Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Somehow, i really doubt the bank cared to know what weirdness Bucky's customer was into.

Thirty or forty years ago (when people still had sense about them) yeah, to air that sort of thing could - and probably did - affect whether or not you got the loan.  Back then, in order to get a loan, you had to evidence stability, reliability.  And this may not be fair, (the state one starts early September) but i personally know of a gal who - was not a weirdo - consistently paid her bills on time, with that very same financial institution... Well guess what! she was DENIED a small, but needed, loan because she had recently been divorced.  From what i gather, the entity's unwritten policy read, along the lines of, "if she can't keep a commitment to her husband..."

Oh, but denying loans on the basis of sex life is (oh horrors) discrimination.  Yeah...?  And how many old (and not so old) folks are (again) eating toast and salad for supper, because living expenses are going up - because unstable, unreliable, and just plain freakoid people are again, running off to dissy-land, and leaving their bills sit unopened? 

And how many old (and not so) are skimping on health care, because of the cost?  Oh yeah, don'cha know, it's the ooollld people who are driving up the cost...ya know, the same people who paid into the system for the last fifty years, but anyway...   Here's what drives up (health-care) costs in general.  Stupid, careless people who sleep around - and has anyone else noticed than when this sort of thing is going on, there's usually booze or drugs in the mix - and a car that will be driven sometime around 3 am.



  1. And here we are, Republican Christians vote against universal health care, and I suppose everyone who is poor is supposed to go die, because the jobs sure aren't offering decent health care anymore, that's if you can even get a job. Are you voting for politicians who cut Medicare?

  2. Dear Peeps, since my husband passed, i voted only once in the May 2019 election - republican...not like there's any major difference between the parties. Guess it's the nature of the beast... Frankly, the only reason i had voted all these years was for John - he knew more about that stuff than i. Each election time, I'd ask him, "Honey, which jerk should i vote for...? Think there was one time, when i liked a candidate, and he liked another.
