One particular i still remember - as if was yesterday - was the line noticeably, but nowhere near radically, dropping at around age 82 and 84, and then dropping off a bit more - noticeably, but not radically - during the mid 80s.
Though occurred to me, about a half hour ago. When you're old, like pushing 80, you're mind is so busy planning each step - a simple fall can equal an ambulance ride. Yeah, just a misstep. Any wonder, old people sometimes forget to record a check, leave their keys ... eh, somewhere, misspell words, leave their scarf ... eh, somewhere.
People don't realize how stress weighs on the mind. Talk to a young, strong war veteran, who is dealing with shell-shock. While old people have years to prepare, veterans find themselves plunged suddenly into ugliness - and is it any wonder that, while during wartime veterans operated sophisticated equipment - come back, and spend many a sleepless night. Workday mornings come early.
Anyway, this post is about old people.
Back when i was still young, i heard about dementia and alzheimers - and seriously, right off the bat, suspected a fear-mongering PSY-OPS!!! Ya know, hey old fart, get th' eff off th' effin' planet already!
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