have no desire to listen to rock music, drink beer, fornicate...   There's alot of people who don't cuss, who give to charity, who are in bed - alone - by 10pm, and who fast; but that doesn't mean they're saved (from sin, and it's eternal penalty in the Lake of Fire).  

A person can tithe, every sunday, and still be as "lost as a golfball in high grass."  The difference between the lost tither, and the saved one is: the lost one has an agenda, and the saved one?  Well, he can't help himself (or herself).  Tithing, like fasting and prayer, are gifts from the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives saved people different gifts.  For instance, Holly is one of God's children, but she can barely make her rent each month - and yeah, she doesn't always manage her money as well as she could - but her gift is actually getting out there and talking to people about Jesus.  Oh wait, there is a Scripture in the New Testament...goes along the lines about some being evangelists, others being teachers...

This post isn't about excusing church-cheapskates, but this post is certainly about people having different abilities and situations.  Anyway, have to cut this short.  Godda get ready for work.

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