just listened to a sermon by John MacArthur. Wow! His sermon was about the riots - and today's confusion being evidence of the Lord removing His restraints upon the wicked, because so many people are flipping off His Word. Think MacArthur has a page over at sermonaudio.com, and will check it out when i get on the bus. MacArthur is scholarly, without being snooty - and he expounds alot of Scripture (btw, if there's no Bible, than i'd simply go to a news-site).
In the sermon - linked at Lori Anderson's latest blog-post (Transformed Wife) - he clarifies some things. Like for instance, garden-variety lost people still have a sense of right and wrong, but what can and does happen to a few, or more, of these lost people is, their being given over to, and beyond the point of humanity...does "natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed" ring any bells? (Part of II Peter 2:12). MacArthur explains that run-of-the-mill lost people still have some sense about them, and so do not think/react like the brute beast (who sees nothing wrong with brutalizing pre-schoolers, for no other reason than getting off on seeing little Scotty suffer).
Scary part of the sermon is: the Bible describes what events precede a people getting run off from their home-land. Events that are going on now, (and had been in the works for decades). Fornicating, and blabbing all about it - like it's no big deal - adultery (and of course, it's the wronged spouse's fault - that's exactly what pee-wee told Pam, when she caught him stepping out...). With marital stability out the window (and wives aren't willing to walk off their jobs and go back to the kitchen??? Duh?) guess what's about to BARGE in the front door!
More later. Lunch is over.
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