Friday, September 30, 2022

How i keep nail polish from chipping. Had read in an article - and wasn't surprised -

that said frequent changing of shades weakens the nails.  Yeah, nail polish/remover dry them out.  And being that older nails are probably more prone, makes sense to go easy on them.

Anyway, when i use polish remover - the strong stuff, because that works to remove dark colors.  When it's all off, i rub my fingers with olive oil, then buff dry with a soft cotton towel.  From there, put on whatever color i choose.

And can go two weeks until it's time to remove and repeat.

Favorite colors are red, red and red.  That's one thing i like about being old.  i can wear red.  Granted, came up from a time when red on a young woman's finger tips was, rather racey.  

But old women can get away with redredred.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Hebrews owned slaves? Yeah! However, even the lowliest scullery maid got a day off, every week. That was the Law.

Egyptian and caananite rulers could, and probably did, work their slaves seven days a week - and beat them to death, for what? ... a few sheets n giggles?   Meanwhile, the Hebrews - from their princes, to the poor schlep who shoveled horse manure - stopped work at 6pm friday evening, because that was the start of their Sabbath.  Whatever farm tool joe slave was using, by 6pm, that rake or hoe was wiped off and hanging on its hook.

By 6pm saturday, the Sabbath was over.  But ya know what?  In that region of the world, it's about getting on dark by 8pm.  So, saturday at 6pm, what's joe slave going to do?  Maybe he'll head out to the shed and sharpen the sickle, or check the wagon wheel - he recalled it sounding rather funny late thursday.  Meanwhile, during that two-time hour work-window, sally the scullery slave would perhaps, sharpen some kitchen knives (metal was expensive - so things had to be taken care of) or maybe she'd snap some green beans.  Or maybe she'd give the window wells a wipe/give the walkway a sweep. 

Unlike the egyptian and caananite slave owners, in Hebrew sociey, if your slave accidently knocked over your favorite vase, and you beat the living tar out of that slave, you could end up in big trouble for that.  Yep!  Again and again, Hebrews were reminded that their ancestors suffered under BRUTAL working conditions.  

For the most part, however, "slaves" in Hebrew society, were Hebrews themselves, who'd ran into financial trouble.  So, dennis the debtee would work seven years to pay what he owed; at the end of the term, he'd be given sufficient resources to start over as a free man.

But the most important thing was:  a slave, like anybody else in Hebrew society, was taught about the Lord God's ways - what He expects from His people, be they princes or poop shovellers.  Meanwhile Pagan rulers didn't give one iota about the eternal souls of their laborers.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Women envy men? Well, the little green monster made an appearance on Monday.

There's this, evidently, successful male co-worker, and he was going on about his successful high risk stocks n bonds, or whatever.  This one investment avenue was worth like, next to zilch - a programming issue.  He FIXED the problem.  And now, the stock is worth ... alot of money.  From nothing to several thousands.  That's just one source.  And NO!  He wasn't bragging, just glad to be well set, and have the computer skills, and the motivation, to stay well set.  And, by the way, his wife has a good job too.

So, yeah, the green monster showed up.  And stayed, eh, for about a half minute.  Greenie had to go, quick - and, surely, wasn't real happy.  Yep, within a few seconds, guess Who else shows up?  The Holy Spirit.  And we know whenever He shows up, greenie 'n company are out the door.  i know this, because, were it not for the Lord, i'd still be fuming envy.  

Bible says Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three persons, one God.  There's a Scripture about demons on the look for places to sofa surf.  It's the Scripture about some guy who evidently cleans up his act - but he didn't acknowledge Christ as Lord.  Anyway, the demon who was squatting had, i guess, got bored and frustrated because there was no booze or dirty magazines, or whatever.  So, the demon takes off, but he can't find a place to freeloader.  Have to wonder, because, somewhere in the Book of Job (i think, it's in Job) it says something about hell being a place of no order.  That tells me, demons aren't all buddy buddy with each other.  

