Friday, February 14, 2020

Want to share my blog with a few people, but am really skittish. For one thing, am one of those people

who (oh dare i say) believes that President Donald Trump is waaayy better than the two previous ones.  Shame though, that our President has caved into the weirdo faction - uh, them psyco-freaks will NEVER be satisfied.  Hey, i didn't write the history - ya know, once is enough, but the attempted break-in happened twice, because the perps wanted to do th' EW! thing.  Nuff said...for now.  Uhm, there's a saying about evil prevailing when good (which i am not) people do nothing.

Anyway, i hesitate to share this, just am not in the mind-frame to deal with scorning rejection right now.  Rejection for being too direct in my own blog.  Over at other people's blogs, i don't want to use rude words to describe people who are just plain bad news waiting to come off the press.

All's i know is: i may not like what the Bible says, but guess what:  the Bible isn't going to soft-peddle or go away because susie doesn't like what the Lord says here and there.  Why even basic algebra frustrates and just ticks me off at times; math laws aren't going to soften up because susie's having excel formula issues.

More latet.

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