Saturday, February 15, 2020

Was listening to a preacher last night. Have noticed that preachers with a scottish accent,

(he hailed from north carolina, i think) draw a hard line.  But anyway, Bible is right, and i'm an idiot for arguing.  He said some  things that resonated.  Besides that the world has a judgy tude that would outdoany dour-faced old fundie broad, he was saying the world wants to shove Christians back into tiny churches.  He said, the reason why some churches want to build a school, a gym and such is because, these congregations are so FED UP with the garbage they see day to day.  In short, these parents want to be able to take their kids a place or two where the kids aren't subjected to non-stop rubbish.  Ya know, ya can't even stop for a pizza without some TEEVEE blaring some sort of ... weirdness.

While he did not mention tithing, he did mention putting money where one's mouth is.  Athletic centers cost money.  Got to thinking about the tithe and all.  i only have a quarrel when preachers manipulate their financially pressed congregants to fork over money, while housing bills get partial payments, if that / are paid with a credit card - which already has a balance of ... yikes!

Uh, aren't there Scriptures against not paying your bills/taxes?  Are there not Scriptues against stiffing your neighbors, who will end up taking the slack?  Uh, that same Bible tells us to give to those in need.  Well, one way to do that is to relieve the burden of others is by not becoming a burden to others.  Uh, others who have enough to deal with ... keeping their kids clothed, fed and interested in constructive things.

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