Had been thinking about this, awhile ago.  Why couldn't the departing demon just had joined some others who were occupying narc-neighbor...ya know, the dude who beats up his girlfriend, for ... well, kicks?  Maybe the departing demon wasn't into violence.  Maybe he was looking for some pseudo-intellectual who was into Kant, Nietzsche...what ever!  Evil doesn't always get drunk and molest kids; sometimes, evil gets off playing holy-joe.

Anyway, the Scripture goes on about the  condition of the demon-free house.  It's all swept and nice - no booze bottles, roaches, cigarette butts in the trays.  But the Holy Spirit doesn't live there either.  So, guess what happens.  Yep, couch-surfer comes back - and he brings along seven others, grungier and moochier than him.  Something about, the last state being worse than the first  ya know, a dog returning to his  vomit, sow to her mud hole.

Godda roll.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Just hate spinster-shaming. Back in the day, an unmarried 30-something woman was likely single because,

for having committed the bigtime sin of having been less than physically attractive.  Not all women are miss america.  Back then, few women were obese; if you've ever pushed a 1960s vacuum cleaner, those things are heavy - and women used to lug those things up and down stairs.  Irons were heavy too, and there was alot of ironing to do.  Cooking was done with cast iron skillets.  Houses were tiny, families were large, and housework was constant.  So, no time or space to gain scores of pounds.

Being a plain jane is not a willful crime, it just happened to be the situation for some women, in a day when cosmetic surgery was not available,  or way too expensive.  But the gender brownnosers of the time would victory dance around the homely girls, and flash their engagement/wedding rings.  The saying is true, women can (and usually ARE) their own worst enemies.  Of course, there were, and are, women who had been in a relationship that didn't end well; so, these gals decided, they were done.  Ya know, trust issues - can ya blame 'em?  Oh, but the gender brownnosers do...any reason to blame-game, evidently.

And ya know what?  High time for that sheet-show to STOP!  Hey girls, men really don't like us women; so, what's the point of kissing up to people, that no matter what you do, how much you try, it will never be enough - and how little you ask, in return...well, too much.  You'll never be acknowledged as ... well, a human?

Monday, September 19, 2022

Oh, by the way, at the healthy church - where MEN even attend sunday night and

the mid-week prayer/Bible study, some of them come by themselves.  And yeah, among the "single"(?) ones, there's a few that are good looking.

But here's the deal: thank You, Jesus, i am so not interested - in even so much as a coffee date.  You see, dear reader, that's just ONE of the blessings of following the Lord Jesus.  

Jesus is not looking down his nose at me, for being very post-wall and "single."  Jesus is not mocking me when stopping at the diner (once in a blue moon, because am such a tightwad) to eat supper alone - He would take issue, by the way, if i left a skimpy tip (there's a Scripture about stiffing working people).

In short, oh yeah, there is definitely a Scripture that clearly says that woman was made for man, and not vice-versa - and that widows under the age of 60 should marry.  (i am over 60, but that's not the point of this post.)  Point is: while the Lord created women to be wives (helpmeets) of men, i have yet to find ANYWHERE in Scripture where the Lord calls single women "left overs" / while laughing at them - and their inability to fix something, that a man could do in five seconds.

In conclusion, there are a few red-pills out there, who ARE Christians, and you betcha, they're no friends of feminism.  But the difference is:  these Christian men are not mockers.  While they don't like what the 304s are doing, these red-pill Christians want to see these "hoes" get saved ... ya know, just like any other list person.

Godda roll.  Bye :)

Sunday, September 18, 2022

"Stong Successful Male"? Yeah, there's some over at the church house! And that's so not to be confused

with the pro-forni (nook for free) dweebo who runs his(?) game on a you-tube channel.  As a matter of fact, people who feeeellll the na-na nneeeedd to bray their "success"... well, ya just have to wonder.  Ya know..."things that make ya go hhmmm, hhmm, yeah..."  

Anyway, the REAL successful men, over at the church, they're doing things.  Things that actually matter.   And yeah, they've faithful wives, nice houses, cars that are reliable, time and money to do things which benefit other people.  As an aside, but not really, if ya ever wondered why for-real Christians (here in the states) generally do okay financially, ya think it might have something to do with not blowing money on garbage (booze, weed, pron/games, toys, repairs that should have been done FIVE years ago...) ya think?!

