Tuesday, November 10, 2020

If you need to take a pill for ... that, maybe what's missing is a good old-fashioned dose of reality.

Not to be - well, totally - rude...but it's a real trial not to be...the very subject is delusional.  Uhm, we age.  For women, it happens earlier.  For men, the window remains open for another decade, maybe two.  But sooner or later ... then things like high blood pressure take hold.  The recipe of medically necessary pills are enough of a side-effects show waiting to happen - but it's either the heart-meds, or a quick trip to the er.

Guess some folks just can't let go of their glory days - assuming the trip to woodstock did actually happen...some years back there was joke, the punchline being, the northeast us would buckle under the weight.

This obsession only lengthens peer-pressure's lifespan (which shoulda died long ago); never mind giving young people yet another reason to despise us - can ya really blame em!  Young may be dumb, but apparently, old doesn't always match up with wise.  


  1. Too many boomers seemed like they never wanted to grow up. I see many of them as spoiled. I went to a 50s/60s music event with husband, they were dancing and flirting like they were 18, wearing tight jeans at 70. I said to my husband, we are "older" in a sense than these people. I get the feeling with ease comes lack of empathy in some. This is why I tell you when you voted for Trump you voted with the spoiled set that refuses to realize what life is really like for Gen X on down. I feel like these people have destroyed the world on their way out the door. They were overly obsessed with sex too. I am no longer a fundie, and have different views about sex now too but feel like boomers ruined the world of sex in general. Younger people I think want more intimacy and meaning whether they are gay or straight.

    1. Dear Peeps, i just want to retch when i see 70-something women running around in shorts, but i'm just way too last century...early last century, i guess.

    2. I don't mind shorts worn for heat, but when I see 70 somethings who dress like teenagers it skeeves me out.

  2. I seem to see men taking a drug cocktail earlier than women so not sure why you think women age faster. My 90 year old neighbor looks 70 and is very fit on zero meds. Her husband was dead at 80.

  3. Dear Anonymous, some years back, my husband had mentioned of two of his buddies - who were a few years younger than he - would take half a blue pill, head out to the bar, get drunk, and hook up. These guys weren't old, they were in their mid 40s, but still, not good for the heart...let alone the eternal soul - yikes!

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  5. Yep, the same old copy n paste comment, concerning boomers getting treated like crap in nursing homes, is getting old ;/
