Sunday, February 16, 2020

Back in 2010, or 11, i came across Charles Spurgeon sermons - and it was like he had preached them last Tuesday.

Last night, was listening to Jason Cooley at and he was saying that Spurgeon had preached to thousands at a time.  Yeah, i had read of the great crowds Spurgeon had attracted, but until a few moments ago, hadn't really thought about the fact that 150 years ago, most people didn't have the time or money to gad about looking for entertainment.  No movies, no football games, no internet.

Yeah, back then there were barrooms and dance halls, but respectable people back then were far more choosy of how they spent their precious, and limited, free time.  In other words, even unsaved people would go to hear a KJB (because the newFANGled bibles weren't out yet) sermon, and read them in the weekly paper, or buy them for a penny or so at the local bookshop. 

Today, we download (skanky) movies.  Back then, it was common - even among the working class - to go hear a lecture/sermon.  The former would cost a nominal fee - which many working people couldn't spare, while during the latter, a plate was passed around - if you could only spare a penny, then you gave a penny.  If you had no money, you weren't the only one in the audience with that issue.

Anyway, have to get ready.

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