Monday, September 12, 2022

What's with all the sugar? Have a recipe book, ffom the early 1980s (got it as a gift, back in the day).

Anyway, any random cookie recipe - yielding about 3 dozen cookies - calls for a cup of sugar...WHAT???, if not more.  For several years, i have used those recipes, BUT have made ONE change.  Have halfed the sugar.  And ya know what?

You can actually taste the cookie.   Frankly, i think, with the lower sugar, the cookies taste better.  But, of course, while most people like the cookies, a few do not.

A friend of mine said the reason for the insane amounts of sugar DUMPED into most baked goods - as well as about every other food - is market driven.  In short, that's what the consumer wants.

But do most people actually want to be POISONED?   And yeah, scoffer, i get it, people should make better choices, cook their own food.  But hey railer, here in the REAL world, people are juggling crappo jobs, while scrambling to find child, or elder care, for their families.  Sadly, for too many people, takeout ... well, sorta works...sure beats ka-ka, ccoooking and cleaning up - that is, after working all day at some crappo job/s.

Oh, and by the way, it depends on where ya live, and the sort of neighbors ya have in the unit.  But cooking can draw rodents...another freaking hassle - mice like to crap on counter tops, in kitchen drawers and cupboards.  Ew.

Oh, but judgy people don't care...they sure dont..:/ want to consider other people's situations.


  1. I usually remove half the sugar from a recipe too. Occasionally the result doesn't turn out, but those mistakes are few and far between.

  2. Same here, Kathy, my caramel cookies didn't turn out.
