Tuesday, June 23, 2020

One of the boomer-bloggers has decided to moderate her comment section...her blog; she had written that she was getting

alot of abusive comments here of late.  Her blog isn't political, it's just a blog, in general, about 60+ life.  i wonder, if a few very disgruntled young folks are anonymously posting that "hope you boomers [flinging] drop dead" sort of thing.  i wonder that, because some variations of that anonymous post have made the rounds, and i guess are going back for a repeat round.  But i don't know...it's like ya find yourself second-guessing half of what's posted, these days.

Abusive.  Oh, that adverb gets bandied about, a bit much.  Can't help, however, to suspect that being "abusive" and simply expressing disagreement are morphing into one and the same - especially concerning certain topics.  Topics, which for about the past 2,000 years, the overwhelming majority of people were highly intolerant of having certain things paraded on the street in broad daylight, in front of children.  And nowadays, if you so much as kindly point out the obvious, then you are the bad guy.

Confusing.  Oopps, i used that word in a comment, and the response didn't go over so well.  But the picture at the top of her article certainly was confusing.  And it basically helps to explain why people are so confused these days.  The picture was taken in the wintertime; it showed, from the waist down, three young children and probably an adult.  Whoever took it, i don't - for one single second - blame him or her for not wanting to photograph the children's faces, for obvious reasons...yeah, too many creeps out there.  Seems to me, that before a creep becomes a creep, there first has to be confusion going on. 

Anyway, the picture showed four individuals dressed in different mismatched shades of clash - and the clothing all melded into the same shade and style of foolishness.  Needless to say, one could barely differentiate between the boys and the girls.  Intolerant old me, there i go again...got issues with this gender-fluidity b.s.


The confusion starts in early childhood.  And that slimy-ars'd demon was actively slinking in the corners decades ago.   "Nothing new under the sun."  Well, then logic (yeah, logic) tells me that (over a half century ago) i wasn't the only little girl who wanted very much to wear clothing made for little girls.  Logic also tells me that little boys want to wear clothing made for little boys.  Logic also tells me that when ya detract from a child his or her (from birth) gender identity, that's basically telling the kid he or she isn't good enough...opens the gate for alot of additional problems - that will spread like some nasty, under the surface, disease.


  1. America is literally dying and we may be living in a Mad Max Dystopia very soon, where people are having to dig in the woods for roots or eating the family dog, and you are worried about girls wearing some pants or boys wearing a pink shirt? This is why young people don't like boomers, you were so spoiled. Most of you never had the same worries we did. Have you ever gone digging in a trash can for dinner? I can't even get clothes right now, I ordered some in April that haven't shown up. Oh most boomers went clothes shopping for FUN for decades.

  2. Dear Peeps, when boomers were in their 20s, jobs that actually paid a living wage were available - and you didn't need college to get one. Many boomers, as they moved into middle age also inherited from their parents - because the parents had remained married. Nowadays, alot of young people won't inherit a thing, because their boomer folks divorced, each took up with a playmate, and are blowing what's left on cruises and cars they can barely afford. You're right, boomers left a crappy legacy. Bible says we're to leave an inheritance to our grandchildren, and bless the Lord, if i have to keep on eating toast for supper and drive that rust-bucket to do that, so be it. By the way, i read alot of boomer blogs, so smug, much new-agey rubbish. Bleech!

    1. I am glad you admit that boomers left a crappy legacy. Most will not admit their own generations faults. Gen X was too apathetic and let themselves be rolled over and now their children are facing dystopian lives of poverty and oppression. The New Age boomers love the oppressive messages even in other religions, that lie about reality, where one is told "think great thoughts" and your life will be great. Kind of like Christian prosperity gospel, but in New Age form. The powers that be love religions of different flavors that oppress the poor. If I had children or grandchildren, I would be trying to get them out of America or preparing them to leave even if I was stuck here.
