Monday, November 9, 2020

Red-pills are so full of themselves...running that same old th-ol-lady-wont-gimme-a...

form of intimacy that's way far from any possibility of reproduction ... well, of course it is.  Babies = provisioning.  Anyway, they revile and blame their ex/wives - and women in general - for...oh, where to start!

Could it be, the now ex wife (who is not perfect) simply became tired?  Tired of being fussed at, for basic stuff.  The last bit of drama, was when she finally had enough and...

Get this!

She called a plumber, and not only that, she called a reputable one.  The bill to clear the slow drain (since, like 2017) and replace a pipe had cost over $200 dollars.  Oh, never mind, she was able to get the dishes done in half the time, and no unsanitary blub-blub-blub.

Guess peewee was still jacked over her nagging about that leaning branch, back in 2013.  Uh, the thing had been one or two windstorms away from crashing onto either the side-roof, or one of the vehicles - if not both.  Uh, not rocket science - tree limbs too close to buildings and cars need to be removed by people who know what they're doing.  Yeah, the job was expensive, but i guess family safety isn't worth sacrificing fun-money.

In the REAL world, this shiola goes on, far more than any of us care to think about.

More later, truck will soon be done.  Yeah, i'm one of those freaking annoying responsible people, who don't make a scene because of a few hundred dollars - that, ugh...can make do with the winter coat i've had since Barak Obama's first term.


  1. This is why I tell you, you need to rethink the fundie Christian and Trump thing, they want "the pee-wees" in charge where women have absolutely no rights or ability for recourse. They took away all domestic abuse protections in Russia you know, and the red pill set couldn't wait to do that here. The Christian world treats women like trash. I am glad to be back in feminism.

  2. Dear Peeps, i am so grateful to not have been raised in any pagan nation - like china, india, iran, or africa.

    1. How do you know some of those places aren't better?

      Anyhow the USA if the Christo-fascists take over and Trump wins his coup attempt is going to be another Iran.
