crept in, but such was the "new normal," which was very abnormal. But to question, let alone, disagree ... what worked best, and most importantly, Biblically, was simply to remain separate ... from all, or as much as possible, away from the the drama.
Several months ago, maybe a year, Becky began noticing food in general - real food, like apples, bread, tomatoes, oj, eggs, milk ... real food, not junk - had a slight (NOT) funny taste about it. But a person has to eat. Made her mad, the needless meddling - of some sort - with the food. But as with everything else downright weird going on, and intensifyingly so, you don't say anything, unless you want an earful of yet another longwinded, snarkey little secular mental health sermonette.
Becky did manage the salami sandwich, an hour ago, and it only made her semi-nauseous. Power of prayer, she concluded. She prayed another one of thanksgiving - for not telling whatzerface to mind her own [everloving] business. Seriously? Isn't it quite obvious that to tell someone - with obvious FAKE concern - that, "oh, you look a bit rough, perhaps, you should..." Thankfully, the door opened, and in came an important client.
Later on, and somewhat calmed down, Becky almost had to laugh, because she wasn't the one with all the piercings and graffiti all over her body - which, by the way, per custom, clothing was usually scant - and the heating bills needlessly high, as a result, to accommodate the ever important self expression ... yeah, no wonder the cost of ... oh whatever, was so frakking high. Sometimes, especially now it being November, just seeing people come in and out, gave Becky the shivers. It's like 50 out, and windy.
"Calm down," "You're having a melt down." Yeah right :/ Besides being typical narco exaggerations, these reactions to normal human emotions, (conveniently) put everyone "in place," and kept them there.
More later, busstop ahead.
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