Men are a definite sign of a for-real church.  And here's the deal:  these days, especially, churches, where the Bible is actually preached from the pulpit, are usually the ones with a bunch of old folks sitting in the pews.  

Old, i.e., 60 and over.  Now, we all know, women generally live a few years longer than men (we gals didn't spend 40 years getting our guts scrambled behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer).  Anyway, the gender ratio over at church is about 50-50.  And yeah, there's young people, and children too, but there's alot of old men, and old women.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Interesting sermon - on, one of the KJB preachers spoke about the caananites.

He said, per various OT Scriptures, that the caananites' various weirdo s*x habits "defiled the land."   One thing for sure - defiled doesn't mean sanitary, nor swept.  Have been pondering, what's perv have to do with mismanaged/littered farm land?  If you ignore your fields, weeds will sprout up, but weeds aren't filthy.  Weeds come from neglect/sloth, but defilement goes beyond sleeping in till half past 10am.

The preacher went on, describing what Scripture validates - sin is no introvert.  In short, gross habits, especially, will manifest outside of the bedroom - or wherever else the weirdness is taking place.  He also spoke of the Lord warning the Israelites, that if they go weirdo, the land will also "vomit them out," as it did the caananites.  

In short, the sermon got me to thinking...we all live in a world that, at least, has been influenced by christian thoughts/habits.  So, do we have much, if any, evidence of caananite house/yard keeping habits.  Am asking, were they - even among the wealthier classes - rather prone to be sloppy?  Somewhere in the OT, the Lord provides us a glimpse of a parr-tah going on; the guys are all plastered, and the table they're sitting around, is full of vomit puddles.  Am no theologian, but i know the Lord speaks truth; He takes serious issue with people who fornicate and get drunk.  

The OT also tells the Israelites that if they touch someone with "an issue" (an infection) to take a bath and wash their clothing.  He also tells the other Israelites to steer clear of the person, and not even sit where the man (or woman) had been sitting.  Yeah, i get it, the Lord is big on separation, but what i don't get is:  didn't the egyptians and the caananites (and other pagan cultures at the time) know that when someone issues a cough or a sneeze in your direction ...?  Yeah, they didn't have microscopes back then, but they did have social experience - old folks, who learned basic stuff from their parents, who learned from their parents...ya know, when someone im the family gets the runs, the whole house ends up running too.

So, why did the Lord have to explain commonsense cleanliness, in a rather repetitive manner, that you'd expect coming  from a parent or teacher to a group of not-real-bright five year-olds?

Can only conclude, the Word is truth - that ungodly lifestyles do in fact dumb people down - so far down, that remotely passable cleanliness becomes way out of the picture.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Sign of a for-real church - MEN, in attendance...even at mid-week prayer meetings.

And no, not looking.  'Am too set in my ways, living on my own...if i want to cook, i cook, if not, then don't.  Am just glad, church is King James - and not one or more of those johnny-come-lately versions.  And not only that, but the church is three miles down the road; and i can get there taking the back road...driving after dark (sunday evenings, and the daylight growing shorter).  So, taking the back road, can go slow, without irritating other drivers - where i live, there's deer - which never learned in grade school, "stop, look & listen, before you cross the street...".  Young guy in my area, just last week, hit a deer ... totalled his car.  Don't want those hassles.  Anyway, time to roll.

Monday, September 12, 2022

What's with all the sugar? Have a recipe book, ffom the early 1980s (got it as a gift, back in the day).

Anyway, any random cookie recipe - yielding about 3 dozen cookies - calls for a cup of sugar...WHAT???, if not more.  For several years, i have used those recipes, BUT have made ONE change.  Have halfed the sugar.  And ya know what?

You can actually taste the cookie.   Frankly, i think, with the lower sugar, the cookies taste better.  But, of course, while most people like the cookies, a few do not.

A friend of mine said the reason for the insane amounts of sugar DUMPED into most baked goods - as well as about every other food - is market driven.  In short, that's what the consumer wants.

