Here, posting at my blog - in this, presently, free country, i could type a half dozen rude comments, phrasing things in such a way avoiding bot-issues...issues that can shut your blog down. Some years ago AOL had deleted my website, for simply questioning a current practice - one that throughout history was largely not done. Yep, even pagans back then knew that men and women are better suited for different things.
But i won't type rude things about the man. Won't gush approval either. Like the preacher said last night (sermonaudio)... to paraphrase, when you go on social media, does the Lord go with you? Or do you tell the Lord to butt out? This is a daily struggle. And it's also a daily struggle to not make disparaging comments about ms.moneh (as i get ready to head off to work).
Yeah I guess God burns the asexual virgins too.
ReplyDeleteEver notice nothing is ever good enough for your God. Why give people sex drives if having it takes you hell. What a set up for failure.
I suppose I will be burning to a crispy critter too according to your theology. I have had ONE sex partner my entire life. And this is supposed to be a good and loving God?
It's a monster sorry. Even with the sex, humans want closeness and to enjoy life and love. Christianity uses sex to control people anyway.