Sunday, November 29, 2020

Really? $130, for that? For starters, it's tissuey thin recycled coke-bottle fabric, and the interfacing is very minimal. That means,

after a few washings - like three or four - the garment will stretch here, and sag there, and end up, in short order, to the back of an already crammed fast-fashion closet - if not dispatched to the landfill, along with the other piles, and piles of recycled plastics, called clothing.  And, adding insult to injury, this rubbish (before the tags, and the intentionally irritating label, is removed - the later being an exercise in surgery) is sewn by people, who work long hours with no breaks, and barely enough time to wolf down a small bowl of rice.  Btw, tell me only one factory over there, put bars on the windows, to keep the slaves from chucking themselves out!  

Anyway, atleast men's clothing is made with some sensibility in mind...oh, wait a sec.  Some 15 years ago, jeans were jeans - not the thickly priced thin stuff of later years.  Strange, back then, my husband worked in the warehouse, and his jeans lasted longer, than in later years -  when he was no longer physically able to lift heavy stuff all day long.  

Yep, i'm one of those oollld people, who believes clothing should be cut generously/sensibly and last a few years, (yeah, this old biche expecting the moon, again) and even make it to the second-hand store, still in reasonably wearable shape.  Oh wait a sec, poor people aren't supposed to feel halfways decent in used clothing - such is a grevious offense to the god of social darwinism. 

As for the, so everywhere, garish colors and uneven hemlines, that's all fine and dandy ... for the april fool's day parade.


  1. Try sanctuarie, may have told you this. I get custom made clothes and long dresses. Clothes for taller pear shaped fat women that aren't too short simply do not exist otherwise. At least you can get some long dresses.

  2. Dear Peeps, sactuarie has a store in the next town. Here turns out, the location used to be (some 30 years ago) a store that sold nice clothing - but, of course back then, decent clothing could be found even at the mall.

    1. Oh this is an online entity....