But do most people actually want to be POISONED?   And yeah, scoffer, i get it, people should make better choices, cook their own food.  But hey railer, here in the REAL world, people are juggling crappo jobs, while scrambling to find child, or elder care, for their families.  Sadly, for too many people, takeout ... well, sorta works...sure beats ka-ka, ccoooking and cleaning up - that is, after working all day at some crappo job/s.

Oh, and by the way, it depends on where ya live, and the sort of neighbors ya have in the unit.  But cooking can draw rodents...another freaking hassle - mice like to crap on counter tops, in kitchen drawers and cupboards.  Ew.

Oh, but judgy people don't care...they sure dont..:/ want to consider other people's situations.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

No, this is not an excuse to go goodyear; just a bit of reality. In a post, about losing the weight, and keeping it lost,

someone made mention, that getting adequate sleep, matters.  The person had worked third shift.  Come to think of it, our bodies were designed to sleep when it's dark outside.  But our civilization needs people to work at night.   If the power goes out, if someone gets a heart attack at 3 am; if an ice storm happens at night, the roads need treated, so essential personnel can get to work, in one piece.  Anyway, people working various crazy shifts, must deal with inconsistent sleep patterns.  So yeah, john and jane, pulling the crazy shifts, may be a few pounds overweight.

Speaking of working, a certain borderline obese housewife would cook her Husband a nice breakfast, before he went to his day job.  Then, an hour later, she made breakfast for their two kids, and also packed their lunches.  Well, we all know, that if you want the pounds away, stay the flock out of the kitchen. (Likewise, if you want to give up beer, you steer clear of the tavern.)  People who sing-song that you need to have willpower, are running their version of salvation by one own works - oh, shut yer pie hole, already; saving ourselves, by our own ("filthy rags") works??  HAH!  That's not Biblical.

What IS Biblical, is having compassion for people, working crazy shifts - and having mercy for people, on the 3am break, and the only food available, is the junk in the breakroom vending machine.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Fat shaming? Well, here's a little tale: At a certain VERY run down bar (that closed

about six years ago) where my late Husband and i used to frequent, these two fat women would sometimes visit; between the both of them, there had to have been some 750 pounds.  They both were fat.  Anyway, a certain slender woman, Nan, had something to say, concerning the two; the look on Nan's face, and her facial expression was very telling.

Nan said something to her beer buddy about the condition of the floor; she added, not wanting to be mean-spirited.  Concern, not meanness, was written all over Nan's face.  You see, the building was about a century old; the pinewood floor was in bad condition, there were quarter-sized holes here and there; you could see into the basement, had a light been on down there.

Yep, Nan was no angel, but doggoneit, she was evidently brought up well enough to not go around shaming people.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Oh, that could end badly. Some misog was spouting off to fathers, saying, basically, "yer daughter,

ain't worth sheet!"  Good thing, he's talking his trash from his safe place, and not to some hot-head dude on the street.  Ya know...parents...their kid can do no wrong.  But then again, misogs have issues.  This one in particular...could be covertly lashing out.  Regrets.  

While the $nIp can be reversed, but the likelihood decreases as time goes by.  Misog is in his mid-40s.  And even so, though i am no doctor, how reversible is reversible?  While it's only a few hundred bucks to get the cut, what's the cost if the guy changes his mind?  

But what of the real cost?  Is there not a psychological thing about it?  If not now, what about down the road? - when he's five or ten years older...and qwik-fix might result in several thousand down the drain, if not more.

Misogs...they go on bashing women...for being choosy...not wanting guys under six feet tall.  Oh come on!  There's plenty of short husky guys out there who have girlfriends.  These men are busy building stuff, repairing stuff - and come the weekends, are out with their friends, driving their sports cars, monster trucks, riding motorcycles.  From what i understand, these motor clubs don't have height/weight requirements.  

