Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Guilted for living in a western nation - where public restrooms are clean.

That's us!  Us westerners.  Our fathers didn't put up with snakey-eyed despots - who steal the people's taxes to buy themselves gold potties.  Nope!  Here in the west, the tax money goes for things like railroads, snow removal, mail delivery, hospitals, services to help veterans deal with shell-shock, and find work, bridge maintenance (so ya don't fall in the river) ...   When our towns and farms get blown away or flooded out, tax money is sent to help folks rebuild.  In despot-land, the big-cheese couldn't care less, that his people are dying of thirst; why he needs yet another gold potty - half a dozen throughout his chambers aren't enough.

So away with the guilt-gaming, played too often by the air-miles-clocking crew.  Have to wonder what the third-worlders - whom they visit and bring stuff - are really thinking.  Oh sure, bet they're very grateful for the provisions, but surely the third-worlders are well aware, there could be an agenda going on.  Third-worlders may be dirt poor and down-in-dirt oppressed, but they're not stupid.  

Yeah i know, tithing (off the top) is Biblical, and there's so many people who need help.  How yet another conference (in pre-covid days, that is) at yet another touristy place, helps???  Well yeah, sure helps the gad-abouts to find more innovative ways in making merchandise. 

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