Wednesday, June 10, 2020

One one of the boomer-blogs, the lady who shares it - and it's valued by her

many blog-buddies...well, she is dying.  Doctors say, a few months.  i don't know her, and don't know what to say, so am not saying anything.   She said, someone (in jest?  oh, haha, very funny) actually asked her if she started making her "bucket list."  What sort of person would fart that out?  A crass idiot, that's who!  Reading the many comments, they're basically so boomer - eh, kinda new-age (bluck).  Not. One. Single. Mention. Of The Lord, of eternity, of Christ, of accountability...

i don't know what to say.  i am a person who has always been in good health (so far), the only thing i can do is PRAY - that someone who knows what she is going through can thoughtfully, compassionatly, for-real ask her if she believes that Jesus Christ died to save her from sin's eternal consequences. 

i don't know how to even approach the REALITY that people are "appointed once to die then afterward the judgment."  Have noticed...yeah, there "a famine of hearers" of Biblical preaching.  Why shoot, i don't even hear people talk about evolution, or 3 billion year old rocks - either here, or on Mars.   While these long timescales are a means to get around and dismiss the least naturalistic science is interesting - and after listening for a while (before spouting off) scientific topics (uh, yeah, it's still a free country.  Johnny is allowed to buy science books, and read them after his mailroom shift.)

We've been told, one way or another, that ONLY long-degreed people can speak of scientific things - while the rest of us are to keep our moldy pie-holes shut, and be good little droids, and go watch tee-vee, take selfies, or ... eech, what. ever.

Well anyway, just thought of something.  Conversations concerning science can lead right into things that science cannot answer.  Scientists study neanderthal man, and know what sorts of tools he used, and the scientists think neanderthals could speak.  But the scientists have very little to go on concerning neanderthal's conversations.  Did they sing?  Did they play football?

Late in their time, per the evolutionists, the neanderthals lived in small isolated groups of not more than a dozen people.   And it looks like, between the extreme cold and competition from newcomers, the neanderthals lost their position.  Had looked around some or any details concerning how they were doing back in 200,000 B.C., but the books seem to focus around 40,000 B.C.  (And yeah, folks can chuck that b.c.e. flim-flam).

Anyway, conversations about science are known to get even semi-educated folks (like me) to thinkin' ... about stuff.  Like, why are we here?  Uhm, if matter and energy are known to trade places...sounds rather other-worldly.  And, in a cold blind universe, by a statistically zero chance, how did algebra come about?

Yep, science can prompt - if not JOLT (for another post) people into thinking - about real things....  Even before this ko-vid, only once in a great while, would a halfway interesting conversation would happen - but people are usually fixated on various sorta/selfies   Wanna see my pics?  (Uhm, not really - but mommy raised me to be polite.)

More later.

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