Well, at the time, having no interest in Scripture, and believing that humans - and every other creature - evolved from pondscum, talk about envy. No sheet, still remember, thought my freaking head was going to explode. Was so raging inside. So yeah, understand where the bitterness comes from.
Preachers, the for-real ones, tell their congregations to witness to unsaved people, as to what Jesus Christ did for them. i sort of balk at this because, people have their own issues, and because of such, could really give a flying freak about what Jesus - or anybody else did for you, or me. Human condition. But, ya know what? This is a blog post, and anyone is free to not even come here - let alone, even read one sentence.
So, before heading off to work, am going to brief my personal witness, of what Jesus Christ did for me. Whenever that green monster of envy, toward the rich - especially - comes to call, greenie doesn't get invited in; greenie only gets an immediate calm, "please begone." Devils hate that; they want you to get mad, and cause a scene; it's hard to gaslight calm refusals.
Godda roll. Bye.
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