Friday, September 24, 2021

Becky, Part 3: "Seriously!" Becky exclaimed. She took off the jeans, and threw them on the bed. That was the second pair which no longer fit - really, a bit late in the year for swimming. And it showed, especially on her face.

People noticed, and had asked what diet.  She didn't want to respond with the can't-keep-anything-down diet.  But that was her diet plan - one which she hadn't planned at all.  It was a few months ago, she began to notice more and more people getting all gushy-gushy about the upload - like it was the best thing ever.  At first she would ask questions - namely, "But aren't you afraid of malware, each time with the upgrades - which by the way, weren't only remotely done (oh, how convenient)?"  Of course, it didn't take long - not long at all - for people to start looking at her like she was retarded or worse ... nuts.  

It was sometime in early, maybe toward middle spring, she was at home and pulled off the upper shelf an old book.  A few evenings after, she again pulled down that old book - wasn't long after, Becky interest in the book's contents grew.  She, somehow - and that's a story in itself - managed to find a free copy on-line ... bet that web-host ended up out of a job - AND ineligible for uc.  Needful to say, the old book (the copy came off the press sometime around 1920 or so - some of the pages were in falling out mode) isn't one that you can just order up any old where.  Most vendors, though may carry watered-down versions, won't go near a KJV.  Anyway, since then, that precious Book is no longer relegated to a dusty top shelf, but instead, is lovingly kept in a top drawer, atop a worn out sweater, and beneath a 2027 Boston Redsocks t-shirt.

Anyway, must get back to 2021, because lunch is over.

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