degree, which she had done well enough in, to get a decent job... Well, what, it's been some 20 years since then. She can't even recall the day or even the year, but it's was warm out, the day was sunny, and she realized the whole evolution thing just reeked of an agenda. Of course, our accounting heroine didn't study science, but she couldn't shake the suspicion of book-cooking activity going on...things she would read, while questions being either dismissed, or evaded...this and that scientist - who didn't even believe Genesis - getting invalidated, if not outright slandered - for simply doing science as he or she was taught.
Of course, like any college kid, she had learned about Nebraska Man and such. There were one or two other cases of fraud she had learned about, but that was back then. But one thing had always stuck: lie to me once, i'll assume it's a misunderstanding on my part; lie to me again, i'll do the same. But lie to me yet again? We're done!
Changes began to happen shortly after. While Becky was not much of a Bible reader, she did pay attention to the preacher's sermon - and per the Lord's grace in her life, Becky sat under a for-real preacher, who actually studied the Bible. And oh, get this: preacher did NOT farm out his wife to the workforce, in order to fund his ministry. Anyway, changes in Becky's life, she could not, nor cared to, credit herself for putting a stop to certain things. Things that just weren't right. Ya know, this and that, she liked doing, but the Lord does not go for those things.
We're not talking about anything gross. It's just that, it doesn't take a fancy-schmantzy theologian to understand that, all it takes, in a person's life is: one - just ONE - instance of flipping the bird at idiot who ran that stop sign, and almost ... One obscene gesture is enough to cook ya - forever. Anyway, somewhere along the way, between Becky's first job (which didn't work out) and her second, she realized there was no way she could make it on her own steam. In short, without Jesus Christ as Lord of her life, she was very burnt toast. Needful to say, those few months, of finally coming to terms - on the Lord's terms - weren't fun.
But, oh so worth it. So worth it, not having to kick yourself for things that aren't even your fault - oh, but hollywood will tell you over and over, it is nothing but your own stupid fault, he (or yikes, "they") got away, you pathetic luzer. But the real difference is - Becky has noticed more and more, over the years - people being so hepped up about living as long as possible, if not forever.
Oh, where's the science in that? Because, Bezer-the-Geezer might last 200 years - per some really creepy methods - but sooner or later, things wear out. Or some IDIOT!!!! on a stupid cell phone runs a stop sign. That one's still Becky's hobby horse ... was a close one.
So, back to 2021, where filing awaits. Will do some time travel, when i get on the bus.
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