Saturday, November 28, 2020

Oh here we go again, the same old wife-bashing, in bubble-land.

It's mom's choice of clothing - but the blog-owner doesn't want to read that bit of reality.  Which is: from about 18 to 80, women have two choices of clothing.  There's ugly, and there's uglier: pick one, biche!  In bubble-land, don' cha know, the stay-at-home wives sew all their clothing - and the kids' clothing as well.  In the real world, however, not only does wifey have to work full-time, then hurry to a cluttered home (cluttered, because she can't be there to keep things in order) and quick, fry up some grub, open several cans/boxes, load the washer, hurry to an occupied chair, dump the dryer load, and, sorta folding.

Why not fold the recycled soda-can fabrics in the laundry room?  Because wifey is too dog tired to mention of needing the small table in there - which is occupied with someone's (oh, taka good guess) stupid ars'd hobby.  Uhm, hobbies are for 3,000k square-foot circles, not for little-pink-house struggling couples, barely able to make the in-frakking-sane mortgage payments/school-taxes.  So, she doesn't want to start, what will end up as drama.

And preeecher-creeecher expects a double tithe?  Any wonder his sermons don't include a certain duty of husbands.  Hint:  that awful seven-letter word, starting with p.  

In bubble-land, if there's marital trouble, it's because the wives are fat, grouchy, selfish, frigid and lazy.  Never mind, the reality is: mom's needs usually, if not always, come last.  "Old clothes will have to do, 'cause the kids all need new shoes."   That's a line from a mid60s song called, "Queen of the house."  

It's almost funny, some of the (cough, gag, puke...) men over there, who are the most critical, aren't even married, but are chest-pounding single.  So red-pill proud.  Meanwhile, the reality is, the 30-something cat ladies don't even want so much as a half-hour coffee date with such pee-wees, let alone a sweaty romp.  Red-pills know they're generally losers in the mating game - and about so does everyone else.


  1. Not sure I understand all of this...but I think I agree.

  2. Dear Tabor, there's more than enough of it on the web - people who wax all bible-eze, pouring out verse after verse, but don't have a thimble's worth of empathy.

  3. One reason I am no longer a Christian, there's no empathy in it. The guy sending most of humanity to hell, it seems like he'd get some for his "weaker" lessers who can feel pain.