Oh yeah, and young pretty women go to those motor rallies.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Here we go again! Half the family size, twice the drywall. But, has anyone noticed

furniture?  Sofas and chairs, they're so bulky.  And not only that, but a furnishing that is space friendly, is ALOT more expensive.  Saw a bulk-free sofa - and YES leather, because it lasts; very basic looking.  They wanted $8,000.00 - yes, 8 grand for it.  Bell no, don't have that kind of money - nor a whole lot of floor space.  Anyway, did find a space-friendly sofa for less than $1,500.00...only because the Lord was looking out for me, and knew the piece i had was more than ready for the curb.  Wasn't leather, just cloth, but oh well.

Strange, because five years ago, my late husband and i, bought two tall-man's leather recliners.  Oh yeah, bulky as all get out.  BOTH were less than $2,000.  We had  purchased them at a reputable furniture store - not at one of those cheapo places. 

Also, the need for extra drywall is because of electronics.  Especially, nowadays.  One 'puter and workspace, per household, isn't going to do.  Back in the day, when kids did their homework, they had a book, pen and paper tablet.  Very portable.  No mouse, no battery charger/extra charger packs, no printer, no wires.

Co-worker and her husband bought a house right before covid.  Now they realize, they should have bought a bigger place for themselves and their three young children.  With working and schooling from home - and the extra space needed to review and store the paperwork.  

Oh, just use the kitchen table.  Uhm-hmm... and you wonder how stuff gets lost?

Welcome to the real world.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Well, the misogs will romp on that broadcast - some brief interviews with old women who are financially stressed, and had to take in a boarder, because

of mortgage and related expenses.  Oh yeah, bet the misogs would get their jollies.  None of the four or five interviewed were old men.  So, the misogs would be prone to paint their pages in paid for 4k square foot houses, with a paid for rv or boat, parked along the side.  

But here's the reality.  Old men, who generally, aren't afraid of moving blades, cut their own grass; and old men, generally, know how to maintain their lawn mowers - and their snow blowers, as well as basic electronic and plumbing needs.  As for old women?  Not so much.  In addition, (old) women will replace curtains, table cloths, towels and such, before they fade/stain too badly; men, generally, don't care so much about stuff like that.  Same goes with clothing.

Sure, men - who don't get into booze, drugs, gambling - tend to be financially better off than women.  Also, men are likely to take investment risks - and risks in general - than are women.  That's another thing, the mean-girlish misogs get all emotional (ugh, whadda turn off); misogs get their jollies railing on women for their need to feel secure - in other words, slamming women, for no better reason than women being as the Lord created.  

Friday, September 2, 2022

Needs mentioned again - as abortion access is being taken off the table, while, at the same time,

there's more you-tubing female toadies, who are joining their masculist/mgtow/misog handlers in bashing single moms.  Whaayda sec! What's single mom supposed to do?  Get an abortion?  Anyway, the toadies and their masters are  coming off with ... predictable shame tactics - yikes, they'd embarrass any self-righteous victorian society marm.  Ya know, single moms are sl*ts - and let the beeches grow old alone, fat, poor, stupid...ha ha ha ha.  

Did it ever occur to these judgy people that the single mom may have left a toxic situation?   Seriously, will five year old Fred benefit being around his dope-dealing daDUH - selling, and even doing, the crack right in front of the kid?  Hey, saw this play out, more than once, back in the day - wasn't crack, was just pot; but still, not exactly a stable environment for a kid.  Needless to say, the place was a crampy DUMP, and NO place for the kids to spread their studies or coloring books - and one or more ended up with Ds and Fs???  Oh, that's a great start in life!

So, the mom finally grew both a brain, and a spine, took the kids, and herself out of there.  She rented an apartment that was both bright and clean - a place that she could keep clean.

Whether the couple was married, or just living together, still...sometimes, the situation doesn't involve mom being smacked around by her drug-dealing, workshy partner.  Sometimes, it's just a case of him stepping out, one or two too many times.  Or they just don't get along.  So mom packs her stuff - or dad packs his.

Meanwhile, the toadies do their you-tube victory dances.  So, time will tell, how long the dance will go on.  Most of these female gender-traitors are young.  The "wall" is a few years down the road.  Yep, time will tell.  What song and dance will they be doing, come around ... eh, 2027ish?